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60 Cards in this Set

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The name "Haggai" means


The date of Haggai's message is ca. _____ B.C.E.


The temple was rebuilt ca. _____ B.C.E.


The theme of the book of Haggai is

Rebuild the temple

The name "Zechariah" means

YHWH remembered

The theme of the book of Zechariah is

Restore the spiritual heritage of Israel

The date of the book of Zechariah is ca. ______ B.C.E.


The primary feature that characterizes the prophet, Zechariah, and the book the bears his name is


The existence of Jewish communities in many different parts of the world after the exile is known as

The Diaspora

Which of the following did the most to make life difficult for those who returned to Judah after the exile?

Returning to a country where life, resources, and institutions had been severely damaged by the Babylonian invasion

Parts of the book of Ezra are written in what language other than Hebrew?


In the book of Lamentations, Jerusalem is treated as a personified female figure.


In the Christian old testament canons, Lamentations follows the book of Jeremiah.


In the Jewish canon, the book of Lamentations is part of the book of Psalms.


After the fall of Jerusalem, the entire population of Judah was exiled to Babylon.


The book of Ezekiel is part of the Book of the Twelve.


The identities of Gog and Magog in the book of Ezekiel are clearly linked to specific foreign kings


The primary emphasis of "Second Isaiah" is the message of comfort and deliverance for Israel.


Parts of the book of Lamentations depict Jerusalem during a siege by the Babylonian army.


The books of I and II Kings are commonly included in the collection known by scholars as the Chronistic History.


According to the book of Ezekiel, the prophet Ezekiel himself was one of the exiles


The name "Ezra" means


The name "Nehemiah" means

Comfort of YHWH

Nehemiah's occupation was

Cup Bearer

The theme of the book of Ezekiel is

The fall of Jerusalem

The end of the Exile brought about a full reunification of Israel


The Decree of Cyrus indicated that the returnees were to be provided with resources to take back to their land


The temple was rebuilt in Jerusalem under the leadership of Ezra


The book of Haggai identifies Zerubbabel as the chosen and anointed leader of Israel after the Exile


Both the books of Ezra and Nehemiah contain portions that are composed as first-perosn narratives


Both the books of Ezra and Nehemiah urge the expulsion of all foreign wives from among the returned citizens of Judah.


The prophets Haggai and Zechariah came into conflict over their competing visions of what the rebuilt temple should look like.


The dates of Ezra's return to Judah can be determined with certainty because of the references to Persian kings n=in the book of Ezra.


The citizens of Judah had been the only group of people exiled to Babylon


Jerusalem was conquered and destroyed by which of the following empires?


The book of Lamentations is characterized by which of the following literary features?

Acrostic poetry

Which of the following was not likely a social or cultural change brought about by the exile of the citizens of Judah?

Greater emphasis on the careful selection of kings

In Jewish tradition, the book of Lamentations is read at which of the following "festivals"?

The Ninth of Ab

The theme of the book of Lamentations is

a lament

The theme of the book of Ezra-Nehemiah is

A record of the reconstruction

The final destruction of Jerusalem came in what year?

587 B.C.E.

What nation conquered and exiled Judah?


What is the book of Lamentations lamenting?

The fall of Judah

The name "Ezekiel" means

God Strengthens

The synagogue originated during

The exilic period

Ezekiel's father was named


Ezekiel was deported to Babylon in _____ B.C.E.


The king of Persia who defeated the Babylonians was named


When was the "decree of restoration" issued by the king of Persia?

538 B.C.E.

The final emperor of Babylon was


The Decree of Cryus can be found in the Old Testament in

II Chronicles and Ezra

Which of the following biblical books is composed of four prophetic or aces and their narrative settings?


According to the biblical record and some information from other sources, the amount of time between the destruction of Solomon's temple and the building of the second temple was about

60-70 years

The date most often assigned to the destruction of Jerusalem and the beginning of exilic period is

586 B.C.E.

The total length of time of the Exile was about

50 years

Which of the following has not been suggested as an identity for the "servant" in the servant songs of Isaiah?


Which event was Ezekiel specifically forbidden to mourn?

The death of his wife

The theme of the book of Haggai is

Build the temple!

The theme of the book of Zechariah is

God is going to preserve

In Ezekiel 8, for whom were the elders of Israel wailing?
