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71 Cards in this Set

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What is the role of a judge in Biblical times? (3 parts)
1. non-heriditary position
2. established by the giving of Yahweh's spirit--charisma
3. "shofet" (ruler, both military and judicial)
What does "shofet" mean?
ruler, both military and judicial
What is the Cycle of Apostasy? (5 steps)
1. Faithfulness
2. Breaking of the covenant
3. Forgetfulness
4. Crying out to God
5. Redemption
Name three of the judges.
1. Deborah
2. Gideon
3. Samson
Where is the second place in the Old Testament where a poem occurs within a narrative?
Song of Deborah
What verse in Judges sets the context for the coming of the Monarchy?
Judges 21:25
At the end of judges, Israel is in a state of ____, which shows a need for a ____.
anarchy; king
Who had the most to do with the establishment of the monarchy?
What character in the OT works as a transitional figure between Judges and Kings?
____ was the last of the judges and the first prophet to anoint a king?
What were the three roles of Samuel?
1. Judge
2. Prophet
3. King maker
"Anointing" was important because it showed ____ ____.
God's choice
What does "mashiach" mean in Hebrew?
"anointed one"
"mashiach" translated to Greek is ___.
"mashiach" translated to English is ____.
Who was Israel's first king?
How many years did Saul reign?
20 years
Saul took a ____ role.
Unless Israel was ____ they were vulnerable. Saul offered the best ____ to rescue.
united; hop
How does Saul die?
He commits suicide.
Saul's suicide sets the story for ___ to become king.
How long did David reign?
40 years
David ____ power.
___ has more power than any other Israelite king.
Who moves the capital to Jerusalem?
David has political ___ and ____ vision.
saavy; religious
What was a sign that David moved to capital to Jerusalem?
He moved the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem.
Moving the Ark of the Covenant Jerusalem declared that national religion lay at the base of David's kingdom, which led to later references to Jerusalem as the ___ of ____.
Kingdom of David
What was the unifying force of the Kingdom of David?
the worship of Yahweh
What was one of the last acts David does before he dies?
securing the site for the temple
Why isn't David allowed to build the temple?
because of his actions regarding the taking of a census which causes a plague for which he wants to offer a sacrifice to avert the plague
What was THE final act of David before he died?
pronouncing Solomon king to replace him
What are the three things David did as king?
1. Established Jerusalem as his capital
2. Established the House of David
3. Wrote the poetic literature of Israel
How long did the House of David last?
more than 400 years
Who is the Father of Israel's hymns?
How long did Solomon reign?
40 years
Solomon had a ____ reign compared to David.
What book are the Worship writings in?
The worship writings are messages ___ God, not ___ God.
to; not from
What three things do the worship writings represent?
1. God is just
2. This life is all there is.
3. Since God is just, the good will prosper and the bad will suffer.
What does "tehillim" mean in Hebrew?
"hymns of praise"
How many years did it take to write the wisdom literature?
600 years
What is the Greek name for the psalms?
The Psalms are grouped into __ books.
What are the 6 categories of psalms?
1. hymns of praise
2. psalms of thanksgiving
3. laments
4. royal psalms
5. enthronement psalms
6. psalms of wisdom
What are orphan psalms?
psalms found outside the Book of Psalms
What is the literary/poetic technique that expresses similar ideas in a verbal structure?
What book is the wisdom literature found in?
Wisdom literature was designed to be ____ or ____.
educational or reflective
What were the two types of wisdom literature?
1. practical (concerned with matters of everyday living)
2. philosophical (concerned with deep questions humans have about life)
What was Proverbs believed to be?
teaching curriculum for Israelite youth
Proverbs approaches life as essentially ___.
What is an acrostic?
teaching device with 22 verses with each vers starting with the next letter of teh Hebrew alphabet
What passage in Proverbs is concerned with the praise of women.
Proverbs 31
Was King Lemuel an Israelite king?
What is a theodicy?
a discussion of certain thological problems raised by human suffering
What is retribution theology?
view that all human events are God's reward or punishment for human obedience or disobedience
What book is the wisdom literature found in?
Wisdom literature was designed to be ____ or ____.
educational or reflective
What were the two types of wisdom literature?
1. practical (concerned with matters of everyday living)
2. philosophical (concerned with deep questions humans have about life)
What was Proverbs believed to be?
teaching curriculum for Israelite youth
Proverbs approaches life as essentially ___.
What is an acrostic?
teaching device with 22 verses with each vers starting with the next letter of teh Hebrew alphabet
What passage in Proverbs is concerned with the praise of women.
Proverbs 31
Was King Lemuel an Israelite king?
What is a theodicy?
a discussion of certain thological problems raised by human suffering
What is retribution theology?
view that all human events are God's reward or punishment for human obedience or disobedience
What was the Israelites perspective of the time?
1. God was just and gave justice to humankind
2. This life is all there is, no concept of the afterlife
3. If justice was to be done it had to be done in this life
Where is the core of arguments from Job's friends?
Job 4:7-9
Why did Job's friends think he was being punished?
because of his sin
What is the value of wisdom?
Only God knows where wisdom can be found.