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128 Cards in this Set

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What’s used before a laparoscopy to prevent damage to the bladder?

Red rubber

Why are trocars used?

For a laparoscopy, inserted proper to and it drains the bladder

An endoscopic visualization of the peritoneal cavity through the abdominal wall after establishing a pneumoperitoneum is?


What are the components for performing a laparoscopy?

A verres needle is used to insufflate the abdomen with carbon dioxide which then establishes a pneumoperitoneum

Pneumoperitoneum is effected by instilling gas into the peritoneal cavity by way of a?

Verres needle

To prevent bladder bladder injury, decompression is facilitated with the use of a?

Foley catheter

Endoscopic visitation of the uterus is a?


The act of blowing a gas into a cavity is called?


What clamps are used during a hysterectomy?

Right neck tie, ballentine and heaney clamps

During a hysterectomy what’s used to retract ligaments?

O’conner O’Sullivan

During a hysterectomy what’s used to incise ligaments?

Jorgenson scissors

What’s used to incise the uterus?

Lister/bandage scissors

During a hysterectomy:?

The peritoneal tissue connecting the bladder and uterus is called a bladder flap

A Foley catheter is placed into the presurgical hysterectomy patient to?

Record accurate intake and output

What sutures are used to prevent stone formation during a hysterectomy?

Chromic and monocryl

The suture ligature for the uterine vessels and ligaments would be?

0 chromic

The suture used for reperitonealization of the bladder flap would be?

2.0 chromic

Instruments used to close the vaginal vault in an abdominal hysterectomy must be?

Considered contaminated after use

During a vaginal hysterectomy:?

The abdominal wall remains intact

In what order are ligaments incised during a hysterectomy?

Round, broad, uterosacral, cardinal

In what order are ligaments incised during a hysterectomy?

Round, broad, uterosacral, cardinal

During an A&P repair the anterior is a?


During an A&P repair the posterior repairs a?


During an A&P repair what type of clamp would we need an abundance of?

Allis clamps

What would an anterior and posterior repair accomplish?

Repair of cystocele and rectocele

During an A&P repair the patient is in what position?


In what case would we perform a C-section?

When the mother fails to progress in dilating and or thinning

What position is a patient in for a C-section?


Drugs used to contract the uterus after delivery of the placenta are?


How many counts are taken during a c-section? What are they?

1- initial

2- closing the uterus

3- closing abdominal cavity

4- closing the skin

The 2nd time to perform a surgical count during a c-section is upon closure of the peritoneum?


During a c-section what retractor is used on the bladder?

Delee retractor

What is the first item needed following the delivery of a baby by c-section?

Bulb syringe to suction the mouth and nose of the infant

What must be done before a tubal ligation can be done?

Special informed consent must be signed

What instruments are often used for tubal ligation?

Hulka clips and fallopy rings

Tubal ligation is the only irreversible means of sterility?


What term describes the descent of the fetus into the pelvis usually 2 weeks before labor?


What term describes the descent of the fetus into the pelvis usually 2 weeks before labor?


The first feeling of movement in the uterus from the fetus is called?


The thinning of the cervix is called?


Darkening of the mother’s face in the shape of a butterfly due to hormones is?


Linea nigra

Darkened line that descends down from the belly button when pregnant

Placenta is abnormally implanted in the lower uterine segment and may completely cover the cervical os?

Placenta previa

Placenta prematurely separates from the uterine wall?

Abrupito placenta

Mothers pelvis is too small to accommodate the fetal head?

Cephalopelvic disproportion

Mothers pelvis is too small to accommodate the fetal head?

Cephalopelvic disproportion

Painful and difficult labor


Placenta ecreda is a painless complication of pregnancy?


Which maternal complication of the third trimester does NOT produce pain?

Placenta previa

A woman pregnant for the first time is a?


During labor where and why would a pad be placed?

Under the patients left side, left hip to decrease pressure on the vena cava

The first stool of an infant/fetus is called?


Incision into the perineum during normal labor to prevent lacerations and facilitate delivery is an?


Incision into the perineum during normal labor to prevent lacerations and facilitate delivery is an?


A blood tinged mucosal vagina discharge that occurs at the cervix begins to dilate is?

Bloody show

Incision into the perineum during normal labor to prevent lacerations and facilitate delivery is an?


A blood tinged mucosal vagina discharge that occurs at the cervix begins to dilate is?

Bloody show

Which maternal condition occurs 2-3 days postpartum?

Lochia rubra

Incision into the perineum during normal labor to prevent lacerations and facilitate delivery is an?


A blood tinged mucosal vagina discharge that occurs at the cervix begins to dilate is?

Bloody show

Which maternal condition occurs 2-3 days postpartum?

Lochia rubra

Which lochia occurs three to ten days postpartum and is a pale, serosanginous discharge?

Lochia serosa

Incision into the perineum during normal labor to prevent lacerations and facilitate delivery is an?


A blood tinged mucosal vagina discharge that occurs at the cervix begins to dilate is?

Bloody show

Which maternal condition occurs 2-3 days postpartum?

Lochia rubra

Which lochia occurs three to ten days postpartum and is a pale, serosanginous discharge?

Lochia serosa

Which lochia occurs from the tenth day to three weeks postpartum and is a creamy yellow discharge?

Lochia alba


The mothers first milk that’s rich in nutrients

What are the three layers of the uterus?

Fundus, body and cervix

The upper portion of the uterus is called?

The fundus

What prevents the uterus from falling into the vagina?

Uterosacral ligament

The cervix communicates directly with the?


Where are the Fallopian tubes located?

Contained within the broad ligament

The three internal layers of the uterus are?

Endometrium, myometrium and perimetrium

What is the uterine lining?


What makes up the pelvic girdle?

Ileum, ishium, symphsis pubis, sacrum and coccyx

The vagina’s pH is?


In which stage of labor is the infant delivered?

2nd stage

In which stage of labor is the placenta delivered?

3rd stage

A bartholins cyst is removed of incised through the vaginal outlet and is then drained. This is called?

Marsupilation of bartholins cyst

Placement of a purse string suture in the submucosal layer of the cervical os to prevent spontaneous abortion in the second trimester is?


Suspension of the bladder to the symphsis pubis to correct stress incontinence is?

Marshall marchetti krantz

A common abdominal complication caused by repeated pelvic inflammatory disease?


Conization of the cervix is performed?

To remove a lesion or tissue

A patient has stress incontinence they should be scheduled for what?

Marshall marchetti krantz

An iodine staining of the cervix to determine bacteria types and abnormal cell growth is?

Schillers year

Closing the internal os of an incompetent cervix with a ligature of tape is?


Large glands located on either side of the lower vagina in the libia majora are the?

Bartholins glands

A radical procedure involving the reproductive, genitourinary, gastrointestinal, vascular and lymphatic system is a?

Pelvic exenteration

A radical procedure involving the reproductive, genitourinary, gastrointestinal, vascular and lymphatic system is a?

Pelvic exenteration

Lugols solution is primarily?


During an MMK a ____ would be used to correct stress incontinence?

Suprapubic catheter

Absence of menstruation


Painful menstruation


Active uterine bleeding other than menstruation


Excessive bleeding before, during and after menstruation


The end result of non-fertilization is?


A total abdominal hysterectomy is the removal of?

Uterus ONLY

A salpingectomy is?

The removal of Fallopian tube

An ectopic pregnancy is one in which?

The fetus lodged in an area other than the uterine cavity

An ectopic pregnancy is one in which?

The fetus lodged in an area other than the uterine cavity

The removal of one ovary is called?

Unilateral oophrectomy

An ectopic pregnancy is one in which?

The fetus lodged in an area other than the uterine cavity

The removal of one ovary is called?

Unilateral oophrectomy

Removal of the ovaries, Fallopian tubes, uterus and part/portion of the cervix is a?

Total abdominal hysterectomy bilateral salpingoophrectomy

An ectopic pregnancy is one in which?

The fetus lodged in an area other than the uterine cavity

The removal of one ovary is called?

Unilateral oophrectomy

Removal of the ovaries, Fallopian tubes, uterus and part/portion of the cervix is a?

Total abdominal hysterectomy bilateral salpingoophrectomy

When only a portion of the products of conception are aborted is?

Incomplete abortion

Product of conception is not living and is retained in the uterus for two months or longer is called?

Missed abortion

Product of conception is not living and is retained in the uterus for two months or longer is called?

Missed abortion

Abortion that occurs without the patient being induced is?

Spontaneous abortion

APGAR ratings are taken at one and five minute intervals


Normal fetal heart tones are?

120 to 160 regular

Sebaceous covering of the fetus that protects its skin is?

Vernix caseosa

Instrument used to measure the depth of the uterus?

Uterine sound

Instrument used to scrape tissue from the endometrium?


In what order are the instrument of a D&C tray?

Tenaculum, sound, dilators, curettes

During a D&C the surgeon requests the kuvorkian curette to?

Obtain endocervical curettings

What drug contracts the uterus and induces labor?


Medication that removes mucus from the uterus?

Acetic acid

Drug used to detect cervical displasia?

Lugols solution

Medication used to prevent seizures and preclampsia?

Magnesium sulfate

Branch of medicine which deals with prenatal care, childbirth and postpartum care is?


Which style of suture is placed on the appendix?

Purse string

What’s the purpose of having a patient in trendelinberg position?

To shift abdominal contents away from the operative site

A tubal ligation done postpartum is a?


Removal of fibroma’s from the uterine walls is?
