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108 Cards in this Set

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Where is GnRH released from?

The hypothalamus

Where are FSH and LH released from?

The anterior pituitary

What does FSH do?

-FSH stimulates the ovary to produce estradiol/ estrogen

-Causes follicle growth in the ovaries (immature eggs)

Describe estradiol positive and negative feedback

-Estradiol will be released by the growing follicle. Estradiol causes a negative feedback of FSH.

-Estradiol causes a positive feedback on LH

What does LH do?

Causes the release of progesterone

What are the three phases of the menstrual cycle? How long does each last?

1. Follicular (day 1-13/14)

2. Ovulatory (16-32 hrs)

3. Luteal (14 days total)

When does mittleschmerz occur?

During the ovulatory phase

What is the corpus luteum? What is the role of it?

a. Corpus luteum: a hormone-secreting structure that develops in an ovary afteran ovum has been discharged but degenerates after a few days unless pregnancyhas begun.b. The corpus luteum will secrete largeamounts of estrogen and progesterone and prepare the uterus for fertilization c. Progesterone causes the endometrium tothicken, filling with fluids and nutrients to nourish the potential embryo. Inaddition, it will cause mucus in the cervix to thicken, so that sperm andbacteria are less likely to enter the uterus. Will also increase basal bodytemperature by 0.5-1.0 degrees F --> returns to baseline when progesteronesecretion stops

During which phase of the menstrual cycle does a person bleed?

Follicular phase

What drugs are used for a medical abortion? Describe the MOA of each

Mifeprostone & Misoprolol

-Mifeprostone: progesterone antagonist. W/o progesterone, the uterine wall will slough off

-Misoprolol: prostaglandin analog - will lead to uterine contraction

What is the difference b/w menorrhagia and metrorrhagia?

-Menorrhagia: Heavy or prolonged bleeding

-Metrorrhagia: bleeding b/w menstrual cycles

When should you perform an endometrial biopsy?

-Endometrium >4cm

-Women >35 y/o who are amenorrheac

to r/o endometrial hyperplasia or carcinoma

How should you tx acute heavy bleeding?

-High dose IV estrogens

-Followed by high dose OCP that is tapered until bleeding stops

-If high dose IV estrogen fails, perform D&C

Describe primary vs secondary amenorrhea

1. Primary amenorrhea:

-Failure of onset of menses & no development of 2/2 sex characteristics @ 13 y/o

-Failure of onset of menses w/ development of 2/2 sex characteristics @ 15 y/o

2. Secondary amenorrhea: absence of menstruation x 3 mo's w/ previously nl menstruation

What are the causes of primary amenorrhea in those WITH 2/2 sex characteristics?

Uterus present:

-Outflow obstruction (imperforate hymen, transverse vaginal septum)

Uterus absent:

-Mullerian agenesis

-Androgen insensitivity

What are the causes of primary amenorrhea in those WITHOUT secondary sex characteristics?

Ovarian causes:

-Premature ovarian failure

-Gonandal dysgenesis

Non-Ovarian causes:

-hypothalamus pituitary failure

-Puberty delay (anorexia, illness, athlete)

What occurs with unopposed estrogen?

-Proliferation of the endometrium

-No progesterone to cause shedding

What is the initial lab workup for amenorrhea?

-Pregnancy test

-Serum prolactin



What is cryptomenorrhea?

-Menses occurs but is unable to exit the vaginal due to outflow obstruction (ex: intact hymen, transverse vaginal septum)

What are teh S&S of cryptomenorrhea?

-On vulval inspection: a tense, bulging, bluish membrane is seen

-On rectal examination: a large bulging mass is felt.

What are the hypothalamus pituitary dysfxn causes of secondary amenorrhea?

-Dz of hypothalamus or pituitary

-Anoerxia/ exercise

-Severe bodily stress

How do you tx hypothalamus pituitary dysfxn causing secondayr amenorrhea?

-Stimulate GnRH production using clomiphene

What is the role of prolactin? What does it inhibit? What inhibits prolactin?

-Role: aids in mammary gland development and milk secretion in pregnancy

-Inhibits: GnRH secretion

-Inhibited by: Dopamine

What will the labs of someone with a prolactinoma look like?

-Remember*: prolactin inhibits GnRH, however there is no direct way to measure GnRH


-High Prolactin levels

What are the S&S of estrogen deficiency?

-Hot flashes

-Sleep/ mood disorders

-Vaginal atrophy/ dryness

-Thin/ dry skin


What is Asherman's syndrome?

-Uterine scarring 2/2 postpartum hemorrhage, D&C, or endometrial infection

When is adenomyosis?

-Growth of endometrial tissue in the myometrium

-Different from endometriosis bc endometriosis is growth of endometrial tissue OUTSIDE the uterine cavity

What is the average age of dx in adenomyosis?

-35-50 y/o

What are the S&S of adenomyosis?




-*Uniformly enlarged, boggy uterus*

How do you tx adenomyosis?


-G.S: post- TAH

What is endometritis?

-Infection of the endometrium during pregnancy or post-partum

-If no pregnancy, called PID

What are the MC bacterial causes of endometritis? When do these infections usually occur?



-S. Aureus


-S/P C-Sec = MC due to retained uterine products

-S/P Vaginal delivery

How do you try and prevent endometritis during C-Sec?

-Give one dose of 1st gen cephalosporin

How do you tx endometritis?

-C-Sec: Gentamicin & clindamicin

-Vaginal delivery/ chorioamnionitis: ampicillin + gentamicin

What is the MC area for endometrial tissue to travel to in pt's with endometriosis?


What is the MC cause of infertility?


How do you tx endometrial hyperplasia w/o atypia?

-Progesterone tx PO or via IUD

-Recheck endometrial thickness in 3-6 mo's

What is the MC gynecological malignancy in the US?

Endometrial CA

What are causes of inc estrogen exposure?


-Chronic anovulation




Describe the gravidity parity system

How do you dx menopause?

-Inc serum FSH/LH

-Dec serum estrogen

What drug induces ovulation?


How do you tx stress incontinence?

-Pelvic floor exercises

-Alpha agonists: Midodrine, pseudoephedrine


What is the cause of urge incontinence?

-Detrusor mm overactivity... detrusor mm forms the wall of the bladder

-AKA overactive bladder

How do you tx overactive bladder/ urge incontinence?

-Bladder training

-Anticholinergics: 1st line - Tolterodine, propantheline. 2nd line - oxybutinin

What GYB cancer has the highest mortality?

-Ovarian CA

-Rarely sx until late in the dz course

What serum marker can be used in ovarian CA to monitor progress?


What is the MC benign ovarian neoplasm?

-Dermoid cystic teratomas

What are possible complications of PCOS?


-Inc risk endometrial hyperplasia

-Inc risk endometrial CA

How do you tx hirsuitism in PCOS?


What HPV is MC associated with Cervical CA?

-16 & 18 strains

What is the first sx of cervical CA?

-Post coital bleeding/ spotting

What are the RF for cervical insufficiency?

-Hx of cervix trauma or procedure


-Abnl uterus

-DES exposure in utero

How do you tx cervical insufficiency?

-Weekly progesterone injections



What is the MC sx of vulvar CA?


What are the signs seen on exam in trichomonas infection?

-Frothy yellow/ green discharge

-Strawberry cervix

How can you tx chlaymdia?

-Azithromycin 1 g 1x


-Doxycycline 100 mg BID x 7 d's

How can you tx gonorrhea?

-Azithromycin 1 g 1x


-Ceftriaxone IM 250 mg 1x

What causes a chancroid?

Haemophilus ducreyi

What are the S&S of a chancroid?

-Painful genital ulcer

-(+/-) foul smelling d/c from the ulcer

-Painful inguinal LAD

How do you tx chancroid?

-Azithromycin 1 g 1x


-Ceftriaxone 250 mg IM 1x

What is a potential complication of PID?

Fitz-Hugh Curtis syndrome

What exam findings are necessary to dx PID?

1. Abd tenderness

2. Adnexal tenderness

3. Cervical motion tenderness

What is the MC cause of TSS?

S. Aureus

What are the S&S of TSS?

-Sudden onset fever, tachycardia pharyngitis

-Diffuse macular rash, palms & soles included, resembling sunburn

If someone has WBC casts on UA and UTI sx, what does this indicate?

Pyelonephritis!!!!! AH!!!!

How do you tx an ectopic pregnancy?

-Unruptured: methotrexate

-Ruptured: laparoscopic salpingostomy

What is true for bHCG levels in ectopic pregnancy?

Will fail to double in 24-48 hrs

What is the MC cause of mastitis?

S. Aureus

How should you tx mastitis w/o abscess?

-Warm compresses

-Abx: dicloxacillin, clindamycin, or keflex

-Can continue to breast feed from the affected breast

What will a biopsy of fibrocystic breast disorder show?

Straw-colored fluid

Where is the MC location of breast CA?

Upper outer quadrant

Where does Breast CA mets to?





What is the MC type of breast CA?

Infiltrative ductal carcinoma

What is paget's disease of the breast?

-Found in breast CA

-chronic eczematous, itching, scaling rash on the nipple and the areola

When may you see an abnormally high hCG?


What is the role of progesterone during pregnancy?

–Relaxes smooth muscle (the uterus)

–Inhibits uterine contractions therebypreventing spontaneous AB

Where is oxytocin produced?

The posterior pituitary

What is the role of oxytocin in pregnancy?

-Stimulates uterine contractions andpotentially preterm labor... artificial oxytocin is used to induce labor

-Responsible for the milk ejection reflex whennipples are stimulated

What tests should be done during an initial prenatal visit?

-Pelvic (pap smear)

-G/C culture

-UA for UTI

-CBC – anemia

-Rh status

-screen and type




-rubella immunity, chicken pox immunity


-Ifat high risk for gestational DM, test may be done at first visit

Is Rh (+) or (-) more troublesome?

-RH (-) is more troublesome, if not first pregnancy must give Rhogam @ 28 wks

When can you begin to hear fetal heart tones?

10-12 wks

When is first screen?

-10-12 wks

-US that tests for Trisomy 21 (DS) and Trisomy 18 (Edwards)

When should a pregnant woman begin to feel movement?

15-20 wks

When can you determine a babies sex?

18-20 wks via US

When should you do a GBS swap?

-35-37 wks

What is dystocia? What are the types?

Dystocia = abnl labor progression

1. Power: uterine contractions

2. Passenger: abnl fetal positioning

3. Passage: abnl maternal anatomy

How can you tx shoulder dystocia?

-McRobert's manuever

-Wood's "Corkscrew" maneuver

What is a molar pregnancy vs choriocarcinoma?

-Molar pregnancy: abnormal gestational tissue resulting in a non-viable pregnancy

-Choriocarcinoma: occurs when the tissue becomes malignant

What are the types of molar pregnancy?

-Complete: Egg w/ no DNA is fertilized by 1-2 sperm. Inc risk of choriocarcinoma w/ this type

-Partial: Egg w/ DNA is fertilized by 2 sperm.

What are the S&S of hydratiform mole?

-Bleeding/ brown d/c: occurs at 6 wks-5 mo's.

-Abnl size/ date of uterus: larger than expected.

-Hyperemesis gravidum: from inc. amount of BHCG

How do you dx hydratiform mole?

-Labs: MARKEDLY increased BHCG; low AFP

-US: "snowstorm"/ "cluster of grapes" appearance

How do you tx molar pregnancy & choriocarcinoma?

-Molar pregnancy: uterine suction curettage

-Chorio: Methotrexate


When do you test for gestational DM?

24-28 wks

When should you deliver a child if the mother has gestational DM?

-38 wks

When do you give rhogam?

-28 wks

-Again w/in 72 hrs before delivery

-Any abnl bleeding `

What are tocolytics? What are the purpose of them? Name examples.

-Tocolytics: inhibit uterine contractions. Given 48 hr before premature delivery.

-Purpose: allow for exogenous steroids to take full action on fetus.

-Ex's: Terbutaline, ritodrine, MgSO4

When should you not give a tocolytic?

Intrauterine infection

What anti-emetic drug is first line in pregnancy?


What is placental previa? What are the types?

-Abnormal positioning of the placenta over the cervix

-Marginal: 2-3 cm away from cervix

-Partial: partially covering the cervix

-Complete: fully covering the cervix

What are the S&S of placenta previa?

-PAINLESS, bright red bleeding in the 3rd trimester

-Bleeding will cease in 1 hr

-No abd or uterine pain

-Soft uterus

How do you tx placenta previa?

-Hospitalization for stabilization

-Tocolytics until exogenous steroids kicked in for fetus

What is abruptio placentae?

When the placenta immaturely separates from the uterine wall

What are the RF for abruptio placentae?


-Cocaine use



-Folate deficiency

What are the S&S of abruptio placentae?

-PAINFUL, dark red blood that does not stop

-Abd pain

-Rigid uterus

-Fetal bradycardia = fetal distress

What is the tx for abruptio placentae?

-Immediate delivery

What is HELLP syndrome?

Develops during pre-clampsia

-H: hemolytic anemia

-E & L : elevated liver enzymes

-L & P: low platelets

What HTN drugs are safe in pregnancy?



