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145 Cards in this Set

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Methods of social influence
Giving impressions of who is in power and who is not
Rational Persuasion
having evidence to make an argument (attorneys)
Emotional Appeals
Language matters in both ways
Two attempts for emotional appeal
Consultation, Impression management /Appreciation
influencer knows but the influenced person doesn’t (asking advice)
Impression management /Appreciation
knowing when to say or ask things in a current mood
Sources of individual power
-If you’re the top dog, you have more power
-Rational persuasion (you know more)
-Inspirational appeal
-If that doesn’t work, consultation
Tactics for social influence from the bottom
Multiple requests
Foot in the door
Door in the face
2 Things that show the sources of power
Person, Position
4 things from a Position power
Reward Power, Coercive, Legitionate, Information power
4 things from a Person Power about their Personality
Expert, Referent, Rational Persuasion, Charisma
Reward Power
paying people more for power
power to punish
agreed upon that they can do the things they do (status)
Information power
knowing things for power (knowing before other people)
well-liked, ethical
Rational persuasion
know how to present your argument
confidence, bigger than life quality
how you know what you know
Two theories of group power
Resource dependency theory & Strategic Contingencies Theory
Resource dependency theory
dependent on resources from other firms
Strategic Contingencies Theory
Centrality, Substitutability, Answer important questions (Uncertainty)
what group is most essential to a mission
people who are hard to replace
Answer important questions (Uncertainty)
people who can answer these questions have more power
Political behavior & games
outside job description
Self or group improvement (not good for organization)
not sanctioned behavior
Acquire Alliances- able to get the work done better
Whistle Blowing
3 things to determine if it's clear vs. unethical
Information, Stattering IOU’s, Responsibility
Clear VS. Unethical: Information
selectively withhold info and give to certain others, distort info, lie, excessive presentation
Clear VS. Unethical: Stattering IOU’s
doing a favor and you’re able to cash in to get what you want
Clear VS. Unethical: Responsibility
able to come up with excuses for problems (having a scapegoat)
Why a Game?
There are moves that players can make which are predictable and that there’s a payoff after determing the steps
-Counter-insurgency – (cat and mouse game)
Formation of alliances
Sponsorship, Empire building, Change games (Young Turks)
those above you
Empire building
Those below you
Change games (Young Turks)
younger people taking us down the wrong path
Predictors of POl. Behav.: When
Not at the beginning, usually when an organization is old and losing market share
Predictors of POl. Behav.: Where
Further up the political chart, more likely to engage in political behavior
Exception: Human Resources
Predictors of POl. Behav.: Who
Machiavelli’s, achievement oriented, high self-monitoring
Day to day tasks need to be completed
Short term
Evaluate on tasks completed through the work of others
Interested in maintaining the current vision; time horizon is now
Long term
More removed from the people getting the tasks done
Overall performance of the organization
Look into the future and change; “how can we do things differently”
Is it possible for a person to have both roles?
Frequently the kind of leader an organization:
fluctuates from one side to the other (the two sides being a visionary or a manager
Strategic planning
thinking about a vision that isn’t in existence
Qualities of a Leader
1. Energy/Drive
2. Confidence
3. Know the business
4. Intelligence
a) Integrate information
b) Emotional
c) Cultural
5. Flexibility
6. Desire to be influential (social power oriented)
Leader Behaviors
Decision making and supervision styles
Decision making styles
Autocratic, Democratic
one individual decision
Supervision style
Directive leaders, Permissive
Directive leaders
watching over the shoulder
let others do what they want
4 Different styles
Permissive democrat
Directive democrat
Permissive autocrat
Issues with Leadership behaviors
Cultures have an impact on these different styles
OSU/Mich Studies: Conclusions
Task-Orientation/Imitating Structure/Productivity; Showing Consideration/Person Oriented/Relational
Task-Orientation/Imitating Structure/Productivity
Leaders are interested in getting the task done, performance faster, telling people how to do things
Showing Consideration/Person Oriented/Relational
Leader who is spending time with the people; giving emotional support, not about task, it’s about the person
These are independent;
a leader can be both in these two fields
Black & Moutan's "Managerial Grid"
Grid which ranks from 0-9 on both task and person scales
Best score is 9,9
Issues with the Managerial Grid
It assumes that there is only one right way to do things
Leader Member Exchange Theory (LMX)
Leaders are able to identity who is going to be in the “In” group and that there are “followers” who “are not worthy”

-Members of that in group get more and more opportunities where as the people in the out group get less and less.
-Member of the in group is highly satisfied with the leader where as the member of the out group dislike the leader
Attribution Theory
Followers see leaders behavior as cause of success failure
-Things go bad, blame leader; things go great, praise leader
Types of Leaders
Laissez faire,
Charismatic leader,
Transformational Leader
Laissez faire
leader does whatever they want
don’t do things unless things start to go in the wrong direction
Transactional leader
- leader who is far more active, busy by trying to get the people do the right things (mostly dealing with themselves
Charismatic leader
person who is capable to get other people to follow them and respect them
Characteristics of a Charismatic leader
1. Have a vision who is able to communicate with others; others haven’t seen before
2. Hugely confident
3. Quirky
4. Knowledge of when to take action
Example of a Charismatic Leader
Bad side to a Charismatic Leader
Nothing that has to do with ethics
2. Potential to lead people the wrong way
3. Getting people’s uncritical adderation, can have people lose their critical thinking skills; no successor
Transformational Leader
same characteristics of a charismatic leader, but bigger changes
More info. on a Transformational Leader
the transformational leader expects the people to use their brain, and not sheep
-Recognition of different needs for each person
-people exceed their own expectation
Example of a Transformational Leader
Steve Jobbs
Can you learn how to become a good leader?
People can be taught how to communicate their vision
4 Contingency Theories of Leadership
LPC Contingency Theory (Fiedler), Situational Leadership (Hersey & Blanchard), Path-Goal Theory (House), Normative Decision Model (Vroom)
Basics of LPC
According to Dr. Feedler, you really like deadlines and doing the work, or you’re the people person and you are able to deal with the people. You also can’t change your stripes and be the other side
Feedler gave you a test:
Think of all the people you have worked with and pick the person you have the hardest time working with
You would rate this person from pleasant to unpleasant, creative to non creative, etc.
If you gave fairly positive responded to the traits to the terrible co-worker, you turn out to be the compassionate leader
If you gave fairly negative responded to the traits, you are a task-oriented person
3 factors: Situational Control (Feedler)
Leader group relations, Task Structure, Position power
Leader group relations
If there is a lot of trust since of loyalty, then that’s a situation when there’s more control than if there was a lot of conflict with each other
Task Structure
Clear rules and goals
Position power
Can make people’s lives good or bad, situational control make sense
Fiedler's Final thoughts
you’re a high LPC or not and because people cannot change, and because people can’t change you have to match that person with a certain situation
Situational Leadership
A good leader can switch from task to relational
The maturity of your followers
2 components of Situational Leadership
How are you able
How are you not able
Key Reason with Situational Leadership
the effective leader is monitoring the people and pushing them to reach the goals.
Problem with Situational Leadership
not all of the followers are going to change at the same time
Path Goal Theory (House)
Still deals with task and relational
4 Different Leadership styles
Directive, Supportive, Participative, Achievement-oriented
task oriented; when people don’t know what to do
Relationship oriented
decision making that includes from lower groups
challenging people with goals, giving people hard but possible goals, reassurance that they can do it
Basic Idea of Path-Goal Theory
If followers believe that with help from the leader arrives at the path, then in the estimation of those followers, that person is a leader (leader in the eyes of the follower)
If person has low ability-Directive
If person has high ability- achievement or Relationship
Group already cohesive- Participant
Normative Decision Model (Vroom)
Leadership is defined on how you decide
5 Decisions the leader can make
AI, AII, CI, CII, Group
Autocratic Decisions, AI,AII
decisions made by the leader with out the consult of others
person makes decision but doesn’t ask for information
person makes a decision but asked for more information
Consultative decisions: CI, CII
Still make the decision on your own but with more consult with others
bring people in one by one, and you make the decision
bring people all together, get information and you make the decision
makes the decision (Leader brings everyone together and they all make a decision)
Good Leaders
have range of decision making methods and they know when to use them
Questions before making a decision
1. Do I have enough information to make a decision
2. How might my decision made alone be sabotaged (will it be acceptable to the followers)
overestimate how leaders are
There are circumstances where leadership is irrelevant
Demand has gone up
Quality of the product
Employees are trained, goal-oriented
Good communications
values, behaviors, attitudes that are shared by an organization
What is the key to culture
to find out what everyone can agree on
Common issues addressed by OC
Way people are treated, risk, employee involvement, how communication is done, people doing what they do because they've done it that way, organization values
Issues: The way people are treated:
How friendly are they to each other
and are people seen as "machines"
Issues: Risk
Companies that don't mind being in a vulnerable spot where others are
Issues: Employee Involvement
to strip out a lot of the management and find out whats going on
Issues: Communication
Everybody is circulate; few secrets
Others are more private
Issues: Org. Values
Price, Quality, Service
Hard to have all 3 things
Companies choose what means the most to them
Strong Cultures
has very few subcultures
Living in a culture long enough makes you realize you're in it
(Fish don't know they are wet)
Effects of Strong culture
Easier Recruitment
Easier Training
Higher Attendance
Quicker Decisions
Competing Values
Flexibility and Focus
High Flex; Internal Focus
Clan (people want to work for this the most)
Low Flex; Internal Focus
Hierarchy (ruled bounded organization)
Ex. Government agency
High Flex; External Focus
Adhocracy (lots of innovation and change is that they're thrilled by), trying to beat competition
Ex. Apple
Low Flex; External Focus
Market ( disinterest in people, want to make money, listening to authority)
Ex. McDonalds
Signs of culture
Symbols, Slogan, Stories, Jargon, Ritual, Ceremony, Mission Statement
Non-verbal ways, "this is us, not them"
a saying that everbody knows
"Like a good Neighbor state farm is there"
Convey what we care about, talks about the founder and how much adversity the founder went through
language unique to certain cultures
actions that happen on a daily basis
actions that happen on big events
Mission Statement
Rules that the company should value
How a culture can change
founder, new leader, mergers
Characteristic of a founder makes a difference
New Leader
wants to instill new rules and changes
sees which culture overpowers, used to be on paper but now people can help manage them
Being in an Environment
Workplaces giving some outline, but not too much
Places where people fail, the dramatic failure is celebrated
Just plain fun
Give people the chance to do what they love doing
Intrinsic motivation
Creativity - what helps people become innovators
New, Useful, Training, Knowing Patterns, Using Heuristics
When to stop working on something, not coming to a solution prematurely
Creativity: New
a different idea
Creativity: Useful
an idea that can be used
Creativity: Training
helps establish a good idea, have to put in your dues (Domain specific knowledge)
Creativity: Knowing Patterns
Analogies thinking - thinking "this thing is kind of like this other thing"
Creativity: Using Heuristics
Seeing and thinking things differently than other people
Creativity: When to stop on a program
Productive Forgetting- giving a different topic to attend to, unconsciously able to find solutions
Creativity: Not coming to a solution prematurely
They work at things, looking for something that might be new and useful
From creativity to innovation: How
Work on what you want to work on, Encouragement, What ppeals
Innovation Management
Finding balance
Some kind of relationship to the organization