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95 Cards in this Set

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what is Nutrition?
food we eat & the nutrients they contain
what is Assimilation
when food molecules enter the cells & undergo chemical changes
what are the 2 processes to be completes before chemical changes & where do they occur?
occur in digestive system;
1. catabolism
2. anabolism
what is Catabolism?
energy releasing process* that breaks down; process & release energy from food;
ONLY way body has to supply itself w/energy
ONLY way body has to supply itself w/energy;;;;; is what process?
what is Anabolism?
energy requiring process; builds molcules by combinging smaller molecules
what is Metabolism
how the body uses the food
4 functions of the Liver:
1. maintains blood glucouse
2. detoxifes
3. stores vita A,D & iron
4. secretes biol
what is the preferred engergy source for the body?
carbohydrates (sugar)
Most common diseases of the mouth & teeth in developing world
dental caries (cavities)
(7) order material passes thru Large Intestines:
2.ascending colon
3.transverse colon
4.decending colon
5.sigmoid colon
seddy asked travis decide sigmoid rec anual
secum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, anus
3 risk factors in developing Stomach Cancer:
1. Excessive alcohol intake
2. Chewing tobacco
3. Eating heavily processed foods
2 functions of the Gall Bladder:
1.storage organ
2.concentrates & stores bile btween meals
what is Metabolism?
how the body uses food
the preferred energy food for the body
define Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
# of calories used per hour by catabolism to keep body:
3.& comfortably warm
metabolic disorder caused by Protein Deficiency but w/ sufficient calorie intake
Kwashiorkor( cowash-a-kurs)
natural defense mechanism to destroy pathogens
inorganic elements that help activate enzymes
what are Vitamins & function
organic molecules;attach to enzymes to help work properly for normal metabolism
fat soluble vitamins are what & stored where?
stored in liver; A, D, E & K
2 common water soluble vitamins
1. C
2. B
what is the difference btwn fat & water soluble vitmains
fat vitaminsa re stored in the liver, water soluble are used then urinates out
3 process food undergo in the body
1. digestion
2. absoption
3. metabolism
what is Digestion & where does it occur
mechanical &chemical breakdown of food so its easily absorbed into blood stream;;;;**occurs in digestive tract*
what is Absorption & where does it occur?
uptake of food or substances from the digestive tract;;;;;**occurs in intestinal tract*
what is Metabolism & where does it occur?
breakdown of food & transformation into energy;;;; occurs in all body cells
where does Digestion begin?
what is the Submucous layer
Layer of digestive tract which contains many blood vessels & nerves
portion of the tooth that is visible in the mouth & covered by enamel
hardest tissue in the body
cone-chaped structure that hands down from the soft palate that prevents food/liquids from entering the nasal cavities
what structure begins the process of chemical digestion of carbs?
salvilary glands
___ breaks down food into simpler substances to be used for energy
what is anabolism?
process simple substances are synthesized into the complex materials
what must happen Metabolism can begin
what does Pancreatic Juice enzymes digest?
autoimmune disease of the Large Intestines
Crohns Disease
what does Saliva contain?
salvilary analays
3 pairs of Salvilary Glands:
1. parotid
2.submandibular salivary gland
3.sublingual salivary glands
when full, ___ pushes the diaphragm & makes it hard to breathe
___ is located behind the nasal cavities & mouth making it function as part of the respiratory & digestive system
___ connects the Pharynx to the stomachis collapsible (2 names)
Esphogas aka Food pipe
3 divisions of the Stomach & function:
1.Fundus;;muscular area,
2.Body;;churing chyme & chemicals
[3.Pylorus;;gateway to duodenum
3 structures of the Small Intetsines that increase surface area for max. absorption
effct of untreated gallstones
Type of hepatits called; "serum hepitits'
Hepatits B
5 symtpoms of Cirrhosis:
1. nausea 2. anorexia
3.weakness 4.pain
5.gray/white stool
3 chemical reactions of Glucose Catabolism
1. Glycolysis
2. Citric acid
3. Electron Transfer System
describe Glycolysis:
1st step; changes glucouse into pyruvic acid;takes place in cytoplasm of cell; anaerobic process;
what is an 'Anaerobic Process'
uses no oxygen to change
describe Citric Acid Cycle
changes pyruvic acid into carbon dioxide; takes place in mitachondria of cell; Aerobic process
what is an 'Aerobic process'
needs oxygen
describe Electron Transfer System:
turns citric acid into ATP (needed for immediate energy) if robbed body uses acid
what does insulin do?
hormone helps regulate & keep blood glucouse normal
****Glucouse can only be decreases by insulin***
****Glucouse can only be decreases by insulin***
what reaction occurs in Glucouse Anabolism & what does it do?
Glycogenesis;; joins glucouse molecules together
after the cyme leaves the small intestines its called
fecal matter
4 causes of Cirrhosis
1. Hepatitis 2.Chronic alcohol abuse 3.Malnutrition 4.infection
Only hormone that can lower blood glucouse levels
4 horomones that increase blood glucose & where are they found
1.Growth Hormone;;anterior pituitary gland
2 Hydrocortisone;;adrenal cortex
3.Epinephrine;;adrenal medulla
4.Glucagon;;pancreatic islets
ATP is an immediate source of ___?
what is absorbed in the Large Intestines?
water, salts & vitamins: K & B12
Order material passes thru ther Small Intestines:
2 ways mechanical digestion to occur
1.teeth physically breakdown food
2.churning in the stomach breakdown food
chemical breakdown of food
stomach acids- chemical breakdown food
function of small intestines
absorb nutrients
function of large intestines
eliminate wastes & absorb water
4 layers of tissue
((mosa, sub mosa,musaris, serosa))
1.Mucosa;;inner layer;smooth muscle to help mucus slide
2.Submucosa;;contains blood vessel & nerves
3.Muscularis;;allows periostolis to occur, assits in mixing food w/digestive juices, assits mechanical breakdown
4.Serosa-outermost covering
starts physical breakdown of food
after food has been chewed it forms into a ball so its easily swallowed
3 parts of tooth
1. crown-visable
2. neck-connecrts root&crown
3. root-fits in socket in upper & lower jaw
center of the tooth
where the stomach & the esophagus connect
heartburn caused by backflow of stomach acid
semi solid mixture
pancreas contains
both indecrent & exocrine glands
exocrine glands
secrete juices With duct
incecredent gland
DuckLess; secretes right into the blood stream
2 flexors
1.splinic flexor (spleen)2.pathetic flexor (pancreas)
2 spfincters
inner & outer anal
when fats are ingested it triggera hormone ____?
CCK which secretes biok into the small intestines
What is largest organ in the body?
parotid glands
largest of salivary glands; below and in front of each ear; secretes solution rich in bicarbonate; helps neutralize bacterial acids
submandibular glands
ducts open into mouth on wither side of the lingual frenulum
ducts open into the floor of the mouth
salivary amylase
digestive enzyme; begins the chemical digestion of carbohydrates
valvelike rings of muscle tissue that surround tubular structures or body openings
condition of having gall stones
helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)
causes gastric and duodenal ulcers
intestinal glands
secrete intestinal digestive juice rich in enzymes
C shaped; most chemical digestion takes place here
craterlike wound or sore caused by tissue destruction