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56 Cards in this Set

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-the study of the food and drink requirements of living organisms for growth, maintenance, reproduction, lactation, work, and disease management
Proper diet
-Health maintenance
-disease management
all meat, all fish, vegtarian
Common sense approach
-no one food can meet the needs of every pet- judge effectiveness by watching animals weight and health
-Giving animals human chereicterists
*ex. people don't like same food everyday and animals doo
*animals don't feel guilt ....
Animals that wont eat
-Not usually bored w/ food
-feeling ok?
-food spoiled?
-teeth ok?
food fixation
-prefer one type of food
-may have increased fat or flavorings
-may not be well balanced
-People food
-Gourmet foods
the appropriate feeding (varies w/ status)
-managing disease
-Inappropriate feeding
Excess feeding
-excessive carbohydrates= bloat, flatulence
-Excessive fat= obesity, diarrhea, pancreatitis
-Table scraps are hight in fat leads to decreased food consumption leads to unbalanced diet
-pancreas gets inflamed so may over produce
-some bording animals get this because stress
-insufficient calcium = nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism *leads to osteoperosis (need enouff to make muscles to contract) *thyroid gets activated stimulates osteoclasts(break down bone) bones can get rubberie
-Incufficient fat = vitamin deficiencies (ADEK), weight loss
Ration types
1 what is formulated by nutritionists
2 what owner actually gives
3 what animal actually eats
-the sum of all the physical/chemical processes and reactions in the body
-physical/ chemical breakdown of nutrients so they can enter the bloodstream
-any chemical compound or element in the diet that is needed to support life function
6 Nutrients needed for a balanced diet
1. water
2. minerals
3. vitamins
*small don't need to digest
4. protein
5. carbohydrate
6. fat
*need to break down
*contribute to giving you energy
the amount and proportions of these 6 nutrients depend on:
-physiological status
-amount of work
types of nutrients needed:
-dietary essentials (like guinea pigs and primates Need Vitamin C so it is an essential)
-Non-dietary essentials
-Dry food
-Canned food
* Water *
-the most important nutrient in diet to maintain LIFE
-can only live a few days w/o this
-if water deprived food intake will decrease if food is dry
-if animal is off feed check water supply
-water quality is importand
-make sure water is not frozen take too much energy to eat ice and snow ( takes energy to warm up the ice/snow)
Role of water
-regulate body temp
-makes up more than 90% of body
-needed to rid body of toxins
-facilitates metabolic functions
-solvent in digestive processes
-major component of blood
things that alter water intake
-drugs (quartazone) (prednasone) PU&PD
-environmental temp
-salt in diet
-amt/ type of food eaten (canned vs dry)
-age (adults drink less)
-state of health
Dry food
-90% dry matter/ 10% moisture
-animal will drink 2-3 parts water : 1 part food
Canned food
-25% dry matter 75% moisture
-animal will drink little or no extra water
-Next most important nutritional requirement after water
-needed for movement and temp regulation
-not a nutrient by itself
-drives metaolic reactions so nutrients can be used
**animals eat to balance their energy needs**
-measure energy in calories
1 calorie=
-amount of heat needed to raise the temp of water one degree celsious
-1 Kcal = 1000 calories
to meet an animals engery needs 3 forms are
-Protein (5.4 kcal/g)
-Carbohydrates (4.1 kcal/g)
-fat (9.45 kcal/g)
-the amount of energy from these sources depends on the diet fed the animal and the type of animal
Cats are
-carnivores- energy mainly from protein (meat)
Dogs are
-omnivores- energy from carbohydrates and protein (plants & meat)
Gross energy ( potential energy) of food
-not neccessarily available to the animal
-measured in bomb calorimeter- resulting heat is measured
-Coal,candy and corn all have the same GE, but different and availablities
-Digestible energy - energy of a food after the undigestible fraction (feces) is subtracted out figure out DE with feeding trials:
-get GE of food to be fed
-Feed set amt to animal
-collect Feces, weigh and get GE of feces
*DE= GE(food) - GE(feces)
-more accurate than GE
-Better diets will list DE on label
-Metabolizable energy -the energy of a food that is digested, absorbed and utilized by the body
-energy after undigestible fractions (feces) and other waste products( urine) are subtracted out
-more accurate than GE and DE
-only way to do bird foods (urates produced)
-Needed to build,maintain and repair tissue
-Needed for energy production
-made of 23 amino acids( a.a.)
-13 dietary non-essentials (DOGS)
-10 dietary essentials (DOGS)
-CATS also need taurine (cant make from lysine and methionine), so they have 11 dietary essentials
to measure protein:
-All a.a. contain Nitrogen(N)
-% N obtained w/ the Kjeldahl technique
-Crude protein (CP) measured using the Formula % N x 6.25= %CP
CP Formula
%N x 6.25 = % CP
Protein quality and quantity
-high quality protein contains all the dietary essentiall a.a.
-animal based proteins usually better than plant based at having essential a.a.
-eggs the best High biological value
-Eggs vs. Leather, feathers, hooves, cartilage (digestibility issue)
*the better the biological value the smalleer the amt needed to meet body requirements of the essential a.a.
-plant proteins have low biological value due to deficiencies in essential a.a.
-plant protein vs. leather,feathers etc. (biological value vs. digestibility)
-if the digestibility is low then the amt of CP must increase to be of value
-many of the better of foods list the digestible protein:
**DP = CP (food) - CP (feces)
Protein is broken down to a.a by ?
- pepsin (stomach) and trypsin (Pancreas)
-synthesis of tissue
-young animals
-anabolic steroids -testosterone, winstrol (synthetic testosterone)
-Breaking down of tissue
-old animals
-prednisone (flea allergy)
-cushing's disease
-Chronic stress
perfectly balanced food for dogs the protein content could be:
-5% in maintenance diets
-13% in growth diets
Real world dog food protein contain :
-15% in maintenance diets
-25% in growth diets
Animal protein pH
-Low urine pH (acidic) Cats, carnivores
-these are more expensive so most foods contain a combination of animal/plant protein Resulting in FLUTD in cats (toms may get blocked)
Plant protein pH
-alkaline urine pH
-to decrease urine pH (make more acidic)
To decrease urine pH use these:
-give vitamine C
- methionine (amino acid put in food)
- increase meat in the diet
-Necessary for energy production
- starches and sugars
-fiber (cellulose and lignin)
carbohydrate requirements:
-huge species differences:
Dog carb requirements
-can eat 65% carb in the diet
-up to 10 g/kg/day
Cat carb requirements
-do not need carbohydrates can tolerate small amts
-up to 4g/kg/day
carbohydrate metabolism :
-sugars and starches break down with amylase to glucose in GItract
-age differences
-young have Lactase enzyme
-Milk (lactose = glucose + galactose =Lactase
-Adults lacking enzyme: milk (lactose)= diarrhea
species differences sucrase /sucrose
-cats and dogs vs. humans
-cats/dogs only have small amts of sucrase
-sucrose found in molasses, honey, syrup, fruits, vegetables
-with out sucrase it causes diarrhea
-have sm amts of galactase if they are not usually fed galactose-containing foods
-soybeans = glucose + galactose
-dogs and cats cant break down soybeans
-soybeans are good for humans w/ GI diseases
-soybeans are in tofu
-cooking increases the soubility and digestibility of carbohydrates
-rice- most digestible carb available
-potato.corn and wheat- not as good as rice
-cellulose- microbes in the intestine make cellulase to break it down in the GI tract
-rumen (Ruminants, pseudo-ruminants) need fiber
-cecum (horses guinea pig rabits)
-Prevents constipation
-used in weight reduction diets
Tree bark
-NO digestion in any mammals
Insoluble fiber
-speed up GI tract
-don't break down
Soluble fiber
-slow GI emptying
-Increased nutrient absorption
Fiber HELPS GI Tract because :
-it scrapes down the Lg and sm intestines and keeps it good