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94 Cards in this Set

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vitamin K's primary role in the body is
blood clotting
which of the following is NOT associated with the female athlete triad?
dowagers hump is one characteristic of
in which phase of the life cycle is bone loss the greatest
Bob's physician has just diagnosed him with iron-deficiency anemia. All good advice for Bob to utilize more dietary iron EXCEPT:
- eat meat with beans and veggies
- drink a glass of oj with breakfast cereal
- drink a glass of milk with iron supplement
-cook foods in cast-iron pans
cook foods in cast-iron pans
which of the following is the primary iron storage protein found in the body?
which of the following is NOT a good source of vitamin K?
sun exposure
which of the following explains why folate is critical to the health of a newly conceived embryo?
- folate is need for proper cell division
folate deficiency during pregnancy is associated with
neural tube defects
who is most likely to develop vitam B12 deficiency?
inadequate intrinsic factor is associated with
pernicious anemia
match each condition to the correct description
A. neural tube defects
B. microcytic anemia
C. pernicious anemia
1. vitamin B12 deficiency
2. iron deficiency
3. folate deficiency
A. 3
B. 2
C. 1
a limitation in using the body mass index is that
it does not take body composition into account
the three components of total energy expenditure include
basal metabolic rate, physical activity, thermic effect of food
which component of energy expenditure is the most variable from on individual to
energy cost of physical activity
the set point theory suggests
our bodies are designed to maintain its weight within a narrow range
what answer BEST describes the type of weight loss than an individual will experience by restricting calories and increasing his or her level of physical activity?
the individual will lose adipose tissue and preserve or increase lean body tissue
the type of eating disorder characterized by episodes of binging and purging
bulimia nervosa
which is NOT a symptom of anorexia nervosa?
secretive consumption of large amounts of food in a short period of time
which of the following is NOT a typical warning sign of bulimia nervosa?
weight loss
warning sings of the female athlete triad include
excessive dieting, excessive exercise, stress fractures
the embryo is the most vulnerable to teratogens during which stage of pregnancy?
first semester
a low-birth-weight infant will weigh
less than 5.5 pounds
macrocytic anemia results from a deficiency of
folate and vitamin B12
fetal demand for iron is highest during the
third trimester
the stimulus that is needed for continued and sustained production of breast milk is
infant sucking
which of the following hormones is responsible for breast milk synthesis?
the most common nutrient deficiency in younge children is caused by inadequate
which food is an example of a developmentally appropriate food for a toddler?
two small slices of cheese
which nutrient is generally NOT a concern for vegan children?
vitamin C
which of the following is NOT a typical physiological change with aging?
increase in lean body mass
what factor increases the need for supplemental vitamin D?
extracellular fluid consists of
tissue fluid (interstitial fluid) and plasma
what is the primary reason we sweat?
to regulate body temperature
hyponatremia is associated with
insufficient intake of dietary sodium, overhydration
the compact bone that makes up the outer surface of bone is called
_____ refers to the two-step process in which bone tissue is recycled
bone remodeling
bone cells that are responsible for resorption of bone tissue are called
which of the following hormones are released when blood calcium when blood calcium levels fall?
parathyroid hormone
which of the following nutrients increases the absorption rate of calcium?
vitamin D
A vitamin D deficiency in adults may lead to
insufficient vitamin D during childhood is associated with
math to best description
1. iron
2. vitamin D
3. vitamin B12
4. calcium
5. vitamin A
A. along with vitamin B12 may be a ow intake for vegan toddlers but not lacto-ovo vegetarians
B. associated with the most common nutritional deficiency worldwide
C. essential for proper differentiation of epithelial cells
D. people living in Alaska may require supplementation of this nutrient during the winter
E. vegan diet must include reliable supplemental source
1. B
2. D
3. E
4. A
5. C
choose the best matching
1. lactic acid
2. glycolysis
3. creatine phosphate
4. aerobic
5. anaerobic
A. end product of metabolism produced when there is a limited supply of oxygen
B. without oxygen; high intensity exercise
C. breakdown of glucose
D. with oxygen; lower-intensity exercise
E. high-energy compound that can regenerate ATP in seconds
1. A
2. C
3. E
4. B
5. D
vitamin B12 requires____for absorption
intrinsic factor
which of the following stimulates the thirst mechanism?
reduced blood volume and increased solute concentration
which water-soluble vitamin can regenerate vitamin E after it has been oxidized?
vitamin C
how do antioxidant vitamins eliminate free radicals?
donate electrons or hydrogens
which of the following statements is TRUE regarding free radicals?
free radicals are formed as a by-product of healthy metabolism
which of the following is a function of vitamin E?
protecting PUFA in cell membranes from oxidation
the deficiency disease or symptom associated with vitamin C
which of the following increases the RDA for vitamin C
smoking cigarettes
which of the following are rich sources of vitamin C?
green and red peppers
Vitamin A plays many roles; some that we discussed in class are:
directing cell differentiation, maintaining healthy vision, maintaining a healthy immune system
hyponatremia is assoicated with
_____refers to the coupled process of bone resorption and formation
bone remodeling
iron deficiency anemia results in changes that include
weakness and fatigue, depressed immune function
the compact bone that makes up the outer surface of bone is called
in which of the following types of exercise would CP be an important source of energy?
sprinting in the 100-meter race in 12 seconds
the amount of ATP stored in a muscle cell will fuel the muscles activity for
1-3 seconds
where do we synthesize vitamin D?
vitamin D plays a critical role in maintaining calcium balance by actively
increasing calcium absorption in the small intestine, increasing bone resorption, increasing calcium reabsportion in the kidney
at rest, the body's primary fuel source is
the best time to replenish glycogen stores is
right after exercising
in which of the following events would carb loading be the most beneficial?
cross country skiing for long distances
aldosterone is
a hormone that responds to reduced blood calcium levels
which component of energy expenditure is the most variable from one individual to another?
energy cost of physical activity
the embryo is most vulnerable to teratogens during which stage of pregnancy?
1st trimester
match the following
1. dysgeusia
2. xerostomia
3. dysphagia
4. achlorhydria
A. abnormal taste perception
B. salivary production decline
C. difficulty swallowing
D. reduction in gastric hydrochloric acid production
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
the very first milk that newly lactating mother produces is called
which of the following fatty acids is critical to fetal brain and eye development?
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
breast feeding benefits an infant because
of the presence of immune cells and antibodies in colostrum, of the presence of appropriate amounts of protein and lactose in mature breast milk, it allows the infant and mother to bond
2 people:
- 30 yr old male, comp. bod builder, weight 235, 5' 10"
- 50 yr old male office worker, wknd bowler, weights 235, 5
who has higher BMI?
they are equal
basal metabolic rate describes
the energy expenditure associated with maintaining one's heartbeat, respiration, and body temperature
body mass index is
the ratio of a person's body weight to their height
which of the following BMI is associated with an increased mortality rate?
<18.5, >30
abdominal adiposity increases a person's risk for
diabetes millitus, heart disease
which of the following correctly describes the energy balance equation?
energy consumed= energy expended
diminished muscle mass
aging is often associated with dysphagia, which is
difficulty swallowing foods
a preterm infant is one that is born
before 38 weeks gestation
inadequate intake of which vitamins is linked to cognitive decline in the elderly?
folate, B12
which of the following is not a method of purging?
which of the following eating disorders is associated with obesity?
currently, the best known treatment of eating disorders is
a team-management approach
indadequate intakes of _____ during pregnancy are associated with neural tube defects in the fetus
a substance that causes a birth defect is called
at what point during pregnancy is adequate folate the MOST important?
during the middle trimester
about ___ percent of our daily energy expenditure is attributable to the thermic effect of food
the amount of energy expended by the body in digesting, absorbing, transporting, metabolizing, and storing nutrients is called
thermic effect of food
obesity is classified as having a BMI of
30 or above
the thrifty gene theory suggests that
some people possess a gene or genes that allow them to store energy more efficiently than other people
good fluid sources for infants during their first year of life are
breastmilk, infant formula
what physiological changes accompany aging?
changes in body composition, changes in gastrointestinal function, changes in sensory perception