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106 Cards in this Set

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Six main cat. Of nutrients
Carb, Vit, Min, Pro, Lips, water
Minimum servings of fruits and vegies?
9-10 servings
What do you maintianfor healthy weight?
Calorie balance
Consume ___ foods and beverages
nutrient dense
Should consume fewer caloreis from…
solid fat, sugar, grains
Daily foods for medataranian
grains, potatoes, pasta, beans, oil, cheese/ yogurt, fruit/vegie
Few times a week-medatarainean
Few times a month medatarainean
red meat
What are good fats?
Mono and polyunsaturated
What are bad fats?
Saturated and trans fats
What are good carbs?
Fiber! Whole grain/fruit/vegie/bean
What are bad carbs?
Refined (white bread/rice)
What is AHA recommended fish intake?
2 servings of fattier fish (omega-3)
Substitute for omega-3
1,000 mg fish oil
How many drinks for female moderate drinking
How many drinks for males?
Pear shape is healthier/unhealthier than apple
healthier (in moderate excess weight)
What food has highest antioxidant activity for ORAC?
KALE, spinach, red pepper, brusslesprouts, Broccoli, Potatoe, sweet potatoe, corn, PRUNES, rasins, berries
What food has highest antioxidant for USDA
small dried bean, wild blueberry, kidney bean, pinto bean, blueberry, cranberry, artichoke, blackberry, prune, GROUND CLOVES, cinnamon, oregano
What is fiber?
Indigestible carbs
Where is fiber found?
Plant based foods (grain/veg/fruit/bean)
What food sources provide cholesterol
How many calories per gram carb?
How many calories per gram fat?
How many calories per gram protein
What does a DRI work to
prevent nutritional deff. Disease
What is the purpose for upper tolerable limit?
NO TOXICITY when taking a supplement
Primary nutritional deficiency
inadequate INTAKE
Secondary nutritional deficiency
DISEASE state, altered nutrient needs
Excessive bleading could be a sign of
def. iron, vitamin C, Vit K, Zinc
Cheliosis, glossitis caused by
def. B vitamins **B2,6**
Mottling caused by
excess fluoride
Poor oral tissue status/ wound healing caused by
def. Protein, Vit C, Zinc
Do symptoms present immediately?
No, they can take a month to present
Under/over weight
Enamel Erosion
Pale/dry mucous membrane
Dry/ scaley skin
Hair loss
Extreme Fatigue
Root surface carries
Poor posture
Enlarged salivary glands
Oral mucosa irritation
Age of people at risk for ND
elderly, infant, pregnant
Conditions risky for ND
Chronic* GI, cancer, AIDS, Diabetes, Congestive heart failure, obese
Other clients at risk for ND?
Trauma, Surgical
What is 24 hour recall?
Typical 24 hr. intake of food
What is Food Freq. questionnaire?
Freq. foods are consumed, patterns of intake, compare to MIN FOOD PYRAMID guidelines
What does Diet history mean?
Snacks, meals, eating out, red meat, portions
Is hair mineral analysis a reliable method to ascertain nut. Status?
Foods with HIGH cariogenicity
sweets, potato chips, dried fruits,
Foods with LOW cariogenicity
cheese, protein, fat, nuts
What is the pH of demineralization?
Under 5.5.
What surgar is most cariogenic?
What is recommended excorcise general?
30 min/day
What is recommended to promote weight loss?
60 minutes/day
What is recommended to sustain weightloss?
60-90 min/day
What does soluable fiber do?
Lower blood lipid levels
What does insoluable fiber do?
Promotes GI health
What foods are in the dirty dozen?
Apple, bell pepper, clelery, cherries, grapes, nectarines, peaches, pears, potatoes, red raspberry, spinach, strawberries
Highest pesticides if not organic
apple, celery, bell pepper
Vit A and dental health
epithelium, salivary glands, bone remodeling
Vit C and dental health
collagen, capillary integrity
Timing of demineralization
phy lower than 5.5 for 20-40 minutes
Bacteria causing carries
strep. Mutans, Lactobacillus
Proteins and fats are…
cariostatic! Protiens-buffer
Sucrose is
cariogenic most
Fructose is ___ cariogenic
Which are more cariogenic, liquid or solids?
Solids, stay in contact longer
What are 4 fat soluable vitamins?
What are two watersoluable?
Which vitamins fxn as coenzymes?
Which 3 b vitamins are associated with dec. homocystein levels
Folate, B12, B6
Where do B deficiencys present
What is the DASH diet?
Lower sodium intake to prevent hypertention
What do antioxidents do?
Prevent free radical damage
Vitamin A
retinoid/ carotenoid
Vitamin D
1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol, sunshine, hormone
Vitamin C
ascorbic acid
Vitamin E
tocopherol/ tocotrienol
Pyridoxine (pms treatment0
Characteristics of anorexia nervosa
fear of weight gain/fat, disturbed perception, Amenorrhea
Characteristics of bulimia nervosa
lack of control, binging and purging, normal weight
Insidenc of anorexia in female
1 percent
Incidence of blumia in female
2-5 percent
ED is---- times more likely in female than male
10 times
Incidence of compulsive over eating
4% adults (2-3 males to females)
What race is most common for ED
Most common trigger to ED
Four common triggers to ED
poor self esteem, perfectionist, OCD, poor conflict resolution
ED not therwise specified (strange, don’t fit)
What is the SCOFF questionnaire
designed for suspicion of ED before diagnosis
Sighns of ED in early stage
low HR, BP, body temp, decreased muscle
You should discuss weight/eating and compliment weight gain with ED patient
Use I statements working with ED patient
There are simple solutions to ED
Average length of time spent treating ED
2-5 years
What supplements might a vegan need?
Vit. D, B12, Iron, and Calcium
What supplements might elders need?
B12, D, calcium
What two nutrients have highest toxicity potential
A, B6
Vitamin that is toxic to pregnant women in biologically active state?
What is a good supplement for someone looking for nutritional insurance?
Multivitamin/ mineral supplement with NO MORE THAN 100% DRI for each nutrient