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24 Cards in this Set

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What term describes the science of nutrients in food and their effect on the body?


What term describes a derivative of plants or animals that can provide energy and nutrition for the body once absorbed?


What term describes a disease that has a long lasting and slow progression?

Chronic disease

What describes the foods and beverages an organism eats or drinks?


What describes a food that is heavily based with certain cultural groups?

Ethnic food

What term describes having an awareness and acceptance of cultures and the ability to interact well with people of different cultures?

Cultural competence

What are fresh foods that have not been processed or have been extremely minimally processed called? (Grains, meats, vegetables, fruits, and milk, etc.)

Whole foods

What are foods that have been intentionally changed by adding substances or a method of preparation and preserving called? (Frozen vegetables, fruit juices, smoked salmon, cheese, and bread, etc.)

Processed food

What are foods that have underwent drastic changes with the addition of food preparation ingredients (salt, sugar, oils, etc.) and are heavily processed? (Toaster pastries, hot dogs, gummies, soft drinks, and candy, etc.)

Ultra processed foods

What term describes the capacity to do work?


What are chemical substances obtained from foods and are used to provide energy, structure, and support growth, maintenance, and repair of the body's tissues?


What are non-nutrient elements found in plants?


What term describes a compound which does not contain carbon?


What term describes a compound containing carbon and is a characteristic of a living organism?


Which nutrients are inorganic?

Minerals (think rocks) and water

Which nutrients are organic?

Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and vitamins.

What are nutrients that are not made in the body and have to be consumed to aquire?

Essential nutrients

Roughly how many nutrients are considered essential?


What are the nutrients that break down into usable energy that the body can use called?

Energy-yeilding nutrients (Carbs, fats, & proteins)

What is a measure of heat energy called?

A calorie

What is the amount of energy neccessary to raise 1 kilogram of water 1° Celsius? (Equal to 1000 calories)

A kilocalorie or kcal

What measurement describes the amount of energy a food provides in relation to the weight of the food? (Kcal's per gram of food)

Energy density

What are necessary nutrients required by the body in small amounts? They provide health benefits and support and regulate body processes and are organic.


What are inorganic elements, some of which are essential, and are needed in small amounts to help regulate?
