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18 Cards in this Set

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List the 6 types of Nutritions

Carbohydrates, Protein, Lipids, Water, Minerals

List the 3 types of Nutrition that supply Energy

Carbohydrates, Lipids, and Proteins

Define essential nutrients

a nutrient required for normal body functioning that can not be made by the body.

List the amount of kcals for carbohyrates, lipids,, protein and alcohol.

Carbohydrates and Proteins- 4 kcals

Lipids- 9 kcals

Alcohol- 7 kcals

What nutrients promote growth, development, and maintenance





what nutrients regulate body process's






define kilocalerie

a unit of energy

Define Hunger

Our primarily physical biological drive to eat (caused by internal organs.

Define Appetite

Our psychological need to eat

what are the 5 keys for a healthy diet

consume a variety of foods

balance your diet

use moderation

choose nutrient-dense foods

limit energy-dense foods

what are the three states of nutrition

under-desirable, desirable, over-desirable

what are the four key points of the USDA MyPlate

half plate of fruit and vegetable

drink milk

increase whole grain intake

vary protein choices

what are food manufacturers required to put on the nutrition food panel

serving size, personal daily value, nutrition (Vitamin A, C, and Iron), ingredients by weight and order

what is digestion

the process of breaking down food by mechanical and enzymatic actions in the alimentary canal into substances that can be used by the body

What is absorption

Process in which released nutrition are taking into the cells lining the GI tract

In order list the parts/organs of the gi tract

small intestine, large intestine, mouth, rectus, stomach

Describe the major sites of absorption along the GI tract and list the substances that are absorbed at each

stomach (alcohol), large intestine and small intestine (electrolytes)

list the structure within the small intestine that helps increase surface area for absorption

vilai, and micro vilai