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31 Cards in this Set

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Apgar score: what are the 5 signs indicating newborn's physiologic state?
heart rate, respiratory rate, muscle tone, reflex irritability, color
Automatic sensor usually placed on the upper quadrant of the abdomen immediately after birth and when needed
thermistor probe
Inflammation of the newborn's eyes from gonorrheal or chlamydial infection contracted by the newborn during passage through the mother's birth canal.

Ointment usually instilled into newborn's eyes within 1-2 hrs after birth to treat infection (2)
ophthalmia neonatorum

erythromycin and tetracycline
Scale used to assess and estimate a newborn's gestational age at birth; initial assessment should be performed within the 1st 48 hrs of life to ensure accuracy and assesses physical and neurologic maturity
New Ballard scale
Infant born before the completion of 37 wks of gestation, regardless of birth weight
infant born at 34-36 wks of gestation; this infant has risk factors d/t his or her physiologic immaturity that require close attn by nurses
late preterm
infant born between the beginning of wk 38 and the end of wk 42 of gestation
infant born after the completion of 42 wks of gestation
infant born after the completion of 42 wks of gestation and showing the effects of progressive placental insufficiency
device used for noninvasive monitoring of bilirubin via cutaneous reflectance measurements; it allows for repetitive estimation of bilirubin and works well on both dark and light skinned newborns
transcutaneous bilirubinometry (TcB)
infection characterized by white plaques on cheeks or tongue that bleed if touched
postoperative pain scale for newborns

The 5 signs ?
crying, requires oxygen for saturation of 95%, increased vital signs, expression, sleepless
Assessment finding for a 12-hour newborn in a quiet alert state (Normal or potential problem?)

episodic apnea lasting 5-10 seconds
Assessment finding for a 12-hour newborn in a quiet alert state (Normal or potential problem?)

Slight bluish discoloration of hands and feet
Assessment finding for a 12-hour newborn in a quiet alert state (Normal or potential problem?)

Blood pressure 86/44
Assessment finding for a 12-hour newborn in a quiet alert state (Normal or potential problem?)

Temperature 36 degrees Celsius
potential problem
Assessment finding for a 12-hour newborn in a quiet alert state (Normal or potential problem?)

pink-tinged stains on diaper with first 2 voidings
Assessment finding for a 12-hour newborn in a quiet alert state (Normal or potential problem?)

2 small white cysts at gum margins and on palate
Assessment finding for a 12-hour newborn in a quiet alert state (Normal or potential problem?)

Boggy, edematous swelling over occiput
Assessment finding for a 12-hour newborn in a quiet alert state (Normal or potential problem?)

Overlapping of parietal bones
Assessment finding for a 12-hour newborn in a quiet alert state (Normal or potential problem?)

Regurgitation of small amount of milk following 1st 2 feedings
Assessment finding for a 12-hour newborn in a quiet alert state (Normal or potential problem?)

Spine straight with dimple and small tuft of hair at the base
potential problem
Assessment finding for a 12-hour newborn in a quiet alert state (Normal or potential problem?)

Hematocrit 36% and hemoglobin 12 g/dl
potential problem
Assessment finding for a 12-hour newborn in a quiet alert state (Normal or potential problem?)

White blood cell count (WBC) 20,000/mm3
Newborn male designated LGA, mother with gestational diabetes late in pregnancy. Nurse should be alert for hypoglycemia. Which findings are consistent with hypoglycemia?

a. high-pitched cry
b. jitteriness
c. hyperthermia
d. laryngospasm
b. jitteriness

other signs are apnea, respiratory distress, poor feeding, lethargy, hypotonia, hypothermia, and seizures

laryngospasm and high-pitched cry are signs of hypocalcemia
What is this baby's Apgar score? (baby boy at 1 minute)
HR - 160
Respiratory effort - good, crying vigorously
muscle tone - active movement, well flexed
color - body pink, feet and hands cyanotic
Score = 9 (7-10 = not having difficulty adjusting to extrauterine life)
HR - 1
Respiratory - 2
muscle tone - 2
reflex irritability - 2 (crying with stimulus)
color - 1
What is this baby's Apgar score? (baby girl at 5 minutes)
HR - 102
respiratory effort - slow, irregular with weak cry
muscle tone - some flexion of extremities
reflex irritability - grimace with stimulus to soles of feet
color - pale
Score = 5 (4-6 = moderate difficulty adjusting to extrauterine life)
HR - 2
Respiratory - 1
muscle tone - 1
reflex irritability - 1
color - 0
Parents are concerned cause their breastfed son, who weighed 8 lbs 6 oz at birth, now 2 days later weighs 7 lbs 14 oz. They wonder if they should stop breastfeeding, "maybe my breast milk is not enough for the baby to grow." How should you respond?
Calculate the % weight loss - make sure it doesn't exceed 10%
Explain the % is 6% which is in the expected normal range for weight loss after birth
discuss the cause of the loss and feeding measures
inform them that the weight should be regained within 2 weeks
Parents of a newborn (30 hrs old) who develops hyperbilirubinemia, very concerned about the color of their baby, "a relative was yellow just like our baby and later died of liver cancer!" How should you respond?
explain in simple terms that their newborn is experiencing physiologic jaundice, explain why it occurs, what effect it will have on the baby's health, and how it will be resolved
emphasize that their baby's form of jaundice is common and naturally occurs as a newborn adjusts to extrauterine life
What are some nonpharmacologic pain relief measures after a circumcision? (7)
swaddle, nonnutritive sucking, take to parent, distract, apply Vaseline, change diaper promptly, avoid pressure on site when holding or positioning
State of purpose of administering vitamin K to newborns
to prevent and treat hemorrhagic disease in the newborn

Vitamin K is necessary because the newborn does not have the intestinal flora to produce this vitamin in the 1st wk after birth

It promotes formation of clotting factors (II, VII, IX, X) in the liver