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38 Cards in this Set

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Define the Equilibrium Potential
It is the value of the membrane potential where there is not net positive transport of a permeant ion into or out of a cell.
The direction of current in an ionic solution follows the movement of these ions
It follows the movement of cations in an electric field
The equilibrium potential can vary based on these factors (2)
Temp and [ionic]
The equilibrium potentials for the following ions in a neuron:
The equilibrium potentials for the following ions in a neuron:
Ca2+: +123
Na+: +62
Bicarbonate: -14
Cl-: -65
K+: -80
The equilibrium potentials for the following ions in a muscle cell:
The equilibrium potentials for the following ions in a muscle cell:
Na+: +65
K+: -95
Cl-: -90
Ca2+: +132
Bicarbonate: -26
General description of an ion channel (3 components)
1. Consists of protein subunits surrounding
2. a central aqueous pore
3. with an ion selectivity filter
An example of a symport at the synaptic cleft
Neurotransmitters use the energy created by Na+ to re-enter nerve terminals
An example of an antiport with synaptic vesicles
Neurotransmitters are allowed to enter the vesicle in exchange for Na+
Typical mean values of Vm for:

• Photoreceptors:
• Neurons:
• Skeletal muscle fibers:
Typical mean values of Vm for:

• Photoreceptors: - 40mv
• Neurons : - 65mv
• Skeletal muscle fibers: - 90mv
Compare/Contrast the relative number of K+, Cl- and Na+ channels open in the Neurons and Skeletal muscle and why this is significant
---------------- K+ Cl- Na+
Neurons Large some Few
Skeletal Large Large Few

The significance is K+ contributes greatly to the Vm of neurons where as in Skeletal muscle, both K+ and Cl- are contributing
A stable resting membrane potential is dependent on this (2)
Ion pump activity and Ion channels
All excitable cells have resting membrane potentials dependent on this
Outside [K+]
The reason why raising outside [K+] causes depolarization and possible subsequent signaling failure in excitable cells
• Raising outside [K+] causes less K+ to flow out of the cell

• This leads to a less negative cell interior (Vm becomes less negative)

• The depolarization and can lead to a "depolarization-induced closure" of voltage-sensitive Na+ channels ---> this closure is called inactivation
In the scenario of depolarization-induced closure of voltage-sensitive Na+ channels, which gate on the channel is closed?
The inactivation gate
These factors will affect the cell's transmembrane potential (4)
• The type of open ion channels
• The number of open ion channels
• The amount of current passing through the channel when it is open
• The time the channel spends in an open state
Define Po and how it is measured
Po is the probability of a channel opening

It is calculated as a fraction of the observed time a channel is open. Another way to look at it is:

Po = (the # of open ion channels in a time period) / (the total # channels available for opening at that same time period)
The relationship of conductance and resistance and their units
Conductance (g) is the inverse of Resistance (r).

Conductance is measured in Siemens
Resistance is measured in Ohms
Ohm's Law
V = Ir = I/g
The total membrane conductance for an ion is dependent on this
The number of open channels for the ion, Nx
Calculating the membrane conductance, g(x), for an ion X
g(x) = Nx (γx)

where γ = the single channel conductance for that ion
Voltage-gated channels and transmitter-gated channels have there Po values dependent on this (one each)
V-gated: Po dependent on Vm
Transmitter- gated: Po dependent on [transmitter] in their vicinity
Electrochemical gradients drive this type of flux
Passive ion
What is the general form of the Nernst equation and what does it tell us
It tells us the value of the Vm that exactly counterbalances the ion's [gradient] across the membrane
The only ion that has an equilibrium potential close to Vm for neurons and skeletal muscle
Chloride (-65mV)
The relationship btwn the equilibrium potential for an ion and its concentration gradient
The equilibrium potential and the concentration gradient is equal and opposite
Calculating the Electrochemical gradient for an ion
(Vm - Ex) mV
The significance of calculating the electrochemical gradient using the equilibrium potential of an ion
The value calculated gives the driving force as produced by the electrochemical gradient that an ion would use to passively leave/enter a cell. However, an equal and opposite force will be matching this value which represents what an active (ATP-driven) pump is doing to ensure there is no net flux of the ion
Equating a cell to a circuit, this represents the capacitor and conductor
Capacitor = plasma membrane
Conductor = open ion channel
The value of the total ionic current, Im, when the cell is at rest
Im = zero, ** however, its components are non-zero
How the resting membrane potential is calculated when there are >1 ion channels present
The Potential is the weighted sum of all the equilibrium potentials
• definition
• what the episodes involves
• how it can be acuired (3 possible sources)
• d/o caused by dysfxnal ion channel activity
• episodes of disturbed nerve or muscle cell excitability
• autoimmune attack, nerve damage, after use of drug tx or toxins
Ischaemic cerebral edema:
• what it can cause
• another name for this type of edema
• why the edema occurs
• the secondary edema that can follow
Ischaemic cerebral edema:
• irreversible cellular damage due to cellular swelling
• cytotoxic edema
• Na/K pump is no longer supplied w/ ATP and the gradient dissipates. The influx of Na and Cl into the cell leads to cellular swelling from water
• Vasgogenic edema - blood vessels become more permeable and water flows out of them and into the extra cellular space
• their fxn
• two prominent fxns in the CNS
• The name of the primary channel in the brain and where its found (2 sites)
• selectively allow water through the plasma membrane
• production of CSF, regulation of water at the BBB
• AQP-4
> astrocyte foot processes at the BBB
> brain-CSF interface
Relationship of Lethal injection and cardiac muscle
The increase in extracellular [K+] causes many muscles, particularly cardiac, to fail to generate APs because v-gated Na+ channels become inactivated (depolarization-induced closure)
• definition
• what the episodes involves
• how it can be acuired (3 possible sources)
• d/o caused by dysfxnal ion channel activity
• episodes of disturbed nerve or muscle cell excitability
• autoimmune attack, nerve damage, after use of drug tx or toxins
Ischaemic cerebral edema:
• what it can cause
• another name for this type of edema
• why the edema occurs
• the secondary edema that can follow
Ischaemic cerebral edema:
• irreversible cellular damage due to cellular swelling
• cytotoxic edema
• Na/K pump is no longer supplied w/ ATP and the gradient dissipates. The influx of Na and Cl into the cell leads to cellular swelling from water
• Vasgogenic edema - blood vessels become more permeable and water flows out of them, into the extra cellular space
• their fxn
• two prominent fxns in the CNS
• The name of the primary channel in the brain and where its found (2 sites)
• selectively allow water through the plasma membrane
• production of CSF, regulation of water at the BBB
• AQP-4
> astrocyte foot processes at the BBB
> brain-CSF interface
Relationship of Lethal injection and cardiac muscle
The increase in extracellular [K+] causes many muscles, particularly cardiac, to fail to generate APs because v-gated Na+ channels become inactivated (depolarization-induced closure)