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66 Cards in this Set

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bones of the neck

7 cervical vertebrae and hyoid bone

characteristics of typical cervical vertebrae (C3-C6)

*small body

*triangular vertebral foramen

*short, bifid spinous processes

characteristics of all cervical vertebrae (C1-C7)

*transverse foramen

*superior articular facets

*inferior articular facets

characteristics of C1 (atlas)


*no body (only anterior and posterior arches)

*no spinous process

*lateral masses

characterisitcs of C2 (axis)

*dens (odontoid process)

*large, bifid spinous process

characteristics of C7

*long spinous process

*not bifid

*palpation point

Location of hyoid bone

*anterior neck at C3

*superior to the larynx

Describe articulations of hyoid bone

*no bony articulations

*held in place by muscles and ligaments

Purpose of hyoid bone

*muscle attachment point

*helps keep airway open

Purposes of fascia of the neck

*limits spread of infection

*allows structures to move over each other during swallowing and moving neck

4 sets of deep fascia of the neck

*investing layer

*pretracheal fascia

*prevertebral fascia

*carotid sheath

Where does the platysma lie in relation to neck fascia?

superficial to superficial fascia

What muscles are enclosed by the investing layer of fascia?

trapezius and sternocleidomastoid

What layer of deep fascia is most superficial?

investing layer

Describe location of pre tracheal fascia

*anterior to trachea

*continuous with pericardium

*surrounds thyroid gland

Which fascia is an "infection highway" from neck to the heart?

pretracheal fascia

Describe location of prevertebral fascia

*from base of skull to T3

*surrounds deep muscles of the neck and around vertebrae

Describe location of carotid sheath

*base of skull to root of neck

*blends with other fascial layers

*anterior to prevertebral fascia

Contents of carotid sheath

*common carotid artery

*internal jugular vein

*cranial nerve ten

*deep cervical lymph nodes

*sympathetic nerve fibers

Orientation of CCA, IJV, and vagus nerve in carotid sheath

*CCA medial and IJV lateral

*vagus move posterior to CCA and IJV

Term for injury caused by a healthcare professional

iatrogenic injury

Describe torticollis

*contraction or shortening of cervical muscles (typically involves SCM)

*head tilt ipsilaterally, face turned away

Common term for torticollis

wry neck

common causes of torticollis

*fibrous tumor in SCM

*injury to CN 11

*muscle spasm

side borders of the posterior triangle of the neck




Floor border of posterior triangle of neck

*splenius capitis

*levator scapulae

*posterior scalene

*middle scalene

roof border of posterior triangle of the neck

investing layer of deep fascia

Contents of posterior triangle of neck

*3rd part of subclavian artery, transverse cervical artery, supra scapular artery

*greater auricular nerve, lesser occipital n., supraclavicular n., transverse cervical n,

*cranial nerve 11

*deep cervical lymph nodes

*external jugular vein

Describe path of external jugular vein

runs outside of investing layer of deep fascia near posterior border of SCM and dives into deep fascia near base of posterior triangle to empty into subclavian

location of anterior scalene

deep to SCM, not in anterior or posterior triangle

Describe type of innervation for scalene muscles

segmental innervation

anterior scalene as a landmark

*phrenic nerve runs over anterior scalene

*brachial plexus between anterior and middle scalene

*subclavian artery runs behind anterior scalene

*subclavian vein runs anterior to anterior scalene

Borders of anterior triangle of neck

*median line of neck

*inferior border of mandible


Floor of anterior triangle of neck

pharynx, larynx, thyroid

roof of anterior triangle

subcutaneous tissue, platysma, investing layer of fascia

apex of anterior triangle

jugular notch

Divisions of Cranial Nerve V (trigeminal)

V1: ophthalmic (sensory only)

V2: maxillary (sensory only)

V3: mandibular

Describe attachment of digastric to hyoid

Central tendon runs through fibrous loop that anchors it to hyoid

Muscle contents of anterior triangle

Infrahyoid (except inferior belly of omohyoid) and suprahyoid muscles

General location of geniohyoid

deep to mylohyoid

location of sternothyroid and thyrohyoid

deep to sternohyoid

Describe attachment of omohyoid to clavicle

Two bellies of omohyoid are attached via intermediate tendon, which runs through fascial sling attached to clavicle

What does ansa cervicalis mean?

nerve loop to the neck

Location of ansa cervicalis

on the surface of or within the carotid sheath

Define cervical plexus

Network of nerve fibers of ventral rami C1-C4

Location of C1 nerve fibers

"hitchhiked" with hypoglossal (CN XII) nerve

Which spinal nerves are involved in the ansa cervicalis?


Ventral rami from which spinal nerves make up the phrenic nerve?


Nerve contributions to great auricular nerve, what is supplied?

C2 and C3

lateral neck and external ear

Nerve contributions to lesser occipital nerve,

what is supplied?


scalp behind ear

nerve contributions to transverse cervical n.,

what is supplied?

C2 and C3

skin on anterior triangle

Nerve contributions to supraclavicular n.,

what is supplied

C3 and C4

skin over clavicle and inf. posterior triangle

Sensory only nerve from cervical plexus

great auricular, lesser occipital, transverse cervical, and supraclavicular

Branches of the common carotid artery

internal carotid and external carotid arteries

How to easily distinguish internal and external carotid

ECA has branching in the neck

Some branches of external carotid artery

facial, lingual, superior thyroid

superficial temporal (pulse at temple)

Name the dilation of the proximal part of internal carotid artery

carotid sinus

type of receptor at carotid sinus


Type of receptor at carotid body


location of carotid body

at bifurcation of common carotid artery

What makes up carotid body?

nerve fibers

What is formed by the blood supply to the thyroid gland? What vessels form this.

An anastomosis formed by the inferior and superior thyroid arteries

Composition of the thyroid gland

two lobes joined by an isthmus

location of thyroid gland

over trachea and inferior to thyroid cartilage

What is the thyroid gland

An endocrine organ with functions involving in calcium, growth, and basal metabolic rate regulation

Location of parathyroid glands

On posterior surface of thyroid or at least near the posterior thyroid