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53 Cards in this Set

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What are triangles of the neck used for

Identification what are t

What are the 4 major regions of the neck

SCM Region,

Posterior Cervical Region,

Lateral Cervical Region,

Anterior Cervical Region

What divides the neck into anterior and lateral cervical regions


What are 4 muscles of the neck



Hyoid muscle,


Where is the SCM muscle located

Has attachment at the sternum, clavicle and mastoid

What does the platysma control

Facial expressions

Where is the platysma

Covers superior deltoid and pectoralis major to clavicle and mandible

What do the hyoid muscles do

Digastric- helps with support of the hyoid and larynx while swallowing

Where is the trapezius

Posteriolateral border

Where is the subclavian artery located

Left rises from aortic arch.

Right arises from brachiocephalic trunk

What does the common carotid do

Supply head and neck with blood

What is the carotid body

Ovoid tissue that lies at the bifurcation of common carotids.

A type of chemoreceptor that monitors the levels of oxygen in blood.

What does the internal jugular vein do

Drains blood from the brain

What does the Rt lymph duct drain

Drains Rt side of head, neck, right arm, and upper rt quarter of thorax.

What side is the Thoracic duct on


Where does thoracic duct drain

Empties at junction of subclavian vein and IJV

What is the carotid sheath

A fibrous connective tissue that surrounds the vascular compartment of the neck

What does the carotid sheath contain

Common & Internal Carotid,

Internal Jugular Vein,

Vagus Nerve (CN10),

Some Cervical lymph nodes,

Carotid sinus nerve,

Carotid periarterial plexuses

The superficial layer is aka

Endocrine layer

The intermediate layer is aka

Respiratory layer

The deep layer is

Alimentary layer

What viscera of the neck is in the superficial layer


Parathyroid glands

What viscera of the neck is in the intermediate layer



What viscera of the neck is in the deep layer



What does your thyroid gland do

Regulates metabolism, controlled by thyroid hormone.

regulates calcitonin

How many lobes in the thyroid gland

Right and left lobe

What joins the thyroid gland lobes


What do the parathyroid glands do

Regulates calcium and phosphorous

How many parathyroid glands do most people have

4, found posterior to thyroid

What are the functions of the larynx

Routing food and air.

Patent airway.

Product Tone

What does the epiglottis do

Prevents food from going down trachea

What is the largest cartilage of the larynx


What is the glottis

Vocal folds.

Origin of voice

Where is the pharynx

Posterior to nasal, oral, and laryngeal cavities

Where does the soft palate end

At uvula

What are the 3 parts of the pharynx




What does the oropharynx help with

Digestive functions

What kind of tissue are tonsils

Lymphoid tissue

What are the 3 tonsils

Pharyngeal (adenoids).

Palatine (ones you see at back of throat)


What is the esophagus

Soft muscular tube from laryngopharynx to stomach

What is cricoid pressure

Occludes the esophagus during intubation

What is swallowing aka


Where is the manubrium

Top of sternum

What are C1 + C2 called

Atlas and Axis

The hyoid bone is aka

Tongue bone

What are Radical Neck Dissection for

Procedures where they look for malignancy

What does the vertebral artery branch to

Circle of Willis

What vein has the majority of lymphatic drainage


What bone does not articulate with any bone in the body

hyoid bone

lymph fluid drains into the vascular system at the

subclavian veins

Pressure on what cartilage is used during intubation to occlude to esophagus


What prevents food from going down the windpipe


Where is the central line often inserted

Internal Jugular