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41 Cards in this Set

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Napoleon III

1852 - 1870

Previously known as Louis Napoleon; a Conservative leader of France; taught his contemporaries how authoritarian governments could use liberal and nationalistic forces to bolster their own power; had a strong desire for personal power; used troops to seize control of the government on December 1851 after the National Assembly rejected his wish to revise the Constitution and be allowed to stand for reelection; the French people reelected him willingly, and he restored universal male suffrage; he asked the people for the restoration of the empire in 1852 to which they agreed, and Louie Napoleon took the title Napoleon the third; controlled the armed forces, police, and civil service as chief of state and only he could introduce legislation and declare war; reconstructed Paris

Baron Haussmann

Late 1800s

The director of mass reconstruction of the city of Paris; narrow streets and old city walls were destroyed and replaced by broad boulevards, spacious buildings, circular plazas, public squares, an underground sewage systems, a new public water supply, and gas lights; broader streets made it more difficult to put up barricades and easier for troops to move rapidly

Franco-Mexican War

1861 - 1867

Napoleon the third attempt to control the Mexican markets; Napoleon the third sent troops to Mexico in 1861 to join British and Spanish forces in protecting their interests in the midst of upheavals caused by a struggle between liberal and conservative Mexican factions; the British in Spanish withdrew their troops after peace was restored, but the French troops stayed, and Napoleon the third installed Archduke Maximilian of Austria as emperor of Mexico; when French troops were needed elsewhere, Maximilian did not have an army and surrendered to liberal Mexican forces in 1867 and was executed

The Crimean War

1854 - 1856

Russia hadn't reached the Ottoman Empire by seizing Crimea and Bessarabia; the first war of industrialization; not good leadership; Russia vs. the Ottoman Empire, France, Britain, and piedmont-sardinia; Russian expansion worried Europe; issue of the protection of Christian minorities in Palestine; Austria remain neutral which made Russia upset; 19th century technology and 18th century tactics equals high casualties; the first time and place to see female nursing

Florence Nightingale

1820 - 1910

A nurse on the British side during the Crimean War; insisted on strict sanitary conditions and helped make nursing a profession of trained, middle-class women; strict sanitation saved lives; "Nightingale syndrome" was created

Count Camillo de Cavour

1810 - 1861

Victoria Emmanual 2nd's Prime Minister; Prime Minister of piedmont-sardinia; he was a moderate liberal who favored a constitutional government; pursued economic expansion and fostered business enterprise, encouraged the building of roads, canals, and railroads; equipped a large military with increased tax revenue; wants to build a united nation state around piedmont-sardinia

Giuseppe Garibaldi

1807 - 1882

The leader of Italian unification; supported Mazzini and young Italy; had an army of 1000 Red Shirts; he was a romantic; his Red Shirt army was all volunteer-based; he was prepared to go to war to unite Italy; took control of Sicily after a revolt had taken place and took control; Garibaldi and Cavour meet, and Garibaldi gives up the Republic idea to accomplish unification



The German customs union that was formed by the Prussians that eliminated tolls on rivers and roads among member states; stimulated trade and added to the prosperity of its member states; contributed to the unification of Germany; promotes economic unity and helps industrialize; completely dominated by Prussia

Otto von Bismarck


Part of the Prussian Junker nobility; involved in politics; succeeded in guiding Prussia's unification of Germany; he was a moderate who only waged war when all other diplomatic alternatives had been exhausted; he was a practitioner of realpolitik; he governed pressure by ignoring parliment; he was a staunch pression patriot; he was not a German nationalist but instead a conservative, absolute monarchist; had a great understanding of international affairs; he hates democracy; collected taxes without Landtag approval


Mid 1800s

The opposite of Romanticism; mostly used by conservatives; Bismarck was a practitioner of it; became popular with leaders such as Napoleon the third; was disliked by liberals and romantics; war was a political tool; in domestic affairs it said be happy to have a government that keeps order and did not like utopianism

Danish War


A diplomatic and political war waged by Bismark; arose over the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein when the Danish government try to incorporate them into Denmark even though they had a large German population and regarded as German states; Bismarck persuaded Austria to join Russia in declaring war on Denmark; Denmark was easily defeated and they surrendered Schleswig and Holstien which were split between Prussia and Austria which offered plenty of opportunities for friction between the two

Austro-Prussian War


Bismarck had prepared for this war in advance by setting up Schleswig and Holstein during the Danish war, turned making sure Austria was diplomatically isolated ; Bismarck bribed Russia and France to stay out of the war and made an alliance with Italy that said they would get Venetia if they won; a quick Austrian victory was expected, question of Russian military technology and a superior network of railroads led to overall Prussian success; was ended with the Treaty of Prague which said that Venetia went to Italy, schleswig-holstein went to Prussia, and Austria was excluded from German affairs

Ems Dispatch

late 1800s

What Bismarck used to start the franco-prussian war; a telegram sent to Bismarck recounting Wilhelm the first's encounter with the French in which the French wanted to use to push Wilhelm the first to never allow Leopold to be considered for the throne of Spain; Bismarck edited the telegram so the French looked like the bad guys and made the French aggravated enough to start a war

Franco-Prussian War

1870 - 1871

Bismarck made it so the French declared war even though he was the one that wanted war; pressure was better organized and better led; the southern German states joined Prussia; an entire French army and Napoleon the third himself were captured at Sedan on September 2nd, 1870 which caused the French empires collapse, but Paris resisted for 4 months before the war actually ended; the Treaty of Frankfurt ended the war and allowed Prussia/Germany to annex Alsace and Lorraine, and declared a war indemnity on France of 5 billion francs

German Empire


The new unified Germany made possible by the franco-prussian war; Germany was declared unified in Versailles after the war was won to show France who was boss; Wilhelm 1st was proclaimed emperor in Louis 14th Palace at Versailles; Germany merged into pressure not Prussia into Germany; Prussian leadership meant authoritarian, militaristic values; German liberals rejoiced; became the strongest power on the European continent; industrialized rapidly; federal state was dominated by Prussian militarism and state glorification

Ausgliech of 1867

The result of Austria finally dealing with Hungary; created the dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary; each part has its own constitution, bicameral legislature government machinery for domestic affairs, and capital; each shared a monarch, and Army, a foreign policy, & a system of finances; did not satisfy the other nationalities inside the austro-hungarian Empire

Tsar Alexander II

1855 - 1881

The leader of Russia who came to power during the Crimean War; recognized Russia's internal problems and pulled out of the Crimean War to face those; issued an emancipation eating that freed the serfs known as the Emancipation Act of 1861; instituted a system of zemstvos that provided a moderate degree of self government; turned all of his energies to a serious overhaul of the Russian system

Emancipation of the Serfs


The limited freedom of Russian serfs given by Alexander the second; Surf's received the right to marry, buy and sell property, sue in court, and pursue trades; hasn't received roughly half of the cultivated land in Russia; peasants were subjected to the authority of their mir to ensure they pay the government back for the land they have; they had no social or economic equality, they still had to pay taxes, they must pay for their own land on a 49 year repayment plan, and must stay on their mir



a peasant village commune in Russia; divided up land amongst all peasants; collected redemption tax money; village elders settle disputes and collected taxes; peasants had to work together to survive; was a very fertile ground for communism; the commune, not the individual, owned the land; dreamers or people only concerned for their own well being were not welcome



Local assemblies established by Alexander the second; provided a moderate degree of local self-government; a five man elected council was put in place and both peasants and nobility could vote; it oversaw local matters but was overall underfunded and ineffective

Alexander Herzen

1812 - 1870

a Russian exile living in London; he was a socialist; believed that the Russian peasant must be the chief instrument for social reform; believed that the present village communes could serve as independent, self governing body that would form the basis of a new Russia; his followers formed a movement called populism whose aim was to create a new society through the revolutionary acts of the peasants; wrote a newspaper called land and freedom that was smuggled into Russia

The People's Will

Late 1800s

A group of radicals that were inspired by populism and encouraged by Vera Zasulich who had successfully used violence against the tsarist regime; succeeded in assassinating Alexander the second

Victorian Age

1837 - 1901

The period of time in which Queen Victoria ruled over Britain; it was stable politically; economic growth and prosperity happened thanks to the Industrial Revolution; national pride was connected to Queen Victoria; Britain was the most powerful country in the world after time

Benjamin Disraeli

1804 - 1881

The Tory leader in British Parliament; loved by Queen Victoria; motivated by the desire to win over the newly enfranchised groups to the Conservative Party; believe that the Reform Act of 1867 would benefit the Conservatives which was put in place while he was Prime Minister for the first time; while he is prime minister for the second time he create public housing for the lower classes, legalise collective bargaining, and made the Public Health Act; "Monarchy, Church, Empire"; greatly opposed William Gladstone

William Gladstone

1809 - 1898

The head of the Liberal Party in Britain; created the Public Education Act which was the first national education system in Britain; eliminated religious test for Oxford and Cambridge which made Catholics happy, introduced the secret ballot, and legalize labor unions; abolished the practice of purchasing military commissions

Joint-stock investment banks

Late 1800s

Crucial to continental industrial development; encouraged by governments; mobilized enormous capital resources which is why they were crucial; very important in the promotion of railway construction

Karl Marx

1818 -1883

So he descended from a long line of Rabbis, he professed himself as an atheist which caused him not to get a job as a professor, so he became the editor of a liberal bourgeois newspaper, but after it was suppressed do tropical views, he moved to Paris where he met Friedrich Engels; wrote Das Kapital; co-wrote The Communist Manifesto; hated by Bismarck

Friedrich Engels

1820 - 1895

Critiques capitalism; wrote the condition of the working class in England; he was Karl Marx's friend and partner in writing the Communist Manifesto


Based on the industrial working class; a more specific version of Communism; not an anarchist; said that nationalism is not relevant; said that gender is irrelevant; did not like liberalism; said that religion doesn't matter because it causes dissension; said that the alienation of labor or division or specialization of labor is equal to prostitution; do you labor theory of value is from British classical economics and says that value is created by the amount of labor put into it; dialectical materialism was originally formed by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and says that history is a conflict of ideas and also says that a thesis cannot exist without an antithesis both of those together create a synthesis which creates another idea and says that history is the story of class conflict; says that the proletariat will revolt and form a dictatorship that will grow into a statement, classless, utopian society that is inevitable; it appealed to intellectuals and be working class; is like a religion

Dimitri Mendeleyev

1834 - 1907

The Russian chemist to classified all the known material elements on their atomic weights and provided the systematic foundation for the periodic law


Mid-late 1800s

The believe that everything mental, spiritual, or Ideal was simply the result of physical forces; came with an age of increasing secularization; truth was to be found in the concrete material existence of human beings

Charles Darwin

1809 -1882

He was able to observe animals on island virtually untouched by external influence and compare them with animals on the mainland, and as a result, he discarded the notion of special creation and came to believe in evolution which led him to create the principle of natural selection; says that all animals had evolved from simpler forms, known as organic evolution; wrote On the Origin of Species by means of natural selection and be decent of man

Natural selection

Late 1800s

A theory presented by Charles Darwin that says that many more of each species are born that cannot possibly survive which results in a struggle for existence, and those who succeed in the struggle had adapted better to their environment which was made possible by the appearance of variants

Louis Pasteur

1822 - 1895

a chemist who approached medical problems in a scientific fashion; he conducted experiments that proved that microorganisms of various kinds responsible for the process of fermenation; examination of a disease threatening the wine industry led to the development of a process for heating a product to destroy that organisms causing spoilage; created a preventive vaccination against rabies, and the principle of vaccination was extended to many other diseases and created a modern immunological science

Auguste Comte

1798 - 1857

The scientist who created it a system of positive knowledge based on a hierarchy of all the sciences in which mathematics was the foundation on which physical sciences, earth sciences, and biological sciences were built; at the top with sociology in which economics, anthropology, history, and social pyciology was incorporated; played an important role in the popularity of science and materialism


Mid-late 1800s

The belief that the world should be viewed realistically; closely related to the materialistic outlook; distinguished by the deliberate rejection of Romanticism; often combined interest in everyday life with a searching examination of social questions

Gustave Flaubert

1821 - 1880

A French realist novelist; perfected the realist novel; his contempt for bougeois society was evident; in his book, Madame Bovary, cute presents a straightforward description of life in France for the bourgeois

William Thackeray

1811 - 1863

A realist novelist who wrote Britain's prototypical realist model, Vanity Fair: A Novel Without a Hero; deliberately flaunted the romantic conventions; said that a novel should converge the sentiment of reality as opposed to a tragedy or poem

Gustave Corbert

1819 - 1877

The most famous artist of the realist school; the word realism was first coined to describe one of his paintings; reveled in realistic portrayal of everyday life; his subjects were factory workers, peasants, and the wives of saloon keepers

Jean-Francois Millet

1814 - 1875

A French realist artist who was preoccupied with scenes from rural life, especially peasants laboring in fields; still contained an element of Romanticism; show the relationship between humans and nature; criticized by his contemporaries for crude matter and unorthodox technique

Richard Wagner

1813 - 1883

A romantic composer who was taught by Franz Liszt; ultimately realize the German desire for a truly national opera; he was also a propagandist and writer in support of his unique conception of dramatic music; transformed opera into music drama that combined music, acting, dance, poetry, and scenic design; used a device called a leitmotiv in which the human voice combined with the line of orchestra instead of rising above it