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22 Cards in this Set

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What does the acronym MDS stand for?
Maintenance Data System
What is the purpose of MDS
The MDS was developed as an integral part of the Navy 3M System and provides data input to the NAMP. The MDS furnishes data products which provide management tools for the efficient and economical management of maintenance organizations.
page 2-1
The 3M system is sponsored by who?
The 3M System is sponsored by the CNO and administered through the operating chain of command. Technical support is provided by SPAWARSYSCEN Norfolk, VA, and COMNAVAIRSYSCOM (AIR-3.3.4). Figure 2-1 is a graphic display of the elements which make up the aviation 3M System.
page 2-1
What does 3M stand for?
3M - Maintenance and Material Management
page A-1
The MDS is a management information system designed to provide statistical data for use at all management levels relative to:
(a) Equipment maintainability and reliability.
(b) Equipment configuration, including alteration and TD status.
(c) Equipment mission capability and utilization.
(d) Material usage.
(e) Material nonavailability.
(f) Maintenance and material processing times.
(g) Weapon system and maintenance material costing.
page 2-1
What does the acronym CDA stand for?
CDA - Central Design Activity
page A-3
What does the acronym SPAWARSYSCEN stand for?
SPAWARSYSCEN - Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center - Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center
Page A-14
SPAWARSYSCEN Norfolk, VA, as the CDA, is responsible for what actions?
SPAWARSYSCEN Norfolk, VA, as the CDA, is responsible for generating source and object programs and QA testing of programs prior to fleet release. Programs and operating instructions, tailored to the capabilities of the individual hardware suites, are issued to the NDCSC, squadrons, NAVAIRDEPOTs, and AIMDs.
page 2-2
What does the acronym COMNAVAIRSYSCOM stand for?
COMNAVAIRSYSCOM - Commander, Naval Air Systems Command
page A-3
Who is the Functional Manager for aviation maintenance and logistics information systems?
COMNAVAIRSYSCOM (AIR-3.3.4) is the Functional Manager for aviation maintenance and logistics information systems.
page 2-2
What is the Functional Manager's responsibilities?
The Functional Manager will:
(a) Prepare the system and subsystem specifications for Optimized NALCOMIS.
(b) Establish and maintain organizational structures and procedures, such as user group and Fleet Design Team conferences to ensure full and active user community participation in the definition, review, and certification of functional requirements in all aspects of module development and maintenance.
(c) Review functional course curricula for incorporation in NTCSS technical training and prepare a functional annex for inclusion in the NTCSS NTP.
(d) Prepare test plans and test analysis reports to support the functional certification of the NTCSS functional software modules.
(e) Certify functional adequacy of cognizant modules in acceptance tests.
(f) Develop detailed functional descriptions and solutions to requirements with the assistance of user groups or Fleet Design Teams.
(g) Ensure Optimized NALCOMIS maintenance systems requirement documents are kept current and reflect proper justification for policies and improved business procedures and track the changes to ensure benefits were achieved.
(h) Coordinate with CMC to ensure Marine Corps peculiar expeditionary/operational functional requirements are met.
(i) Serve as a voting member of the NTCSS requirement IPT.
(j) Coordinate change proposals with the TYCOMs for submission to the NTCSS requirements IPT.
(k) Standardize NALCOMIS functionality for both O-level and I-level maintenance activities.
(l) Establish criteria to ensure data validity is achieved at initial data entry and maintained throughout the system.
page 2-2
Who maintains the central data repository facility?
A central data repository facility is maintained by COMNAVAIRSYSCOM (AIR-3.3.4). This facility receives MDS data in the form of reproduced machine records from reporting activities through their NDCSC
page 2-3
What does the acronym NDCSC stand for?
NDCSC - NALCOMIS Data Collection System Center
page A-10
The MDS embraces four separate but interrelated subsystems. What are they?
The MDS embraces four separate but interrelated subsystems: (1) MDR, (2) SCIR, (3) MR, and (4) Utilization Report
page 2-3
What does the acronym MDR stand for?
MDR - Master Data Record or Maintenance Data Report/Reporting
page A-8
What does the acronym SCIR stand for?
SCIR - Subsystem Capability Impact Reporting
page A-13
What does the acronym MR stand for?
MR - Material Report/Reporting
page A-9
There are eight data elements in which corrections are not allowed. If corrections are required for these data elements, the record must be deleted and the source document resubmitted. MAF Copy 1, METER Card (Green Copy), or NAVFLIRS will require a new source document. What are the eight elements?
(a) ORG code.
(d) BU/SERNO (all records except 60-67 or NAVFLIRS).
(e) TRCODE (MAF Copy 1 with TRCODE 00, 02, or 03).
(f) TEC (except NAVFLIRS).
(g) Date/time (MAFs Copy 1 with TRCODE 00, 02, or 03).
page 2-9
What does the acronym NALCOMIS stand for?
NALCOMIS - Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management Information System
page A-9
What does the acronym NAVFLIRS stand for?
NAVFLIRS - Naval Flight Record Subsystem
page A-9
When are MDS monthly reports prepared?
MDS monthly reports are prepared at the end of each monthly accounting period. These reports reflect the transactions submitted during the accounting period. Each reporting organization has the capability to select the reports it requires to be produced. Only the reports selected by requesting organizations will be pro
page 2-11
What does the acronym WUC stand for?
WORK UNIT CODE (WUC) - A numeric or alpha/numeric code that identifies a system, subsystem, set,
major component, repairable subassembly, or part of an end item being worked on. WUCs are assigned and
controlled by the NATEC under the direction of COMNAVAIRSYSCOM. WUCs are published in WUC
manuals for end items in three major categories: (1) T/M/S for aircraft, drones, and missiles; (2) aircraft
flight/tactical trainers; and (3) aeronautical SE. The first two positions of the WUC identify the system within
the aircraft/equipment on which work is being performed. A five (or greater where available) character WUC
is normally used in recording on equipment maintenance work to identify discrepancies discovered to the
greatest detail possible. The number 9 is used to indicate "NOC". The NOC category is not intended as a
catch-all code but rather as a code under which occasional discrepancies, for example, nonrecurring, and
work on noncoded repairable items may be reported. Refer to applicable aircraft/equipment WUC manuals
for complete breakdown. A unified numbering system code may be used in place of the WUC and may be
either be numeric or alpha/numeric.
page C-60