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67 Cards in this Set

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Charles Darwin
Related animal behavior to human behavior.
Wilhelm Wundt
The first to set up a psychological Lab, did introspection and scientific study of the mind.
Philip Zambardo
Did the stanford prison study and deindividuation which states that when you are given a role you become that role and he is current president of the APA.
G. Stanley Hall
Founder of the APA, believed adolescence was the time of "storm and stress".
John Locke
Said that the mind depends on the body for senses and the body depends on the mind for storage of the senses.
Margaret Wasburn
The first woman to recieve a PHD in psychology and had a theory on imagery.
Mary Calkins
She was denied a PHD because she was a female, was the first female president of the APA worked on verbal learning.
John Watson
He was a behaviorist who conditioned little Albert to fear neutral objects.
Little Albert
Watson conditioned him to fear fury things.
Mary Cover Jones
A Student of Watson who who retrained kids not to fear fury things.
Alexandra Lurite
She was a cognitive psychologist and did "Eidetic memory" (photographic memory) which is the ability to hold picture in memory.
Carrol Izard
Said body language is universal, and all cultures develop it from birth chronologically.
The Eyesencks
Came up with the idea of Introvert VS. Extrovert.
Carl Rogers
A Humanist who did person center therapy and came up with the idea of self concept VS. Ideal self and said that gap between them causes anxiety.
Phineas Gage
Had the first frontal lobotomy and it was accidental.
Broca & Wernicke
Isolated language to left hemisphere of the brain
Broca: Put things together
Wernicke: Understand these things.
Ivan Pavlov
He was a behaviorist who did "Classical Condtioning" and trained dogs to salivate.
Martin P. seligman
Said that preparedness to learn is why some things come easy for some people.
Robert Rescorla
Revised what Ivan Pavlov Did.
Sir Francis Galton
He was Darwins cousin, came up with the first mental test and said that intelligence is inherited.
Clark Hall
Came up with the "Drive theory" which says that people are driven to reduce their needs.
Albert Ellis
He was a behaviorist, came up with the "Rational Emotive Theory" which says that we all have irrational thoughts and that's what causes problems in our lives.
Stanley Milgram
Did the Shock treatment to test obidience.
Carl Jung
He was a psychoanalyst, a student of Freud, dream analyst, and said there were four parts to personality: Persona, Shadow, Anima, and Animus.
Hans Selye
Came up with the "GAS Theory" (General Adaptation Syndrome) which says that we have three stages as a response to stress: Alarm, Resistance and Exhaustion.
Ernst Weber
Came up with "Weber's Law" which says that the magnitude of a sound determines the difference it needs to be noted.
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
Said that Americans have the highest problems coping with death. They go through 5 stages: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance (DABDA)
David Hubel & Torsten Wiesel
Came up with "Feature Detectors", neurons sensitive to cetain aspects of visual imagery.
Henry Murray
Said that needs are based on human physiology in terms of the brain.
Edward Thorndike
Said that behaviors followed by satisfactory outcomes are likely to be repeated.
Ernst Hilgard
Came up with the "Neodissociative theory" which says that some people can seperate one part of the mind, Observer from the other, during hypnosis.
H. Rorshach
Did the Ink-blot tests.
Solomon Asch
Did experiments, on group size comformity and the idea of adding a rebel and also did the line test.
B.F Skinner
He was a behaviorist, Came up with Operant Conditioning.
Albert Bandura
He was a behaviorist, he did the bobo doll experiment and came up with observational learning.
Robert Sternberg
Came up with the "Triatic Theory" which says that there are three types of intelligence; Analytic, Practical, and Creative Intelligence.
Charles Spearman
Came up with the idea of general intelligence saying that if you are good in one area , you will be good in all areas.
Karen Horney
A student of Freud and came up with the idea that relationships and love have to be towards, away and against to be healthy. "Love Doctor"
Philip Pinel
He Cleaned up mental hospitals, and revamped them (medicine treatment)
Robert Zajonc
Said that cognition and emotions happen seperately, emotions happen naturally.
Stanley Schacter
Came up with the cognitive theory of emotions which says that emotions occur due to the labels we place on arousal.
James Lang
Came up with the James Lang Theory which says that physiological reponses cause emotions.
Cannon and Bard
said that physical response, cognition and emotion all happen at the same time.
Herman Ebbinghouse
Said that memory exists without your awareness, you forget what is unfamiliar and uninteresting.
George Sperling
He was a cognitive psychologist and did experiments with sensory memory.
Daniel Goleman
Came up with the theory of emotional intelligence, which talks about how effectively you perceive your emotions and manage your emotional behavior.
Noam Chamsky
Language is innate (biological).
Benjamin Whart
Said that difference in language results in similar difference in perception of the world.
Elizabeth Loftus
She was a cognitive theorist who found problems with eyewitness testimony and memory recall.
Richard Solomon
Came up with the adaptation level theory which says that satisfaction with the present depends on the level of success you are used to. He also came up with the opponent process theory which gave an explanation of drug addiction, and extreme opposite for every feeling you have.
Konrad Lorenz
Did research on imprinting, permanent stamp on the brain during critical period.
Daniel Levinson
Said there are 4 errors in life which run in cycles, in stress and calm. The seasons of life.
Sandra Bem
Came up with gender Schemas. She said that your basic concept on genders, list of characteristics we associate with something. Females are more carefree and males are more aggressive. The schemas affect the self perception.
Erik Ericson
Developmental psychologist. Came up with the Idea of first stage of development consisting of conflicts you had to resolve.
Jean Piaget
Developmental psychologist came up with poor stages of cognitive development.
Lawrence Kohlberg
Said that Males were more morally developed than females.
Carrol Giligan
Said that females were more morally developed than males.
David McClelland
He did the need for archievement with the sand bag test. He said archievement is the strong desire to accomplish hard tasks.
Mary Ainsworth
Developmental psychologist, placed human infants in strange situations in order to examine their attachment to their parents.
Sigmund Freud
Came up with the psychodynamic theory, unconscious the four stages of development which are the oral, anal, phallic, and genital.
Oliver Sacks
Said that cognitive language and thoughts are always intertwined.
Abraham Maslow
Came up with the Hierarchy of needs.
Alfred Adler
He was a neufreudian, he did inferiority complex and looking in depth at social conflicts
Gordon Allport
Made a list of personality traits that people should have.
Alfred Binuet
Contracted to creat the first IQ test.
Lewis Terman
Brought Binuet's IQ test to the US and created the Stanford Binuet IQ test.
Raymond Cattle
Came up with two types of intelligence: Fluid intelligence and Crystal intelligence.