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58 Cards in this Set

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apical impulse, usually 5th ICS 7-9cm MSL

Displacement lateral to MCL =LVH
prominent PMI over xiphoid or epigastric area in RVH or COPD
AV valves
tricuspid and mitral
semilunar valves
aortic and pulmonic
ventricular contraction, AV valves closed, SL valves open
ventricular relaxatio, SL closed, AV valves open
closure of mitral and tricuspid valves systole begins

does not fluctuate with respiration
closure of aortic and pulmonic valves, diastole begins

inspiration increases R heart filling time
rapid ventricular filling against stiff/non compliant ventricle

low EF?
atrial contraction or kick, right before S1

stiff ventricle?
Acute Coronary Syndrome
acute myocardial ischemia=
-unstable angina
acute aortic dissection
anterior chest pain, often tearing or ripping and often radiating to back or neck
sudden onset of dyspnea
rule out PE, spontaneous pneumo, anxiety
dyspnea while lying down, improves with sitting and pillows

common in LHF or MVS or OLD
proxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
episodes of sudden dyspnea that awaken pt from sleep

Common with LHF, MVS mimics nocturnal asthma attacks
SBP 120-139
DBP 80-89
stage 1 HTN
SBP 140-159
DBP 90-99

warrants anti HTN medications
stage II HTN
target BP for patients with DM or CKD metabolic syndrome
Family HX of CHD screening
male before 55 yo, and female before 65yo

first degree relative
triglyceride identifier metabolic syndrome
HDL identifier metabolic syndrome
< 40 men
< 50 women
abdominal obesity identifier metabolic syndrome
men >40in
women >35in
lifestyle modification
BMI 18.5-24.9
Na+ < 2.4g daily
minimal 30min cardio exercise
>3500 K+
Alcohol <2 drinks for men, <1 drink for women
ideal cardiovascular health
-total cholesterol <200,
-untreated BP less than 120/80
-fasting blood glucose <100
-BMI <25
healthy diet
>150 min of exercise a week
Metabolic syndrome
cluster of risk factors that increase risk of CVD and diabetes
elevated JVP
increased left ventricular end diastolic pressure and low left ventricular EF, increases risk of death from HF

8-9cm is considered above normal
carotid thrill or bruit
indicated aortic stenosis or insufficiency
pulsus alternans
the rhythm of the pulse remains regular but the force alternated from strong and week ventricular contractions, indicates severe L-HF
paradoxical pulse
greater than normal drop in systolic pressure during inspiration, suspect pericardial tamponade
diminished S1
first degree HB
diminished S2
aortic stenosis
murmurs that coincide with carotid upstroke
A/B index and values
ankle brachial index= arterial ankly systolic/arterial brachial systolic
normal 1-1.4
above 1.4=calcified vessel
below 0.9= PAD
less than 0.5= severe PAD
Grading of Murmur I-VI
I faint hard to hear
II quiet
III moderately loud
IV loud
V very loud
VI heard without stethoscope
diastolic murmur
always pathologic

aortic regurgitation
pulmonary regurg
mitral stenosis
tricuspid stenosis (rare)
systolic murmur
aortic stenosis
pulmonic stenosis
mitral regurg
tricuspid regurg
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
left lateral position auscultation
brings out left sided S3 and S4 and mitral murmurs
bell auscultation
S3 and S4 and murmur of mitral stenosis
diaphragm ascultation
S1 and S2, aortic and mitral regurg. and pericardial friction rubs
midsystolic murmur
begins after SI and before S2, blood flow across semi lunar valves
pansystolic murmur
starts with Si and stops at S2 gaps between murmur and heart sound

blood flow across av valves
late systolic murmur
starts mid to late systole and persist up to S2

mitral valve prolaps
early diastolic murmur
immediately after s2 without gap and fads

regurg flow across incomplete semi lunar valves
middiastolic murmur
start shortly after S2 may fade away or merge into late systolic murmur

turbulent flow across AV valves
late diastolic murmur (presystolic)
starts late diastole and continues up to S1
continuous murmur
starts in systole and continues without pause through S2

patent ductus arteriosis
cresendo murmur
grows louder
presystolic murmur of mitral stenosis
decresendo murmur
grows softer

early diastolic murmur of aortic regurg.
crescendo decrescendo murmur
first rises then falls

midsystolic murmur or aortic stenosis and innocent flow murmurs
plateau murmur
same intensity throughout

pansystolic murmur of mitral regurg
grade 1 murmur
very faint, only heard if listener tuned in
grade 2 murmur
quiet but heard immediately
grade 3
moderately loud
grade 4
loud with palpable thrill
grade 5
very loud wiht thrill, may be heard with stethoscope partially off chest
grade 6
heard with stethoscope off chest