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69 Cards in this Set

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the muscles of the tongue can be grouped according to whether they are __________ or _________
- Intrinsic
- Extrinsic
the tongue consists of symmetrical halves divided from each other by the __________, a deep fibrous structure in the midline of the tongue
median septum
the median septum corresponds with the midline depression on the tongue's dorsal surface called the _____________
median lingual sulcus
_________ tongue muscles are all located inside the tongue
True or False:
All of the intrinsic muscles have their origin outside the tongue yet have their insertion inside the tongue
the four sets of instrinsic mucles are
- superior longitudinal muscle
- transverse muscle
- verticle muscle
- inferior longtiudinal muscle
The _________ muscle is the most superficial of the intrinsic tongue muscles and it runs in an oblique and longitudinal direction in the doral surface from the base to the apex
superior longitudinal muscle
the ________ muscles is deep to the superior longitudinal muscle and runs in a transverse direction from the median septum to pass outward toward the lateral surface of the tongue
transverse muscle
the ________ muscle runs in a vertical direction from the dorsal surface inward to the ventral surface in the body of the tongue
vertical muscle
the __________ muscle is located in the ventral surface of the tongue and runs in a longitudinal direction from the base to the apex of the tongue
inferior longitudinal muscle
all intrinsic tongue muscles are innervated by the
twelfth cranial nerve (hypoglossal nerve)
The superior and inferior longitudinal muscles of the tongue act together to
change the shape of the tongue by shortening and thickening it and act singly to help it curl in various directions
the transervse and vertical muscles of the tongue act together to
make the tongue long and narrow
There are ____ pairs of extrinsic tongue muscles
all extrinsic tongue muscles are innervated by
the twelfth cranial nerve (hypoglossal nerve)
the ________ is a fan-shaped extrinsic tongue muscle superior to the geniohyoid muscle
genioglossus muscle
the genioglossus muscel originates a the _________ and inserts at the _________
- genial tubercles on mandible
- hyoid bone and tongue
the genioglossus muscle is innervated by
CN XII (hypoglossal nerve)
the action of the genioglossus muscle
the styloglossus muscle originates at the _________ and inserts at the _________
- styloid process of temporal bone
- tongue
the styloglossus muscle is innervated by
CN XII (hypoglossal nerve)
the action of the styloglossus muscle is
the hyoglossus muscle originates at the __________ and inserts at the _________
- greater cornu and body of hyoid bone
- tongue
the hyoglossus muscle is innervated by
CN XII (hypoglossal nerve)
the action of the hyoglossus muscle
depresses tongue
the ________ is part of both the respiratory and digestive tracts and is connected to both the nasal and oral cavities
the pharynx consists of three portions:
- nasopharynx
- oropharynx
- laryngopharynx
the muscles of the pharnyx include:
- stylopharyngeus muscle
- pharyngeal constrictor muscle
These muscle are involved in speaking, swallowing, and middle ear function and are responsible for initiating the swallowing process
muscle of the pharynx
the _________ is a paired longitudinal muscle of the pharynx
stylopharyngeus muscle
the stylopharyngeus muscle originates at the _________ and inserts at the _________
- styloid process
- lateral and posterior pharyngeal walls
the stylopharyngeus muscle is innervated by
CN IX (glossopharyngeal nerve)
the action of the stylopharyngeus muscle
elevates and widen pharynx
the parhyngeal constrictor muscle consist of three paired muscles that form the lateral and posterior walls of pharynx:
- superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle
- middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle
- inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle
the superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle originates at the _________ and inserts at the __________
- pterygoid hamulus, mandible, pterygomandibular
- median pharyngeal raphe
the superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle is innervated by
pharyngeal plexus
the action of the superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle
raise pharynx and larynx to help in deglutination (swallowing)
the middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle originates at the __________ and inserts at the __________
- hyoid bone and stylohoid ligament
- median pharyngeal raphe
the middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle is innervated by the
pharyngeal plexus
the action of the middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle is
raise pharynx and larynx to help in deglutination (swallowing)
the inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle originates at the ________ and inserts at the __________
- thyroid and cricoids cartilages of larynx
-median pharyngeal raphe
the ________ forms the nonbony posterior portion of the roof of the mouth or the oropharnyx and connects laterally with the tongue
soft palate
the muscles of the soft palate are involved in speaking and swallowing and inlude:
- platoglossus
- palatopharyngeus
- levator veli palatini
- tensor veli palatini
- muscle of uvula
True or False:
Some anatomists consider the palatoglossus muscle to be an extrinsic muscle of the tongue because it is involved in tongue movement.
True or False
All of the muscles of the soft palate are innervated by the pharyngeal plexus
False - all muscle of the soft palate are innervated by the pharyngeal plexus EXCEPT the tensor veli palatini muscle which is innervated by mandibular division of the fifth cranial nerve (CN V3)
the ___________ muscle forms the anterior faucial pillar cavity
palatoglossus muscle
the __________ is a vertical fold in the oral cavity, anterior to each palatine tonsil
anterior faucial pillar
the palatoglossus muscle originates at the ________ and inserts at the _________
- median palatine raphe
- tongue
the palatoglossus muscle is innervated by
pharyngeal plexus
the action of the palatoglossus muscle
elevates and arches tongue, depressing soft palate toward tongue
the __________ forms the posterior faucial pillar in the oral cavity
palatopharyngeus muscle
the __________is a vertical fold in the oral cavity that is posterior to each palatine tonsil
posterior faucial pillar
the palatopharyngeus muscle originate at the _________ and inserts at the ___________
- soft palate
- laryngopharynx and thyroid cartilage
the palatopharyngeus muscle is innervated by the
pharngeal plexus
the action of the palatopharyngeus muscle
moves palate posterioinferioly and posterior pharyngeal wall anterosuperiorly
the _________ is a soft palate muscle that is mainly situated superior to the soft palate
levator veli palatine
the levator veli palatine originates at the _________ and inserts at the _________
- soft palate
- laryngopharynx and thyroid cartilage
the levator veli palatine is innervated by
pharyngeal plexus
the action of the levator veli palatine
moves palate posteroinferiorly, moves posterior phayrngeal wall anterosuperiorly
the ________ is a special muscle of the soft palate that stiffens the soft palate
tensor veli palatini muscle
this muscle of the soft palate has some fibers that are also responsible for opening the auditory tube to allow air to flow between the pharynx and middle ear cavity
tensor veli palatini muscle
the tensor veli palatine muscle originates at the ________ and inserts at the ________
- temporal bone
- median palatine
the tensor veli palatine muscle is innervated by
CN V3 (mandibular division of the fifth or trigeminal nerve)
the action of the tensor veli palatine muscle
tenses and slightly lowers soft palate
True or False:
The uvula is a muscle
the muscle of the uvula originates at the
tissue projection that hangs inferiorly from posterior soft palate
the muscle of the uvula is innervated by
pharngeal plexus
the action of the muscle of the uvula
shortens and broadens uvula allowing the soft palate to closely adapt to posterior pharyngeal wall
True or False:
The uvula is among several muscle that do not have an insertion point
FALSE - the uvula is the only muscle with no insertion point