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45 Cards in this Set

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Lattisimus Dorsi
Origin: Sacrum, lumbar vertebrae and lower thoratic vertebrae
Iliac Crest/ ribs

Insertion: intertubercular groove of Humerus (Anterior proximal)

Joint: Shoulder

Action:Extension, Adduction, Internal rotation of shoulder
Teres Major
Origin: Scapula (Inferior angle)

Insertion: Humerusw (Anterior, proximal)

Joint: Shoulder/ Scapula

Action: Extension, Adduction and internal rotation
Pectoralis Major
Origin: Sternum, Clavicle and ribs

Insertion: greater tubercle of Humerus (Anterior proximal)

Joint: Shoulder

Action: flexion, addction and medial rotation of shoulder
Origin: clavicle: acromion process and spine of scapula

Insertion: deltoid tuberosity of humerus

Joint: Shoulder

Action: abducts shoulder, anterior deltoid flexes shoulder
Biceps brachii
Origin: 2 heads-
- short head: coracoid process of scapula
-long head: intertubular groove of humerus
Insertion: radial tuberosity
Joint: Shoulder and elbow

Action: elbow flexion and supination of the forearm and shoulder
Origin: Humerus (distal anterior)

Insertion: coronoid process of ulna

Joint: Elbow

Action: Elbow flexion
Origin: above lateral epicondyle of humerus

Insertion: above syloid process on lateral surface of radius

Joint: Elbow

Action: Elbow flexion
Triceps brachii
Origin: Scapular and humerus

Insertion: olecranon process Ulna

Joint: Shoulder/ Elbow

Action: Shoulder extension and elbow extension
Psoas Major (Hip flexor)
Origin: Lumbar vertebrae,

Insertion: Lesser trocanter of femur

Joint: Hip

Action:flexes hip
Iliacus (Hip flexor)
Origin: Ilium (Iliac fossa)

Insertion: Femur (lesser trochanter)

Joint: Hip

Action: hip flexion, lateral rotation
Gluteus maximus
Origin: Iliac crest, sacrum and coccyx

Insertion: femur and iliotibial tract

Joint: Hip

Action: Hip extension, external rotation
Gluteus minimus
Origin: Ilium (Outer surface)

Insertion: Femur (Greater trochanter)

Joint: Hip

Action: Hip abduction, medial rotation of hip
Gluteus Medius
Origin: Ilium (outer surface)

Insertion: Fenur (greater trochanter)

Joint: Hip

Action: Hip abduction, medial rotation of hip, steadies pelvis
Rectus femoris (Quads)
Origin: anterior interior spine of pelvis and lip of acetabulum

Insertion: patella to tibial tuberosity

Joint: Hip/ knee

Action: hip flexion, knee extension
Vastus lateralis and Vastus Medialis
Origin: linea aspera of femur

Insertion: patella to Tibial tuberosity

Joint: knee

Action: knee extension
Biceps Femoris
Origin: Ishial tuberosity

Insertion: Lateral condyle of tibia and fibula head

Joint: Hip/ knee

Action: Hip extension, knee flexion
Origin: Femur (lateral and medial condyles)

Insertion: Posterior surface of calcanius

Joint: Knee/ Ankle

Action: Knee flexion, ankle plantar flexion
Origin: tibia (Medial border) and head of fibula

Insertion: posterior surface of calcaneus

Joint: Ankle

Action: Ankle plantar flexion, steadies leg when standing
Tibialus anterior
Origin: lateral condyle and upper lateral portion of tibia

Insertion: 1st Metatarsal and 1st cuniform

Joint: Ankle, Metatarsals

Action: Dorsiflexion, ankle inversion
Transverse abdominis
Origin: 6th - illiac crest, carilages of inferior ribs, lumbar fascia, inguinal ligament

Insertion: Linea alba and pubic crest

Joint: Vertebral/ trunk

Action: lateral flexion of the vertebral column, Abdomen compression
Rectus abdominus
Origin: Pubis, Pubic symphisis

Insertion: 5th - 7th rib, xiphoid process of sternum

Joint: Vertebral/ trunk

Action: flex lumbar portion of vertebral column
External abdominal oblique
Origin: inferior 8 ribs

Insertion: Iliac crest to linea alba

Joint: vertebral/ trunk

Action: Lateral flexion of vertebral column, rotation, flexion, compresses abdominal wall
Internal abdominal oblique
Origin: Iliac crest and the thoracic lumbar fascia, inguinal ligament

Insertion: pubic crest, inferior rib surfaces, costal carilages, Linea alba

Joint: Vertebral/ trunk

Action: Lateral flexion, rotation, flexion
Origin: Transverse processes of vertebra

Insertion: Spinous processes of all the vertebra

Joint: stabiliser controls rotation
Origin: spinous process of C7 and all thoracic vertebate, occipital bone of skull

Insertion: Clavicle, acromion process and spine of scapula

Action: Scapula elevation, draw head backwards
Pectoralis Minor
Origin: Ribs - anterior (3rd - 5th pair of ribs)

Insertion: Scapula (Coracoid Process)

Joint: Scapula

Action: Scapula protraction and depression
Origin: Sternum and clavicle

Insertion: skull mastoid process

Joint: Neck

Action: Neck flexion and lateral flexion
Origin: supraspinus fossa of scapula

Insertion: greater tubrical of humerus

Joint: Shoulder

Action: Abduction of shoulder and stabalizer of joint
Origin: infraspinous fossa of scapula

Insertion: greater tubricle of humerus

Joint: Shoulder

Action: lateral rotation of shoulder, horizontal abduction of shoulder
Teres Minor
Origin: Lateral border of scapula

Insertion: head of humerus

Joint: Shoulder

Action: external rotation stabiliser
Origin: Pubis

Insertion: linea aspera of femur

Joint: Hip

Action: Hip adduction
Tensor fascia latae
Origin: Iliac crest

Insertion: Tibia via illotibial tract

Joint: hip

Action: Hip flexion, hip abduction
Origin: Ilium (Anterior superior spine)

Insertion: medial surface of Tibia

Joint: Hip

Action: Hip flexion, lateral rotation and abduction of hip, knee flexion
Origin: temporal bone

Insertion: Mandible

Action: closes jaw (elevates mandible)
origin: maxila and zygomatic arch

Insertion: mandible

action: closes jaw (elevates and retracts mandible)
origin: lower mandible, mastoid procees of skull (chin)

Insertion: hyoid

action: opens mouth (lowers mandible), elevates and holds hyoid
origin: manubrium of sternum and clavicle

insertion: mastoid process of skull

action: moves head sideways or up and down
Flexor carpi ulnaris
origin: medial epicondyle of humerus and olecranon process of ulna
insertion: base of 5th metacarpal

action: flexes wrist, acts with extensor carpi ulnaris to adduct wrist
Flexor carpi radialis
origin: medial epicondyle of humerus
insertion: base of 2nd and 3rd metacarpal

action: flexes and abducts wrist
Extensor carpi ulnaris
origin: lateral epicondyle of humerus
insertion: base of 2nd and 3rd metacarpals

action: flexes and abducts wrist
Extensor carpi ulnaris
origin: lateral epicondyle of humerus, posterior border of ulna
insertion: longus base of 2nd metacarpal brevis on base of 3rd metacarpal

action: extends and abducts wrist, acts with flexor carpi radialis to abduct wrist
origin: ischial tuberosity

insertion: medial condyle of tibia (posterior)

action: extends hip, flexes knee
origin: ischial tuberosity

insertion: proximal medial portion of tibia

action: extends hip and flexes knee
biceps femoris (long head)
origin: ischial tubersity

insertion: head of fibula and lateral condyle of tibia

action: extens and laterally rotates hip, flexes knee
biceps femoris (short head)
origin: linea aspera of femur

insertion: head of fibula and lateral condyle of tibia

action: flexes knee