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10 Cards in this Set

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Anca binds to neutrophils in vascular walks producing damage to small vessels in the lungs and glomerulus

Wegerners granulomatosis

Infection of the renal tubules and interstitium related to interference of urine flow to the bladder reflux of urine from the bladder and untreated cystitis

Acute pyleonephritis

Ascending bacterial infection of the bladder


Disruption of the podocytes occurring primarily in children following allergic reactions and immunizations

Minimal change disease

Genetic disorder showing lamellated and thinning of glomerular basement membrane

Alport syndrome

Damage to the renal tubular cells caused by ischemia or toxic changes

Acute tubular necrosis

Attachment of cytotoxic antibody formed during viral respiratory infections to glomerular and alveolar basement membranes

Goodpasture syndrome

Disruption of the shield of negativity and damage to the tightly fitting podocyte barrier resulting in massive loss of proteins and lipids

Nephrotic syndrome

Deposition of immune complexes, formed in conjunction with group A strep infection, on the glomerular membranes

Acute glomerulonephritis

Marked decrease in renal function resulting from the glomerular damage precipitated by other renal disorders

Chronic glomerulonephritis