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18 Cards in this Set

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What is mitosis?

A type of cell division where two daughter cells, each having the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell, are produced.

What are the phases of mitosis in order?

- Interphase

- Prophase

- Prometaphase

- Metaphase

- Anaphase

- Telophase

What is interphase?

Cell not dividing period/defined nucleus, loose DNA/90% cell cycle/produces RNA/synthesizes proteins (G1, S, G2)

What is prophase?

Chromatin condenses=chromosomes/centrioles move to cell poles/spindle fibres form/nucleolus+nuclear envelope disappear

What is prometaphase?

The spindle fibres attach to the centromere of the chromosomes

What is metaphase?

Chromosomes seen as two chromatids/spindle fibres align chromosomes along cell equator (in order to separate them correctly)

What is anaphase?

Centromeres divide/spindle fibres pull chromatids apart/moved to opposite poles of the cell (now referred to as chromosomes)/poles move apart/energy provided by surrounding mitochondria

What is telophase?

chromosomes disperse=chromatin/spindle fibres disperse/nuclei reform/cytokinesis begins

What is cytokinesis?

The splitting of the cytoplasm after mitosis to produce two daughter cells.

How does cytokinesis occur in animal cells?

A ring of actin forms around the equator of the cell. The ring of actin tightens to form a cleavage furrow, splitting the cell in two.

How does cytokinesis occur in plant cells?

Vesicle move to the equator of the cell. They line up and fuse, creating two membranes=cell plate. A new cell wall is laid down between the membranes, creating two separate plant cells.

How does cell division of prokaryotic cells occur? Describe the process.

- Binary fission

circular DNA replicates/attach to cell membrane/plasmids replicate/cell membrane grows between two DNA molecules=divides cytoplasm/new cell wall between DNA molecules

How does replication of viruses occur?

Attach to host cell with attachment proteins/inject nucleic acids to host cell/genetic info=instructions for host cell metabolic processes to produce viral components (nucleic acids/enzymes/structural proteins)=assemble new viruses

What are the phases of the cell cycle in order?

[INTERPHASE] G1, G1/S checkpoint, S, G2, G2/S checkpoint, Mitosis, M checkpoint, cytokinesis, G0

What are cyclins?

Proteins with control the cell cycle from checkpoint to checkpoint

What is the chromosome structure?

Two chromatids joined together at the centromere.

What are karyotypes?

Number, size, shape of chromosomes in an organism

How does DNA condense into chromosomes?

DNA wraps around histones=nucleosomes/nucleosomes condense into chromatin fibre/chromatin fibre condenses into chromosomes