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35 Cards in this Set

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Which sign or symptom would indicate that you may have influenza instead of a cold?


1. Ear infection

2. Vomiting

3. Nasal secretions

4. Fever

5. Headache

How can a mouse lose its fear of cats?

Protozoan cysts in the mouse brain affect its behavior

If you digested a tapeworm cyst, what could occur?

The scolex could attach to your small intestine

What part of their anatomy would interact with what part of ours?

Poliovirus is transmitted to a new host by:


Why do you use violet red bile (VRB) agar in food microbiology labs?

They are selective for gram-negative bacteria

What is the outcome of the lysogenic cycle of a bacteriophage?

Viral DNA is found in the bacterial chromosomes

What genetic material ends up where?

What was the 2009 H1N1 "swine flu" caused by?

An influenza virus with RNA segments from bird, pig, and human viruses

What is the role of humans in the beef tapeworm life cycle?

Definitive host

What is NOT a way to make more copies of a virus in a lab?

Inoculate the virus into a medium

___ is a type of symbiotic relationship where one partner benefits and one is harmed.


Hydatid disease results from someone:

Ingesting tapeworm eggs

What needs to enter into their body?

When will patients with malaria experience symptoms?

When merozoites are released from red blood cells

What part of their life cycle causes symptoms?

Accidental ingestion of eggs found in soil may result in an infection with:


Which opportunistic pathogens lead to diaper rash and thrush?

Candida albicans

When will excystment of Giardia intestinalis occur?

When Giardia is ingested by a human host

True fungal pathogens do what process as they invade a human host?

Switch from filamentous hyphae to a non-filamentous yeast-like form

What structural change occurs?

Which form of Toxoplasma gondii invades human tissues?

The mobile tachyzoites

Why do elderly people come down with shingles?

Reactivation of a latent viral infection

Which portion of Plasmodium's life cycle occurs inside a mosquito?

The union of gametocytes

A viral capsid is made up of:

One or more proteins

One material

Why are there so few cases of malaria in the US?

Malaria was eradicated in the early 1900s in the US

Why is antigenic drift important in influenza infections?

Mutations cause small changes to the proteins on the surface of the virus

What is the role of mature proglottids in the tapeworm life cycle?

To contain thousands of eggs

What is the shape of a bacteriophage?


Someone with fever and chills that occur every two days may be potentially infected with:

Plasmodium falciparum

What is the purpose of the API 20E test?

To use biochemical tests to identify enteric bacteria

Why do some viruses have spikes?

To enable attachment to a host cell

What does the host range of the rabies virus indicate?

Which animals will become infected by the rabies virus

How are the new copies of the genomes of RNA viruses made in human cells?

The virus contains instructions to make an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase

What of our own machinery does it use and how?

How can cases of vaccine-derived polio be prevented?

Immunization with the killed virus won't spread it

Why does poliovirus cause paralysis?

Poliovirus in the bloodstream can spread to the central nervous system

The 1918 flu was different from other influenza epidemics because:

Having a stronger immune response increased mortality rate

The current flu vaccine is manufactured to contain:

Inactivated portions of viruses circulating in the world this year

Blood agar is used to identify which species?

Streptococcus pyogenes

Someone goes to the doctor complaining that they've had sever diarrhea and cramps from 2 weeks straight.You suspect they may have which disease?
