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195 Cards in this Set

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simple, single-celled (unicellular)
microbe whose genetic material isn't enclosed in a special nuclear membrane
prokaryotes include both of these
bacteria and archaea
bacterial shapes
bacillus (rodlike), coccus (spherical), and spiral (corkscrew or curved)
bacterial cell walls are largely composed of:
a carbohydrate and protein complex called peptidoglycan
bacterial cell reproduction in which they divide into two equal cells
binary fission
moving appendages on bacteria
if they have cell walls they lack peptidoglycan
three main groups of archaea
methanogens, halophiles, and thermophiles
organisms whose cells have a distinct nucleus containing the cells genetic material surrounded by a special envelope called the nuclear membrane
cell walls composed of chitin
true fungi
unicellular forms of fungi
form visible masses called mycelia
unicellular eukaryotic microbes
photosynthetic eukaryotes with a wide variety of shapes and both sexual and asexual reproductive forms
so small can only be seen with an electron microscope
acellular (not cellular) microbe
simple structure containing a core made only of one type of nucleic acid, either DNA or RNA
the two major groups of parasitic works are flatworms and roundworms, collectively called
the system for the naming of organisms which was established in 1735 by Carolus Linnaeus
the first name of the organism in nomenclature, which is always capitalized
the second name in nomenclature, isn't capitalized
specific epithet
first observation of cells, observed a thin slice of cork and reported that life's smallest structural units were "little boxes" or "cells"
Robert Hooke, 1665
his discovery marked the beginning of the cell theory
Robert Hooke
the theory that all living things are composed of cells
cell theory
probably the first to actually observe live microorganisms through the magnifying lenses o more than 400 microscopes he constructed
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
disproved spontaneous generation
Louis Pasteur, 1861
formulated the first vaccine
Edward Jenner, 1798
discovered the process of fermentation
Louis Pasteur, 1857
discovered the process of pasteruization
Louis Pasteur, 1864
the discovery that microoganisms might cause disease
germ theory of disease
discovered the germ theory of disease
Robert Koch, 1876
sequence of experimental steps for directly relating a specific microbe to a specific disease
Koch's postulates
the belief that some forms of life could arise spontaneously from nonliving matter
spontaneous generation
the period from 1857 to 1914
The Golden Age of Microbiology
speculated about a "magic bullet" that could hund down and destroy a pathogen without harming the infected host
Paul Erlich
fired the first shot in the chemotherapy revolution by finding a chemotherapeutic agent effective against syphilis
Paul Erlich, 1910
discovered penicillin
Alexander Fleming, 1928
the study of bacteria
the study of fungi
the study of protozoa and parasitic worms
the study of immunity
the study of viruses
fragments of human or animal DNA that code for important proteins and can be attached to bacterial DNA
recombinant DNA
commercial use of microorganisms to produce some common foods and chemicals
which organelle most closely resembles a procaryotic cell
penicillin acts by
interfering with cell wall synthesis
the function of the cell membrane is to
control what enters and exits the cell
resolution (resolving power) and magnification are actually synonyms when used to describe characteristics of a microscope
when crystal violet, iodine, acetone, and safranin are used to stain a bacterial smear, the procedure is called
the gram stain
the work of Louis Pasteur is used to ______ the theory of spontaneous generation
in DNA adenine always pairs up with _____ for its complementary base
in DNA cytosine pairs up with ____ for its complementary base
during tyndallization, both vegetative and endospores are likely to be killed
DNA is stored not only in chromosomes, it is also stored in
a patient with AIDS is suspected of also having tuberculosis. if a sputum cuture is taken, a/an ____ stain would be ordered to look for Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the sputum
a pyrimidine is actually a type of
nitrogen base
an ____ bacterium will produce more ATP's from the same amount of glucose than an ____
aerobic, anaerobic
what is the purpose of using agar
agar is used to solidify media on which bacteria and fungi are grown.
either F+ or Hfr cells are required to act as the donor if transformation is going to occur
because the progeny each receive one old DNA strand and one newly synthesized DNA strand, DNA replication is said to be
coliforms are gram-posivive rods
salmonella infections can be acquired through handling pet turtles
mannitol salg agar is an example of media which is
both selective inhibition and differential
clap is the street name used for the disease
when a bacteria acquires a new gene that has come floating in solution and migrated into the cell, this process is called
infections with salmonella are usually
if a mutation occurs in a segment of DNA, it is most likely to affect
all future generations
the enzyme used in genetic engineering to open a plasmid and produce "sticky ends" is called a
restriction endonuclease
restriction endonucleases would be expected to cut
both plasmids and chromosomes
Agrobacterium tumefaciens causes crown gall tumors. it has been used as a genetic engineering tool to move genes into
Griffith's experiment with Streptococcus pneumoniae demonstrated that the process ____ can occur in certain bacteria
if gene A mutates at a rate of 10 -2 per cell division, gene B mutat4es at a rate of 10 -7 per cell division, what is the chance that both genes will mutate in the same cell
10 -9
when a nitrogen base is added to the DNA, this causes a ____ mutation
____, which has been associated with Mexican-style soft cheeses, can cause premature delivery in pregnant women
Listeria monocytogenes
Hemophilus influenzae type b is of greatest concern in
young children
the first recombinant DNA experiment was performed by Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen. In their experiment, they moved a gene from a ____ to a ____ cell
toad, bacterial
Chlamydia trachomatis is a
a "bacteriophage" is a
virus that can infect a bacteria
sickle cell anemia is due to a ____ mutation in the gene that codes for the beta chain in hemoglobin
if a vaccine is designated as a "toxoid" that means it contains parts of bacterial cells
using the bacteria that causes cholera, Pasteur's nephew unwittingly led to the discovery that pathogens may become attenuated during
in vitro culture
haptens are more similar to ____ than ____
antigens, antibodies
____ have been called the master cell of the immune system because they can inhibit or enhance antibody production in vertebrates
interferon's role i
to protect neighboring cells against viral infection
antigens usually are
both multispecific and multivalent
when performing the ELISA test, the result should be interpreted as follows
the greater the dilution that exhibits a color change in the substrate, the greater the antibody titer of the patient
with today's technology, when a test is run on a patient's serum to look for antibodies to Streptococcus, it is most likely to be a/an ____ test
in vitro
moses gets an influenza vaccine in October. this vaccine consists of killed viruses. the immunity that results would be an example of
artificial active immunity
Anna had a Staphylococcus infection when she was 12 years old. she is now 24 years old and pregnant. when antibodies that Anna produced to Staphylococcus cross the placenta and circulate in her baby, this is an example of ____ in the baby
natural passive immunity
the class of antibodies that is present in body secretions is
the class of antibodies that is elevated in the serum of pregnant women is
the class of antibodies that is primarily produced upon secondary exposure to antigen is
toxoid preparations are used for immunizing against
in individuals who eventually develop an allergy to penicillin, a hapten-carrier complex induces antibody production. penicillin is functioning in this case as the
precipitation occurs when an antibody binds to a ____ antigen
each plasa cell producse antibodies against
one type of antigen only
associative recognition refers to the phenonemon whereby
to recognize an antigen a helper T-cell must see it on the surface of a macrophage next to a "self" antigen (MHC II)
most bacteria incerase in number through the process of
binary fission
the term "growth" when used for microorganisms, refers to
an increase in cell number
most bacteria that cause diseases in humans have a temperature optimum of approximately
37 degrees celcius
which organism could be found living in a Yellowstone hotspring
which of the following microorganisms is an example of a hyperthermophile
Pyrolobus fumarii
the enzymes of alkaliphiles are not found in
stomach acid
why is molecular oxygen (O2) a toxic molecule for cells
free radicals produced during O2 reduction pull electrons off of DNA
what is the best definition of a "pure culture"
a culture that contains only one type of microorganism
what is the desired result of the quadrant streak plate technique
obtain well isolated bacterial colonies
you are attempting to prepare your plates, but your agar deep hardens before you can pour the plate. you can remelt your agar by putting the agar back into the 50 degree celcius waterbath
how many net ATP are produced from oxidation of glucose to pyruvate by glycolysis
why can't oxidatio of glucose to pyruvate be the final stage in glucose catabolism
it doesn't allow for re-oxidation of NADH and NAD+
in an organism that undergoes fermentation, pyruvate may be
reduced to lactic acid
what isn't necessary for respiration
Nitrobacter use carbon dioxide a their carbon source and nitrite as their energy source. these bacteria are
chemolithotrophic autotrophs
bacteria have their genetic material enclosed in a special nuclear envelope
fungi are
helminths are multicellular animal parasites that are not strictly microorganisms
the claim that living cells can arise only from preexisting living cells is the concept of
the best definition of biotechnology is
the use of living organisms to make desired products
normal microbiota are found
both inside and outside the body
the genus is the first name and is always
protozoa are
viruses are
acellular and very small and can only be seen with an electron microscope
who proved that microorganisms cause disease
the atom is the ____ unit of matter
the sum of atomic weights of a molecule's atoms is called the
molecular weight
an ion with a positive charge is called a/an
what is the type of bond between the hydrogen of one molecule and the nitrogen of another molecule
hydrogen bond
what is the type of bond between carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atome in organic molecules
covalent bond
what type of bond is between ions in salt
ionic bond
identify the following reaction: H2O + CO2 <-> H2CO3
exchange reaction
identify the following reaction: lactose + H2O -> glucose + galactose
hydrolysis reaction
which type of molecule is composed of (CH2O) molecules
these are the primary molecules making up plasma membranes in cells
what is the type of bond holding K+ and l- ions in Kl
ionic bond
what is the type of bond holding hydrogen and oxygen atoms in the molecules of H2O
identify the following reaction: glucose + fructose -> sucrose + water
dehydration synthesis reaction
identify the following reaction: NH4OH <-> NH3 + H2O
reversible reaction
which molecule has peptide bonds linking its subunits
what is a compound consisting of atoms of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, with hydrogen and oxygen in a 2:1 ratio
what isn't true of water molecules
water molecules are formed by hydrolysis
what is the type of bond between molecules of water in a beaker of water
which type of molecule contains the alcohol glycerol
a bond that is formed by the gain or loss of electrons from the outer electron shell
covalent bonds are formed by attraction between atoms that have lost or gained electrons
DNA and RNA are polymers of nucleotides
the hydrogen bonding pattern in ice causes it to have less density than water, so that ice floats on the surfaces of lakes and streams
ionization is the separation of molecules into elements
water molecules are polar molecules with the oxygen retion of the molecule having a slight negative charge and the hydrogen regions of the molecule having a slight positive charge
compounds with the general formula R-OH are called acids
disaccharides are formed when two amino acid molecules bond in a dehydration synthesis reaction
a fat molecule is formed when a molecule of glycerol combines with one to three fatty acid molecules
treatments that affect the tertiary structure of the protein and leave the primary struction intact will not affect the function of the protein
when the bond of ATP's terminal phosphate group is hydrolyzed energy is required
the atomic number is
the number of protons in the nucleus
small organic molecules are joined to form macromolecules through
when an atom's outer electron shell is only partially filled, the atom is considered
chemically unstable
the valence of oxygen is 2. this means that oxygen has
two unfilled spaces in its outermost energy level
a negatively or positively charged atom is called a/an
hydrogen bonds are important in the formation of
interactions between complex molecules such as proteins
what is true about a synthesis reaction
new bonds are formed
organic molecules always contain
carbon and hydrogen
which characteristic of water accounts for its excellent solvent properties
water has a negatively charged portion and a positively charged portion
which quality of water accounts for its charcteristic role as a reactant or product in many chemical reactions
water can split into a hydrogen ion and a hydroxide ion
a base can be defined as
a proton acceptor
a solution with a pH of 5 is
the pH of a solution reflects the hydrogen ion concentration. a change from pH 7 to pH 8 reflects a ____ change in hydrogen ion concentration
10 fold
different functional groups confer different properties on organic molecules. for example, the hydroxyl group of alcohol is hydrophilic and thus
attracts water to it
polymers are macromolecules composed of repeating units. the units are called
when placed in water, phospholipids will orient themselves
with phosphates associated with water and lipids clustered away from the water
which cellular function is not attributed to proteins
the ____ structure of proteins is the unique sequence of amino acids
what is not a characteristic of RNA
most commonly found as a double matrix
in a chemical formula, the ratio of atoms in the compound is shown by numbers called
a group of atoms that acts together as one charged atom is a
polyatomic ion
the elements that make up a compound and the ratios of the atoms of those elements can be shown in a
chemical formula
the name given to the combining ability of an atom is
oxidation number
how many electrons are needed in the outer energy levels of most atoms for the atom to be chemically stable
what is the name of the binary compound made of lithium and chlorine
lithium chloride
what kind of chemical bond is formed when electrons are gained and lost from atoms
what is the total number of atoms in the compound
force that holds together the atoms in a compound
chemical bond
an atom that has an electrical charge
molecule that ha oppositely charged ends
polar molecule
number and sign written by the symbol of an ion to indicate its charge
the compound NaCl is an example of
an ionic compound
neutral particles formed as a result of the sharing of electrons are called
at room temperature, most covalent compounds are
liquids or gases
at room temperature, most ionic compounds are
most of the matter around you is in the form of
the properties of a compound are ____ the properties of the elements that make up the compound
different from
a chemical bond is a ____ that holds together the atoms in a compound
the type of bond holding C and H atoms in glucose is a/an
covalent bond
what molecule contains long hydrocarbon chains
what molecule contains amino groups
ribose and adenine can be found in RNA and