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31 Cards in this Set

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What is the most common trichinosis causing agent in the US?
Trichinella Spiralis
What causes the disease symptoms in trichinosis?
larval worms in host muscle
How do you usually get trichinosis?
through pork or bear meat consumption
What two life cycles exist for trichinosis?
domestic- with pig/rat/dog and people

sylvatic (feral) cycle
What happens in the intestinal phase of trichinosis?
here there is worm reproduction and larval penetration from the gut into tissues
What happens in the parenteral phase of trichinosis?
here there is an inflammatory response to the larvae that escaped the gut

the larva enter the skeletal muscles
What are 'nurse cells'
these are modified muscle cells that form around trichinosis larva.

these evenutally calcify
What are clinical signs of trichinosis?
muscle pain and dysfunction


periorbital edema, myosistis, fever, diarrhea
Will smoking, salting, or drying meat kill trichinosis larvae?
no it will not
What agent causes Visceral larva migrans aka Toxocariasis?
this is caused by toxocara canis.

a roundworm of dogs
Who usually gets Visceral larva migrans aka Toxocariasis infections?
this is more common in children who play with puppies
What is the infective stage of Visceral larva migrans aka Toxocariasis?
egg ingestion from dog poop (or wherever the eggs happen to land)
What are the clinical signs of Visceral larva migrans aka Toxocariasis?
marked eosinophilia
Where is the most common site for granuloma formation in Visceral larva migrans aka Toxocariasis?
the liver
How does Visceral larva migrans aka Toxocariasis affect the eye?
this can have unilateral involvement in older children/adults

looks like retinoblastoma
What is used to diagnose Visceral larva migrans aka Toxocariasis?**
Hyperglobulinemia with presence of Forssman antibody and isohemagglutinins
What causes Cutaneous larva migrans?
Ancylostoma caninum, the dog hookworm
How do people get Cutaneous larva migrans?
by hookworm penetration of the skin via Larva*
Where in the US is Cutaneous larva migrans endemic to?
beaches in south eastern US. (new jersey to the keys)
What are the clinical signs of Cutaneous larva migrans?
linear burrow/papules, or lesions (tracks of the hookworm burrowing through the tissues)
How do you diagnose Cutaneous larva migrans?
this is done based upon the clinical signs
What is the treatment for Cutaneous larva migrans?
What causes anisakiasis?
this is a caused by the larvae of various species of marine nematodes
how do people get anisakiasis?
ingestion of improperly cooked fish or squid
Where in the world is anisakiasis most common?
this is most common in japan
What does anisakiasis larva do upon entering the body?
this penetrates the mucosa and submucosa, which is then followed by worm death and eosinophilic graunloma formation
What are the clinical signs of anisakiasis?
epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting. may seem like peptic ulcers

Xray- gastric/intestinal mass

What is Baylisascaris procyonis?
this is the common intestinal roundworm of raccoons
What is the infective stage of Baylisascaris procyonis?
eggs from raccoon poop
What happens after you become infected with Baylisascaris procyonis eggs?
the juveniles hatch, and wander rather aggressively around the body prior to their death
What are the severe effects of Baylisascaris procyonis infection?**
neurological problems

