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152 Cards in this Set

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most bacteria range from what in regards to diameter and length
0.2 to 2.0 um in diameter
2 to 8 um in length
basic shapes of bacteria
spherical coccus, rod-shaped bacillus and spiral
when cocci divide to reproduce the cells can remain
attached to one another
are cocci that remain in pairs after dividing
cocci that remain attached in chain like structures
cocci that divide in two planes and remain in groups of four
divide in three planes and remain attached in cubelike groups of 8
divide in multiple planes and from grapelike clusters
Most bacilli appear as single rods called
single bacilli
Diplobacilli appear
in pairs after division
what type of bacilli occur in chains
are oval and look so much like cocci
bacteria that look like curved rods
a helical shape like a corkscrew
group of spirals that are helical and flexible
bacteria that maintains a single shape
can have many shapes not just one
how would you be able to identify streptocci thru a microscope?
because of it's chain like structure
Does a prokaryotic cell contain a nucleus?
does prokaryotic cells have membrane-enclosed organelles
what does the flagella of a prokaryotic cell consist of
two protein building blocks
glycocalyx in prokaryotes?
is secreted on the surface and is present as a capsule or slim layer. (Sugar coat)
does a prokaryote contain a cell wall?
It's usually present and is chemically complex (includes peptidoglycan)
plasma membrane in prokaryotes
no carbohydrates and generally lacks sterols
does a prokaryote contain a cytoplasm or streaming
no cytoplasmic streaming or cytoskeleton
size of the ribosomes in a prokaryotic cell
the chromosomes (DNA) of prokaryotic cells
are usually single circular chromosome
what do prokaryotic cells lack in their chromosomes
how does cell division occur in prokaryotic cells
binary fission
sexual recombination in prokaryotic cells
does not occur only transfer of DNA
size of a Eukaryotic cell
10-100um in diameter
does a eukaryotic cell contain a nucleus?
yes, a true nucleus (nuclear membrane and nucleoli)
Are membrane-Enclosed organelles present in eukaryotic cells?
Yes, they include (lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria and chloroplasts)
The Flagella in eukaryotes is
complex, consist of multiple microtubules
is Glcocalyx present in Eukaryotic cells?
yes, but it is only present in cells that lack a cell wall
the cell wall of eukaryotic cells is
chemically simple includes; cellulose and chitin
the plasma membrane of eukaryotic cells is
sterols and carbohydrates that serve as receptors
the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells have
cytoskeleton and cytoplasmic streaming
what size are the ribosomes of a eukaryotic cell and in organelles?
80S and (70S in organelles
the chromosomes (DNA) of eukaryotic cells are
multiple linear chromosomes with histones
cell division of eukaryotic cells involves
sexual recombination in eukaryotic cells involves
the ability of an organism to move by itself
what is found in prokaryotic cells but not eukaryotic cells
how does most bacteria multiply
by binary fission
what type of bacteria can assume several shapes
capsules may protect pathogens from what
what does a flagella consist of
filament, hook and basal body
why would a prokaryotic flagella rotate
to push the cell
what type of protein is an antigen
Flagellar H protein
spiral cells that move by means of an axial filament are called
what is the main difference between axial filaments and flagella
axial filaments wrap round the cell
what helps the cells adhere to surfaces
what is simple diffusion
movement of molecules or ions from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
what is facilitated diffusion
proteins function as channels or carriers that facilitate the movement of ions or large molecules across the plasma membrane
movement of solvent molecules across a selectively permeable membrane from an area with a high concentration of solvent molecules to an area of low concentration solvent molecules
osmotic pressure
the pressure required to prevent the movement of pure water into a solution containing some solutes
isotonic solution
a medium in which the overall concentration of solutes equals that found inside the cell
hypotonic sol
concentration of solutes is lower than that inside the cell
what can happen if the cell wall is weak and it takes in water?
it can burst or indergo osmoticlysis
what is a hypertonic sol
when its higher concentration outside the cell than inside
what do the terms isotonic, hyper and hypotonic describe
the concentration of solutions outside the cell relative to the concentration inside the cell
active transport
the uses of energy in the form of ATP to move substances across the plasma membrane
once a substance is altered and inside the cell what happens to the plasma membrane
it becomes impermeable to it
what is the cytoplasm
substance in side the plasma membrane of prokaryotic cel
contains a single long, continuous and frequently circularly arranged thread of double stranded DNA
plasmids are
circular extrachromosomal double-stranded DNA molecules
plasmids may be gained or lost without
hurting the cell
what does the cytoplasm consist of
mostly water, organic and inorganic molecules, DNA ribosomes and inclusion
the cytoplasm of prokaryotic cells contain numerous
70s ribosomes (rRNA and protein)
where does protein synthesis occur
at ribosomes
how can ribosomes be inhibited
by certain antibiotics
what are inclusions
reserve deposits in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
what are endospores
resting places for some bacteria
what is the shape of flagella and where are they found
they are few and long found in eukaryotic celsl
describe cilia
they are numerous and short
flagella and cilia are used for
cilia move
substances along the surface of cells
what is the arrangement of flagella and cilia
nine pairs and two single microtubules
what does the cell walls of many algae and fungi contain
what is the main material of fungal cell walls
what are animal cells surrounded by
what does glcocalyx do
strengthen the cell and provide means of attachment to other cells
the eukaryotic plasma membrane is a
phospholipid bilayer containing proteins
how can eukaryotic cells move materials across the plasma membrane
by the passive processes used by prokaryotes and by active transport and endocytosis
the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells includes
everything inside the plasma membrane external to the nucleus
the 80s ribosomes found in eukaryotic cells are attached to
rough endoplasmic reticulum
what is the most characteristic eukaryotic organelle
the nucleus which contains DNA in the form of chromosomes
what is the endoplasmic reticulum
what the nuclear envelope is connected to in the cytoplasm
the ER provides
surface of chemical reactions and serves as a transport network
what occurs on the rough ER
protein synthesis and transport
what is the function of the Golgi complex
to help with membrane formation and protein secretion
how are lysosomes formed
from Golgi complexes
what do lysosomes store
digestive enzymes
what is the primary site of ATP production
what does the mitrochondria contain
70S ribosomes and DNA
what do chloroplast contain
chlorophyll and enzymes for photosynthesis
what is the endosymbotic therory
the belief that eukaryotic cells evolved from symbiotic prokaryotes living inside other prokaryotic cells
this is an example of
this is an example of
this is an example of
this is an example of
coccobacillus bacteria
this is an example of
this is an example of
diplobacilli bacteria
this is an example of
this is an example of
sarcinae bacteria
This is an example of
This is an example of
staphylococci bacteria
This is an example of
This is an example of
single bacillus bacteria
This is an example of
This is an example of
diplobacilli bacteria
This is an example of
This is an example of
streptobacilli bacteria
This is an example of
This is an example of
coccibacillus bacteria
cytoplasm refers to
the substance inside the cell
what are the major structures in the cytoplasm of prokaryotes
a nucleoid (containing DNA), ribosomes, and reserve deposits called inclusions
what does the cytoplasm of prokaryotic cells lack
cytoskeleton and cytoplasmic streaming
the nucleoid of a bacterial cell is attached to what
the plasma membrane
what is a plasmid and where is it located
plasmid is small circular double stranded DNA molecules. Located in the nucleoid
why are plasmids important
because they may carry genes for such activities as antibiotic resistance, tolerance to toxic metals, the production of toxins and the synthesis of enzymes
ribosomes are found in
both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells
ribosomes function as
the site of protein synthesis
the letter S in ribosomes refers to
Svedberg units, which indicate the relative rate of sedimentation during ultra high speed centrifugation
what is an organelle
structures with specific shapes and specialized functions and are characteristic of eukaryotic cells
what does a organelle include
nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, lysosomes, vacuoles, mitochondria, chloroplasts, peroxisomes and centrosomes
what contains almost all of the cells hereditary info
what is the nucleus surround by
a double membrane called the nuclear envelope
what do nuclear pores allow
the nucleus to communicate with the cytoplasm
what controls the movement of substances between the nucleus and cytoplasm
nuclear pores
what is nucleoli aka nucleolus
nucleoli are condensed regions of chromosomes where ribosomal RNA is being synthesized
what is an essential component of ribosomes
ribosomal RNA
the nucleus of eukaryotic cells contains what main protein
chromatin is
threadlike mass of DNA
when do chromatin turn into chromosomes
during nuclear division
to segregate chromosomes prior to cell division what elaborate mechanisms are required in eukaryotic cells
mitosis and meiosis
what is in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells
endoplasmic reticulum or ER
what is the function of smooth ER
to sythesisize phosopholipids, fats and steroids
where is the first place that proteins go after they are synthesized?
Golgi complex
what does the Golgi complex consist of
3 to 20 cisternae. give Golgi cuplike shape
what is a transport vesicle
ribosomes of the rough ER that fuse with a portion of the ER membrane
how do the proteins move from one cistern to another
by transfer vesicles
when enzymes in the cisternae modify proteins, what do they form
glycoproteins, glycolipids and lipoproteins
how do proteins leave the cistern
by secretory vesicles or storage vesicles like (lysosomes)
what are lysosomes formed from
Golgi complexes
what do lysosomes contain
40 different kinds of powerful digestive enzymes
what is a vacuole
a space or cavity in the cytoplasm of a cell
what doe some vacuoles serve as
a temporary storage organelle for substances such as proteins, sugars, organic acids and inorganic ions
other vacuoles from endocytosis
help bring food into the cell
spherical or rod shaped organelle that appear throughout the cytoplasm of most eukaryotic cells
the mitochondria consist of
a double membrane, cristae (inner, series of folds), matrix (center of mitochondria
membrane enclosed structure that contains both the pigment chlorophyll and enzymes required for light-gathering phases of photosynthesis
where is the chlorophyll in chloroplasts contained
in thylakoids(flattened membrane sacs)
what do chloroplasts contain
70S ribosomes, DNA and enzymes
similar to the structure of lysosomes, but smaller
what happens in peroxisome
AA and fatty acids are oxidized
what do the enzymes in peroxisomes do such as the enzyme catalase
oxidize toxic substance such as alcohol. Or decompose toxic compounds like carbon dioxide
what is the centrosome
located in the nucleus contains: pericentriolar area and centrioles
within the pericentriolar material is a pair of cylindrical structure called
what is the endosymbiotic theory
explains the origin of eukaryotes from prokaryotes. That larger bacterial cells lost their cells walls and engulfed smaller bacterial cells