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23 Cards in this Set

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The acquisition and recall of memoreies involves three process 1______2______and 3_________
The _______________ describes memor as consisting of three components sesory memory, short-term memory and, ______________.
Information-processing model
Long-term memory
_________ provides a brief storage of sensory stimuli. Whle it seems to be capable of storing a great deal of info, its info is retained for no more thean a few seconds.
Sensory memory
When sensory memory is trasfered to ____________ it becomes the focus of attention. fades withing 30 seconds.
short-term memory
________________ is not well understood, it is likely due to the type of rehersal: information is more liekly to be transferred to LTM with elaboratiovie rehearsal, whichinvolves relating new informaiton to eisting informaiton, than maintenance rehearsal, which involves simply repeating the new information with little or no interpretation.
Long-term memory
_____________ is the type of amnesia most associated with brain trauma, they can recall info stored prior to the trauma but cannot retain any new information.
_______ amnesia, entails a loss of memory for events that occcurred before the trauma.
Studies of _____________ show that when people are askedto recall a list of items immediately after reading the list, the items in the beginning and ende of the list ar recalled much better than those in the middle.
serial position effect
The __________ approach proposes that differences in memory are due to differences in depth of processing rather than to separate memory stores.
________ memory stores information about how to do things. _____ memory mediates the acquisiton of facts.
Which is harder to forget Procedural or Declarative memory
The hippocampus and frontal loves seem to mediate _______ memory, while the basal ganglia and cerebellum are important for _____ memory.
___________ memory is the capacity to remember to do things in the future.
prospective memory
__________ affect the accuracy of memory.
_________ or "knowing how to know" refers to a person's knowledge of how to learn or acquire new information. It is part of __________ (knowing about knowing), which is responsible for knowldege of on'es own cogntive resources and executive control, or the ability to manipulate and regulae on'e scogitive funcions to ensure successful task completion.
According to _________, learning produces a trace, or engram, which is a physiological change in the brain that decays over time as the result of disuse. Not alot of support for theory
Trace Decay Theory
___________ proposes that forgetting occurs when the ability to recall one bit of information is affected by information acquired previously or subsequently.
Interference Theory
____________ refers to memory loss resulting when newly-learned material interferes with previously-learned material.
Retroactive intererence
______________ referes to memory loss resulting when prior learning intereres with the learning or recall of subsequent material.
proactive interference
__________ says forgetting results when cues needed to retrieve information from long-term memory are insufficient or incomplete. Tip of tongue
cue-dependent forgetting
The _____________ principle proposes that the greater the similarity between the way material is encoded and the cues that are present at the time of recall the better the recall. This prediction is confirmed by research on ______________ learning, which has shown that recall of information is ometimes better when the learner is in the same emotional state during the learning and recall.
Encoding Specificity
state-dependent learning
____________ use imagery, organization, and context to improve the retrieval of information stored in long-term memory. The ______, for instnace, involves visually associating items to be remmbered with a series of places already in memory. The __________, is useful for paired associate tasks in which two owrds must be linked.
method of loci
keyword method
The learning of a new response is affected by ________ level. According to _______ law moderate leveles of arousal maximize the efficiency of learning and performance, while expemly low or high levels are associated with decreased efficiency.