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135 Cards in this Set

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includes ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, and vagina

internal organs of the reproductive system

the external genitalia is known as the what


The vulva includes what four structures

libia minora, labia majora, clitoris, bartholin glands and mons pubis

the area between the vaginal orifice and the anus is known as the what


produces and transports ova; provides place for fertilization; provides nourishment for developing fetus; discharges fertilized ova from the body; produces estrogen and protestrogen

female internal organs of the reproductive system

includes graafian follicles, mature follicles, and corpus luteum


contains ovum

graafian follicles

realeases the ovum, called ovulation

mature follicle

secretes estrogen and progesterone; if unfertilized it disintegrates and exits the body

corpus leteum

oviducts and uterine tubes are what

fallopian tubes

assists in the transportation of the ovum


muscular hollow pear shaped structure located in the pelvic area between bladder and rectum; nourishes embryo from time fertilized egg is implanted until fetus is born


uterus is bent forward


the fundus, the body, and the cervix are part of what

the uterus

muscular tube extends from cervix to exterior of the body; lubrication is provided by bartholin glands


an erectile tissue with sensory endings


during childbirth when the perineum is surgically incised ___________ to enlarge the vaginal wall opening for delivery***************


role is to secrete milk for newborn

mammary glands (breasts)

what is that role called?


when do breasts develop as a result of periodic stimulation of the ovarian hormones


what age are your hormones fully developed


estrogen is responsible for the development of what

adipose tissue

the size of the breast is developed by what

the amount of tissue

lobules of milk producing glands are drained by what

lactiferous ducts

circlingthe nipple I a border of slightly darker skin called what


at menopause what happens to breast tissue


initial menstrual period, occurs at puberty until about 40 yrs, except during pregnancy************


************what is the duration of the menstrual cycle

28 days

************the length of pregnancy is known as

gestation; lasts 9 months

************childbirth is also known as


up to 3 months pregnant what is the fetus known as


from 3 months until pregnancy what is the product of conception known as


when the fetus is expelled from the uterus it is known as


this stage is first and begins with uterine contractions and terminates when there is a complete dilation of the cervix (10cm)

stage of dilation

stage from complete cervical dilation to birth of baby

stage of expulsion

last stage (afterbirth) is known as

placental stage

cessation of ovarian activity and diminished hormone production that occurs at about 50


absence of menses for one year is known as


period during menopause in which symptoms of approaching menopause occur**************

change of life or climacteric

hot flashes and vaginal drying and thinning during climacteric as estrogen levels fall*************

vaginal atrophy

used to treat vaginal atrophy and osteoporosis

HRT hormone replacement therapy

myometrium and endometrium are found in what part of the uterus


may be caused by infection, injury, or hormonal dysfunction

female reproductive disorders

the study of female reproductive organs and breasts*************


branch of medicine that manages health of a woman and her fetus during pregnancy and birth*******************8


period of adjustment after childbirth during which the reproductive organs of the mother eturn to their nonpregnant state; six to eight weeks afterwards******************


menstrual pain and tension which may be the result of uterine contractions, pathological growths, or such chronic disorders as anemia, fatigue, diabetes, and tuberculosis.


used to treat dysmenorrhea and regulate menstrual abnormalities


irregular uterine bleeding between menstrual periods


symptomatic of disease including tumors and is considered one of the most serious menstrual disorders


profuse or prolonged bleeding during menstruation that may be caused by endocrine disturbances

menorrhagia or hypermenorrhea

disorder with sgns and symptoms tht range from complaints of headache and fatigue to mood changes, anxiety, depression, uncontrolled crying spells, and water retention


reducing alcohol, caffeine, salt, and increasing exercise can help symptoms of


tissue found inside the uterus************


**********develops into implants, lesions, or growths which can cause pain infertility, and other problems

endometrial tissue

inflammation of the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and adjacent pelvic structures usually caused by bacterial infection

PID Pelvic inflammatory disease

gonnorhea and chlamydial STD's are two common causes of what


bacteria in the blood that often occurs with severe infections


localized infections and inflammations occurring from viruses bacteria, or yeast that are confine to the vagina


most common symptoms are vaginal itching, painful intercourse, and foul smelling discharge


urethral inflammation


two of the most common types are candidiasis and trichomoniasis


also known as moniliasis; caused by yeast that present as part of normal flora of vagina


antifungal agents that suppress the growth of fungi


one of the most common causes of sexually transmitted lower genital tract infections


carcinoma of the breast aka

breast cancer

associated with ovarian hormonal function, high fat diets increase risks, family history, and use of HRT

breast cancer

women who have never had children


pap test, cytological examination can determine this cancer


causes are coitus at young age, multiple sex partners, infection with certain STD's, intercourse with men whose partners had cervical cancer

cervical cancer

consists of a series of phases in which the uterine endometrium changes as it responds to changing levels of ovarian hormones**************

menarche (menstrual cycle)

period of adjustment after childbirth that ends with first ovulation or return of normal menstruatin


tissue responds to hormonal fluctuations of the menstrual cycle

ectopic endometrium

ectopic tissue in endometriosis is usually found in the pelvic area but may be found where

anywhere in abdominopelvic cavity

progressive wavelike movement that occurs involuntarily in hollow tubes of the body


when an ovum ripens, the mature follicle moves to surface of ovary, ruptures and releases ovum known as


tissues or stuctures in the body adjacent to or near a related structure

adnexa; ex: adnexa of the eye includes all supporting structures of the eye globe

a channel or chamber communicating with or opening into another, in particular


a primary sore aka


first phase in syphilis


ulcerated sore with hard edges tht contains infectious organisms


the upper rounded part of antiflexion position in the uterus


female is shallower than males possible due to childbearing


supports enlarged uterus as fetus develops and provides passageway for fetus when ready


male reproductive organ consists of two


what is located in the scrotum


testes produce a hormone called what that makes men manly


provides the production of sperm; the sex cell


located on top of the testes******


it is the storage place for sperm before ejaculation


transportation of sperm from the epispadias to the ejaculatory duct

vas deferens

vas deferens aka

seminal duct or ductus

the union of the vas deferens with the duct from the seminal vesicle froms wat

the ejaculatory duct

provides nutrients to support the sperm

seminal vesicle

produces at least 60% of seminal fluid ejaculated during intercourse

seminal vesicle

sexual intercourse aka


a triplelobed organ fused to the base of the bladder in the male reproductive system

prostate gland

duct through which semen enters urethra

ejaculatory duct

bulbourethral glands aka

cowper glands

two pea shaped structures located below prostate and connected by small duct to urethra

cowper glands

provide alkaline fluid necessary for sperm

bulbourethral glands

the male organ of copulation composed of erectile tissue that encloses the urethra


expels semen and urine from the body


the enlarged tip of the penis is known as the what

glans penis

production of alkaline substance that protects sperm against acidity of vagina

prostate gland

production of male sex cells; transportation of sperm to sites of fertilization; secretion of hormones vital to development and maintenance of sexual characteristics

male reproductive system

movable hood of skin that covers the glans penis

prepuce (foreskin)

urethral orifice aka


the glans penis contains the what


what are the sperm transporting organs

epididymis, vas deferens, ejaculatory duct, and urethra

what are the accessory glands of the male reproductive system

seminal vesicles, prostate gland, bulbourethral glands

what is the copulatory organ of the male reproductive system


Gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, genital herpes, genital warts, trichomoniasis, and HIV are al what


gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia are all caused by what


a nonmalignant enlarged prostate that may affect urine flow; commonly associated with the aging process

benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH)

signs and symptoms may include urinary obstruction or hesitancy, dysuria, nocturia, dribbling... pretty much anything to do with urine coming out fast, slow, or not at all.


cystitis and nephritis may occur due to this


cystitis is what

bladder infection

what is nephritis

kidney infection

prostate and testicular cancer are two common forms of cancer associated with what

the male reproductive system

a malignant neoplasm of prostatic tissue is known as what

prostate cancer

most commonly an adenocarcinoma

prostate cancer

commonly mestasizes to pelvic and spinal cord; genetic predisposition; usually over age 50

prostate cancer

presymptomatic tests for prostate cancer include


hormone therapy and removal of the prostate are steps to take towards what

curing prostate cancer

***************malformation in which the urethra opens on the dorsum of the penis


****************malformation in which the urethra opens on the underside of the penis


inability to produce offspring


painful accumulation of serous fluid in the sac that contains the testes


radiological test performed in males to assess the bladder using a catheter searching for abnormalities

retrograde urethrography

radiological test used to diagnose or treat male infertility; injection of contrast medium into vas deferens and ejaculatory ducts with subsequent xray examination of these structures


collection of several samples of the prostate tissue for microscopic evaluation to find malignant tissue

biopsy of the prostate

transrectal, transperineal, and transurethral are all what kind of procedures

biopsy of the prostates

physical examination of prostate to check size and for lumps

digital rectal examination

