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13 Cards in this Set

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Huesmann and Moise suggested...

Five ways that exposure to media violence might lead to aggression in children.

Observational Learning and Imitation

Children can be expected to imitate violent behavior that is successful in gaining the model's objectives.

The more real the violent scene is percieved to be, the more they can believe the character is like them.

Phillips - examined crime stats 10 days after boxing match, found a rise in murders after that period. No rise from NFL.

Cognitive Priming

The activation of existing thoughts and feelings, children can observe one kind of aggression on TV and commit another kind of aggressive act afterwards.

Frequent exposure can lead to "storing scripts of violence" in their memories.


Media violence, may stimulate aggressive behavior by desensitizing children to the effects of violence.

The viewing can cause them to become less anxious about violence. They could also perceive the violence as "normal".

Lowered Physiological Arousal

Giles - Large scale studies of this explanation have consistently found that there are stronger desensitization effects for males than there are for females.

Huesmann and Moise - report boys who are heavy TV watchers show lower then average arousal to violence.


Violent behaviors on TV may provide a justification for a child's own behavior.

Children who behave aggressively may also watch TV to relieve their guilt and justify their aggression. He will then feel less inhibited about aggressing again.


For each of the five above and for "The anti effects lobby"!`

The anti-effects lobby

The evidence does not always support the hypothesis that media violence leads to violent behavior.

Belson - interviewed 1500 teen boys, and found that those who watched the least Tv were the least aggressive. However those who watched the most were less aggressive than boys who watched moderate amounts.

Observational Learning - A02


Cognitive Priming - A02


Desensitization - A02

Cumberbatch - argues that people might get used to screen violence but that doesn't not mean a person will also get used to violence in the real world. He claims that screen violence is more likely to make children frightened not frightening.

Lowered Physiological Arousal - A02

Zillmann - The excitation transfer model suggests that arousal creates a readiness to aggress if there are appropriate circumstances.

Feshbach and Singer - believe that watching violence has beneficial, cathartic effects - arousal allows one to release pent up aggressive energies.

Justification - A02

Liss and Reinhardt - suggest that the negative effects of such programmes support the concept of justification. The use of aggression by pro-social characters lends and aura of moral justification to their violence, with which children readily identify.