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75 Cards in this Set

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Name the 5 parts of the brain.
3.)Mid Brain
4.)Pons Varolii (Pons)
5.)Medulla Oblongata
What are the two main divisions of the Nervous System?
How many spinal nerves are found in the body?
31 pair from vertebrae
What is meant by the statement that 2 systems which make up the autonomic nervous system are antagonistic?
Sympathetic stimulates various organs while depressing others to "deal with the situation" & parasympathetic is the mirror image, returning body to its normal resting functionality.
What are the two types of tissue that make up the brain?
Grey matter (outer) & White matter (inside)
What are 2 kinds of kneading manipulations.
What does the circulation system do?
Brings oxygen to cells and carries away waste products from cells.
What regulates the heart beat?
Nervous system
What is the difference between blood and plasma?
Plasma is the yellow liquid portion, blood contains red blood cells, etc...as well as plasma.
What are Erythrocytes and their function?
Erythrocytes are red blood cells, function to carry oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Do arteries carry blood to or away from the heart?
Away from the heart
Do veins carry blood to or away from the heart?
Veins carry to the heart
What veins/arteries carry oxygenated blood? And where (veins vs arteries)
Pulmonary arteries carry oxygenated blood away from the heart; pulmonary veins carry oxygenated blood to the heart.
What is another name for percussion?
Does hacking transversely cause harbor damage?
If applied correctly it is harmless.
How much pressure should u apply during massage?
As much as the client can handle without feeling pain. (more in heavily muscled areas)
What are some physiology effects of Tapotement?
Stimulates nerves, restores weak muscles, and is therapeutic.
Describe lymph.
Body alkaline transparent colorless fluid found in lymphatic vessels. May be milky color in vessels draining intestines because of presence of absorbed fats.
How does lymph move through the body.
The amount of fluid in lymph vessels, the heart beating & changes in pressure in thoracic & abdomen cavities.
Does lymph travel as quickly as blood through the body?
What is lymph formed form?
Plasma & white blood cells escaping through the walls of capillaries. Lymph is excess intestinal fluid & protein that doesn't return to blood system.
What is the purpose of lymph?
Lymph is responsible to carry out digested fats from intestional area to bloodstream & filters out pus & foreign matter.
What does a lymph valve do?
Lymphatic valves keep lymph flowing in one direction.
What are the functions of lymph nodes?
Lymph nodes produce lymphocytes & monocytes. They act as filters keeping matter (ex:bacteria) from the blood stream.
How does massage effect lymph?
Massage stimulates the flow of lymph.
List the order of massage in the upper body. (1-5)
5.)Nerve stroke
What are the 3 principal classification of joint movement?
1.)Synarthrosis-immovable (skull)
2.)Amphiarthrosis-limited movement (spinal column)
3.)Diarthrosis-freely movable (gliding, hinge, ball & socket)
What do intervertebral discs do?
Absorb shock & allow limited movement.
Where are bursa found?
Bursa are found in all Diarthrosis joints, between some muscles, and under some muscle structures.
What is the definition of sanitation?
The massage therapist needs to know the theory behind what...
What they are applying.
List the uppers extremities, the bones and how many of them a human body has. (extremities 1-3)
1.)Upper arm: humerus-1
2.)Forearm: ulna & radius-2
3.)Wrist: carpals-8
Brachial artery terminates by forming what other arteries?
Radial artery and the ulna artery.
The radius articulates with what other bones?
Radius articulates with the ulna & humerus, For the articulation or the hinge joint of the elbow, as well as articulation of the wrist.
Why is the tricep muscle so named?
Triceps have 3 heads or 3 points of contact with bone.
If u "make a fist" with ur hand, what type of muscle is active-flexors or extensors?
How many times do u repeat a massage manipulation?
3 times
In massage, what is the first manipulation to the upper body?
What is the longest bone in the body?
How many bones are in the lower part of your leg? And what are their names?
2-Tibia & Fibula
How many tarsal bones are found in the human body?
14 tarsals = 7 on each side
Largest bone in the lower leg?
How many muscles make up the hamstring and what are their names?
1.) Semimembranous
2.) Semitendinous
3.) Biceps femoris
What is the largest artery in lower extremities?
Femoral artery
What are the connecting links between veins & arteries?
What is the order of massage in the lower extremities?
1.) Effleurage
2.) Tapotement
3.) Friction
4.) nerve stroke
Should u use hacking on the tibia? Why or why not?
There is nothing between the tibia and skin.
Tapotement: what are the 5 types?
1.) Hacking
2.) cupping
3.) tapping
4.) beating w/finger tips
5.) slapping
Name the main organs in the Thoracic cavity.
1.) Trachea
2.) Lungs
3.) Esophagus
4.) Thymus
5.) Heart
What structure joins the lungs to the trachea?
Why are veins darker than arteries?
They contain more waste matter and carbon dioxide.
Name the valves between the atria and ventricles.
Tricuspid-valve on right side of the heart that has 3 little flaps.
Bicuspid-valve on left side of the heart that has 2 little flaps.
What are the 2 arteries that is the main blood supply to the head?
Left and right common carotid arteries
What are the muscles concerned with respiration? (Inspiration & expiration)
Diaphram, Intercostals. When the need for more forcible action exists, the powerful muscles of forced inspiration come into play?
Why is massage of the chest muscle beneficial?
You will be helping the muscles that assist in respiration, also helping the lungs perform their function. It will also activate muscles that assist in movement of the arms and shoulders.
Where does friction manipulation of the chest end?
At the base of the sternum.
When hacking, what comes in contact with the client?
Fingers only
Are nerve strokes stimulating?
It can be.
It's also been found to be soothing on the mind, it is used on many people with nervous conditions and should never be omitted.
Describe how to perform a nerve stroke.
By placing both hand flat on the client's shoulders and drawing them down to the wrist with very little pressure (ex:stroking a fine fur)
What separates the abdomen and the thorax?
Which is larger; stomach or liver?
What is the function of the stomach valves?
To keep food from reversing direction and keeps food in stomach for appropriate length of time.
Where is bile stored?
Gall bladder
What is the function of the pancreas?
Production of pancreatic juice and insuline.
Food passes from the mouth to the stomach through what structure?
What are the 3 parts of the small intestine?
Duodenojejunal, jejunum, &  ileum or  sometimes called Duodenum, jejunum & ileum.
What are the parts of the large intestine?
The ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, and the sigmoid colon.
What is the name of the cells that make up the epidermis?
What is the purpose of the subcutaneous fat below the skin?
Protection and warmth. Insulating layer that prevents the loss of heat
How does the skin help to cool off the body?
Brings blood to the surface in order that it may cool off, and thus lose heat; By secreting moisture (sweat) which it can bring to the surface, where it is evaporated, cooling the area, and by providing insulation in the form of hair.
What part of the hands are u using when applying effleurage?
What is the purpose of sebaceous glands?
Keeps the outer layer of the skin soft and pliable as well as acting more or less as a water-proofing.
Name five divisions of the spine.
Cervical Vertebrae, Thoracic Vertebrae, Lumbar Vertebrae, Sacrum Vertebrae, and the Coccygeal (Coccyx) Vertebrae.
What is the purpose of the obturator foramen?
Allows for passing of nerves and blood vessels into the leg.
What does the Splenius Captis muscle do?
Assists in rotating and extending the head and neck.