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26 Cards in this Set

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limited government
States that government is restricted in what they do , and each individual has rights that the government can't take away.
representative government
the idea that government should serve the will of the people.
magna carta
Established that the power of the monarchy was not absolute and guaranteed trial by process and due process of law to the nobility.
petition of right
Challenged the idea of the divine right of kings and declared that even the monarch was subject to the laws of the land.
english bill of rights
Designed to prevent the abuse of power by English monarchs; forms the basis for much in American government and politics today.
A written grant of authorty from the king.
A legislative body composed of two chambers.
Organized by a proproietor. ( a person to whom the king had made a grant of land.)
A legislative body composed of one chamber.
A joining of several groups for a common purpose.
Albany Plan of Union
Aimed to unite the 13 colonies for trade, military and other purposes; the plan was turned down by the colonies and the Crown.
popular sovereignty
Asserts that the people are the source of any and all governemtal power, and government can exist only with the consent of the governed
Articles of Confederation
Established "a firm league of friendships" among the states, but allowed few important powers to the central government.
refusal to buy or sell certain products or services
formal approval
presiding officer
chair or leader of congress not the president
group of delegates who attended the Philadelphia convention making the constitiution
new jersey plan
a plan that supported a unicameral congress with the states equally represented and would limit tax power to congress and regulate trade between states
Connecticut compromise
agreed that congress would be composed of two houses. in the senate a small equally represented body. the house representation based on population of that state.
three fifths compromise
all freed persons are counted as well as three fifths of slaves
commerce and slave trade compromise
congress forbidden to tax the export of goods and forbidden the power to act on the slave trade for at least 20 years
favored ratification lead by James Madison and Alexander Hamilton.
anti federalists
opposed to ratification lead by Patrick Henry, John Hancock and Samuel Adams