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64 Cards in this Set

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what make up the bases of the longitudinal arch of the foot?
posterior base - tuberosity of the calcaneus
anterior base - metatarsal heads and sesamoids
what fors the arch of the longitudinal arch?
metatarsal and tarsal bones with the talus being the keystone
what is the rigid component of the longitudinal arch and what composes it?
the lateral part. it is flatter and is composed of the calcaneus, cuboid, lateral 2 metatarsals, and their phalanges
what is the flexible component of the longitudinal arch? what composes it?
the medial part is more arches and composed of the calcaneu, talus, navvicular, cuneiforms, medial 3 metatarsals w/ their phalanges and the sesamoids
in leg: the ___ divides the posterior compartment into a deep and superficial compartment
deep transverse fascia
(in leg) what does the deep fascia do?
surrounds muscles, has septa.
it fuses to tibia and fibula at subcutaneous surfaces
all leg muscles except the ___ and ___ of the ____
what are the muscles of the anterior compartment? (M to L)
tibialis ant
ext hall long
ext digi long
perneus (fibularis) tertius
what is the function of the anterior compartment of leg muscles?
dorsiflexion -> toe clearance during swing phase, prevention of foot slap at heel strike
problems with ant comp leg mm results in what kind of gait?
steppage gait
what are the muscles of the lat compartment of leg mm?
peroneous (fibularis) longus
peroneus (fibularis) brevis
what is the primary function of the lat compartment leg mm?
pronation and plantarflexion
what are the muscles of the superficial post compartment of leg?
gastrocnemius (crosses knee)
soleus (DOESNT cross knee)
what muscles fuse to the achilles heel?
gastrocnemius and soleus
what is the primary function of the superficial group of mm in the post compartment of leg?
plantarflexion of foot to propel forward during gait
what are the muscles in the deep group of post compartment leg mm?
popliteus (most lateral)
flexor Hallucis longus
flexor Digittorum longus
Tibialis post (most medial)
what is the primary function of the deep group of post comp leg mm?
during gait: plantarflexion and supination of the foot (except for the popliteus, it doesn't go down to tthe foot)
what is the intrinsic m of the knee?
what nerve innervates the ant comp of leg?
deep peroneal (fibular)
dorsiflexion of foot (toe clearance, heel slap) -> steppage gait
what never innervates the lat comp of leg?
superficial peroneal (fibular)
what nerve innervates the superficial post comp of leg?
what never innervates the deep post comp of leg?
tibialis ant
o: lat surface of shaft of tibia
i: medial cuneiform and first metatarsal base
a: dorsiflexes and inverts foot
n: deep peroneal (fibular) nerve
extensor hallucis longus
o: medial surface of shaft of fibula
i: distal phalanx of hallux
a: dorsiflexes hallux and foot
n: deep peroneal (fibular) nerve
extensor digitorum longus
o: medial surface of shaft of fibula
i: middle and distal phalanges of the lesser digits
a: dorsiflexes the lesser digits and foot
n: deep peroneal (fibular) nerve
peroneus longus
o: lat surface of shaft of gibula
i: medial cuneiform and first metatarsal base
a: plantarflexes and pronates (everts) the foot
n: superficial peroneal (fibular) n
peroneus brevis
o: lat surface of shaft of gibula
i: tuberosity of fifth metatarsal base
a: plantarflexes and pronates (everts) the foot
n: superficial peroneal (fibular) n
o: medial head - medial condyle of femur
lateral head - lateral condyle of femur
i: posterior surface of calcaneus
a: flexes the leg, plantarflexes foot
n: tibial
o: post surface of shaft of tibia and fibula
i: post surface of calcaneus
a: plantarflexes foot
n: tibial
o: ckc - post surface of shaft of tibia
a: unlocks knee joint at beginning of flexion
i: tibial
[only crosses knee join]
flexor digitorum longus
o: post surface of shaft of tibia
i: distal phalanges of lesser digits
a: plantarflexes the lesser digits and the foot
i: tibial
tibialis post
o: post surface of shaft of tibia and fibula
i: tuberosity of navicular (medial side of foot)
a: Supinates and plantarflexes foot
i: tibial
flexor hallucis longus
o: post surface of shaft of fibula
i: distal phlanx of hallux
a: plantarflexes hallux and foot
i: tibial
anterior compartment syndrome
inc pressure w/in ant compartment of leg, compresses nerve and vascular supply to the muscles.
-> foot drop, loss of sensation in first web space
shin splints
inflammation of periosteum at origin of tib ant or tib post
rupture of tendo calcaneus
popping sound and inability to stand on tips of toes are common signs. usually occurs 1 or 2 inchies proximal to attachment on calcaneus
the ___ vein goes ___ to the medial malleolus
great saphenous, anterior
what travels with the small saphenous vein?
sural n
what travels with the great sapenous veing?
saphenous n (and it goes cutaneous in the leg region)
what travels with the post tib a?
tibial n
where do the plantar aa come from?
the post tib a goes deep to the flexor retinaculum where it divides into medial and lateral plantar aa.
what are the major branches of the peroneal a?
perforating arterY - thru interosseus to ankle

peroneal a can take over supply to dorsum of foot
what supplies cutaneous innervation in between big toe and next to it?
deep peroneal
loss of sensation -> ant comp synd
what supplies cutaneous innervation to the inside of leg?
saphenous n
what supplies cutaneous innervation on lateral-back side of lower leg?
sural n
what supplis cutaneous innervation to dorsal side of most of toes and front-lateral part of leg?
superficial peroneal
tarsal tunnel syndrome
entrapment or compression neuropathy of the tibial n or one of its branches (medial or lateral plantar) as they go beneath the flexor retinaculum
injust to the commone peroneal (common gibular) n at neck of fibula results in?
foot drop, foot slap, dragging of toes when walking
what is the only intrisinc m on the dorsum of foot?
extensor digitorum brevis
(its 1st tendon can be called extensor hallucis brevis)
where are the pads of the foot? what are they formed from?
superficial fascia at the calcaneal tuberosity, metatarsal heads, and distal phalanges
(weight bearing places)
the deep fascia of the foot is also called..
the plantar aponeurosis
where does the plantar aponeurosis attach?
the central portion attaches to the medial process of the calcaneal tuberosity
what are the muscles in the 1st plantar layer?
abductor hallucis
flexor dgitorum brevis
abductor digiti minimi
what are the muscles in the 2nd plantar layer?
quadratus plantae (flexor accessorius)
lumbircales (4)

?2 external ones?
what are the muscles in the 3rd plantar layer?
flexor hallucis brevis (2 heads)
adductor hallucis (transverse and oblique heads)
flexor digiti minimi brevis

tendons of peroneus longus and tibialis post course in this layer
what are the muscles in the 4th plantar layer?
plantar interossei (3, they adduct (none on 2, on medial side of 3,4,5))
dorsal interossei (4, they abduct (2 on 2, and lateral side of 3,4))
what is the course of the dorsalis pedis a?
begins at articular capsule (is a continuation of ant tib a), courses to proximal aspect of first interspace, terminates by dividing into 1st dorsal metatarsal a and deep plantar a

tendon of ext hall long is medial to it

gives off deep plantar a, arcuate a, 1st dorsal metatarsal a...
what is the vascularization of the dorsum of foot?
arcuate artery gives off 2nd, 3rd, 4th dorsal metatarsal aa (first is off of dorsalis pedis)
dorsal metatarsal aa (1,2,3,4) give off dorsal proper digital aa to digits (2 to each)
how is the plantar surface of the foot vascularized?
medial and lateral plantar aa (branches of the post tib a)
what is the main cutaenous innervation across the toes?
what does the deep peroneal n innervate in the foot?
extensor digitorum brevis
what does the medial plantar n innervate in the foot?
abductor hallucis
flexor digitorum brevis
flexor hallucis brevis
1st lumbrical
what does the lateral plantar n innervate in the foot?
abductor digiti minimi
quadratus plantae
2-4 lumbricals
adductor hallucis
flexor diiti minimi
1-4 dorsal interossei
1-3 plantar interossei
what is responsible for the tendo calcaneus reflex?
the achicilles/triceps surae reflex