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24 Cards in this Set

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Age range of adolescents

10 years old to the end of puberty which is around 20 years old

Primary sex characteristics

Production of eggs and sperm and the development of sex organs

Secondary sex characteristics

Bodily changes of puberty not directly related to reproduction. Example: pubic hair, facial hair, deeper voice, breasts develop

Experimental drug use

Use once or a few times out of curiosity

Social drug use

Use during social activities with friends

Medical drug use

Relieve an unpleasant emotional state, self-medication

Addictive drug use

Dependent on regular use to feel good. Experience withdrawal symptoms. The most regular and frequent substance use

Formal operations stage

11 to 15 and up. Capable of thinking logically and abstractly. People learn logic and reasoning, problem-solving

Actual self

Person's perception of the self as it is, contrasted with the possible self

Possible self

Persons conceptions of the self as a potential he may be

Ideal self

Person one would like to be

Feared self

Person one imagines it is possible to become but dreads becoming

False self

Self a person may present to others while realizing that it does not represent what he or she is actually thinking and feeling. Most likely to occur with potential romantic partners. Least likely to occur with friends

Frontal lobe

In charge in judgment and impulse control. Not mature until the mid-20s

Synaptic pruning

With the ring of synaptic connections that are not used. Rapid in adolescents with higher intelligence. Allows brain to become more efficient

Hypothetical deductive reasoning

Process of applying scientific thinking to cognitive tasks. Example: use hypotheses to figure out problems.

Postconventional morality

Only reached if adolescent is exposed to the idea of rights of other people.

Adolescent egocentrism

Difficulty distinguishing between their own thoughts in the faults of others

Imaginary audience

Believe that others are acutely aware of and are attentive to one's appearance and behaviors. Leads to increased self consciousness.

Personal fable

Belief in the uniqueness of their personal experiences in their personal destiny. Decreases with age, but never completely disappears.

Permissive culture

Expect adolescence to have sex. Promote safe sex

Restrictive culture

Sexual activity is rare among adolescents due to strong cultural taboo

Semi restrictive cultures

Mixed message about the acceptance of having sex in adolescence. Adolescents have sex but might not be comfortable to seek contraception.

Three components of bullying

Aggression, physical or verbal. Repetition, pattern overtime. Power imbalance, bully is a higher peer status than victim.