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27 Cards in this Set

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Functions of the skeletal system

Makes movement possible by working concert with muscle contraction and relaxation

Stores calcium

Forms blood cells- process is called hematopoiesis Ty

4 Types of bones

Long (humerus)

Short (carpals)

Flat (frontal skull)

Irregular (vertebrae)

Sometimes sesamoid aka round is recognized (patella knee cap)

Structure of long bones

Epiphyses - ends of the bone that are spongy and contain red bone marrow

Periosteum - strong, fibrous membrane covering bone everywhere except at joint surface

Structure of flat bones

Open spaces within spongy bone surrounded by bony trabeculae

Section of a flat bone

Compact bone and cancellous bone (diploë)

Microscopic structure of bones

Spongy texture from needle like threads of bone called trabeculae found in epiphyses of bones & spaces contain red bone marrow

Bone types

Compact - structural unit is an osteon- calcified matrix arranged in multiple layers called concentric lamella

Covered by periosteum


Structural unit called osteon or haversian system composed of concentric lamella, lacunae, canaliculi, central canal of osteon contrails blood vessel

Texture results from trabeculae

What is osteoblasts and osteoclasts

New bone forming cells are called osteoblasts

Bone reabsorbing cells are osteoclasts

Divisions of skeleton

Axial (80 bones) skull, spine, thorax

Appendicular upper and lower extremity, including shoulders and hips

False vs real ribs

Real 1-7

False 8-10

Upper extremities

Shoulder, arm, forearm, wrist, hand, fingers

Lower extremities

Hip and pelvic girdle formed by two coxal pelvic bones with sacrum and coccyx behind

Acetabulum definition

Cup shaped socket that articulates head of femur

Amphiarthrosis definition

Cartilage connects to articulating bones (symphysis pubis)

Paget disease (osteitis defórmans)

Episodes of frenzied bone resorption and bone growth

Osteogenesis imperfecta definition

Brittle bone disease - lack of organic matrix

Osteogenesis imperfecta definition

Brittle bone disease - lack of organic matrix

Osteomyelitis definition

Bacterial Infection of the bone usually staphylococcus

Osteogenesis imperfecta definition

Brittle bone disease - lack of organic matrix

Osteomyelitis definition

Bacterial Infection of the bone usually staphylococcus

Open (compound) vs closed (simple) fracture

Open means bone exposed

Closed means no bone exposed

Osteogenesis imperfecta definition

Brittle bone disease - lack of organic matrix

Osteomyelitis definition

Bacterial Infection of the bone usually staphylococcus

Open (compound) vs closed (simple) fracture

Open means bone exposed

Closed means no bone exposed

Osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease definition

Most common noninflammatory disorder of moveable joints

Rheumatoid arthritis vs gouty arthritis vs infectious arthritis

Rheumatoid is systemic autoimmune chronic inflammation

Gouty is synovial caused by sodium irate crystals

Infectious is arthritis caused by a pathogen can be caused from arthropods such as ticks