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36 Cards in this Set

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Name the places in the large data set and what country they’re in?

• Heathrow (Eng)

Leuchars (Scotland)

• Hurn (Eng, near Bournemouth)

• Leeming (Eng, near York)

Camborne (England, near land’s end)

• Beijing (China)

• Jacksonville (USA)

• Perth (Australia)

Which is further south. Camborne or Hurn?

Camborne (but not by much)

Which is further south. Jacksonville or Beijing?

Jacksonville (not by much)

Name the only place in the Southern Hemisphere?


Furthest north place?


In what two years was data collected?

• 1987

• 2015

Between which months in the years of 1987 and 2015 was data collected?


May - October

What is daily mean temperature measured in?


What is daily total rainfall measured in?


What is daily total rainfall measured in?

mm (millimetres)

What is daily total sunshine measured in?


What does the daily total sunshine actually measure?

The amount of solar radiation exceeding a threshold (i.e. the amount of bright sunshine recorded on the day of entry)

NB. Small amounts of sunshine won’t be recorded.

What does the daily total rainfall actually measure?

Measures both rainfall and any solid precipitation (including snow and hail)

NB. Snow and hail is melted down and measured in the same way as rainfall

What does the daily maximum relative humidity actually measure?

How close the air is to being saturated with water vapour

What is daily maximum relative humidity measured in?

It’s a percentage (%)

A day has a maximum relative humidity of above 95%. What was the day like?


• Daily mean max relative humidities of >95% are associated with mist and fog

A day has a maximum relative humidity of above 95%. What was the day like?


• Daily max relative humidities of >95% are associated with mist and fog

What is daily mean windspeed measured in?


How do you convert knots to mph?

1 knot = 1.15 mph

What is daily maximum gust measured in?


What is daily mean wind direction measured in?

Degrees (°) from true north

Daily mean wind direction values are not very accurate. Why?

Values are rounded to the nearest 10 degrees

What does the daily maximum gust direction actually measure?

The direction from which the wind was blowing when the maximum gust was measured

What is daily mean cloud cover measured in?

Eighths (Oktas)

What does the daily mean cloud cover actually measure?

The fraction of the celestial dome covered by cloud

There is an alternative unit of daily mean windspeed included in the data set. What is this unit?

Beaufort scale

Goes from 0-12

There is an alternative unit for daily mean wind direction and daily mean gust direction in the data. What is this unit?

(Only UK locations)

Given as cardinal directions also

e.g. N or NW or NNW

What does daily mean visibility actually measure?

The greatest distance at which an object can be seen and recognised in daylight, or at night could be seen and recognised if the general illumination were raised to daylight level

• visibility is measured horizontally

What is daily mean visibility measured in?

Dm (Decametres)


It says that for mean daily visibility.

A dash indicates data not available.

But in the set there are no days where no data was collected for this variable. So careful in questions.


What is it important to note about how daily mean temperature is measured?

Air temperatures are recorded by:

• thermometers 1.25m above short grass (at some weather centres)


• from a non-standard roof top exposure (at other weather centres)

NB. This could account for any differences in temperature recorded

What is daily mean pressure measured in?

hPa (hectopascals)

What is the conversion for hectopascals to millibar?

1 hPa = 1 millibar (mb)

Which variables have values missing? How does each denote a missing value? Why are the values missing?

• daily mean temperature (technically but hardly ever) - n/a - data not available

• daily total rainfall

n/a - data not available (technically but hardly ever)

tr - trace amounts (less than 0.05mm) - (this actually occurs a lot)

daily total sunshine - n/a - data not available (very frequency in early 1987 data)

daily mean windspeed - n/a - data not available (very frequency in early 1987, in fact it just isn’t recorded for a large period of time)

• daily maximum relative humidity - n/a (technically but hardly ever)

• daily mean visibility - a dash (-) indicates data not available (I can’t see one of these anywhere)

UK weather centres have data for all the variables. Non-UK weather centres do not.

Which variables do Non-UK centres have data for?

• daily mean air temperature

• daily total rainfall

• daily mean pressure

• daily mean wind speed (knots and Beaufort conversion)

Cloud cover can take values between?

0 and 8

NB. this makes it the target for a discrete uniform distribution each probability is 1/9