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14 Cards in this Set

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★words that convey information have cognitive meaning

★words that express or evoke feelings have emotive meaning(ስድብ/አድናቆት)

Term and value claim

a Term serves as the subject of a statement it includes common noun,proper noun and descriptive phrases like the author of Ulysses,the worst student in class

★A value claim is a claim that something is good, bad, right, wrong.

OR better, worse, more important or less important than something else.


★factual dispute:different opinions

verbal dispute:language misunderstanding

:a'm'biguous: having more than 1 distinct meanings like bank(bank of a river or bank for money),race

:vague: bordeline cases,hazy&imprecise Ex how rich is rich,how tall is tall

Cognitive meaning of terms



Empty extension:non existent examples like flying elephants

★#bin# increasing intention is from broad to specific

★⬆intention=⬇extention and viseversa

Defination:definiendum(to be defined)&definiens(does the defining)

Types(purposes) of a defination #split#

★stipulative defination:assigns a meaning to a word for the first time

✔Neither true nor false

Ex choodle means a cross between a chihuahua and a poodle.

★persuasive:define ሲያረገው ጥሩነቱን ወይ መጥፎነቱን አብሮ ያሳያ

★percising:⬇vagueness,percising is not arbitrary like stipulative

★lexical:dictionary defination 1,2,3(different meanings of a single word➡used to eliminate ambiguity)

✔The best defination,it can be said true or false

★theoretical:scientific+non dictionary


Intentional and extentional definations


:demonstrative(ostensive):pointing to them

:enumerative:proper noun

:defination by sub'c'lass:common noun


:synonyms:both definens and definindum are single word

:genius and difference:ሁለት በጣም ተመሳሳይ የሆኑ ነገሮች + a difference;genius(larger class)&species(smaller class)

:etymological:a words ancesstory

:operational:a substance/thing is ..... If this procedure is fullfilled



Criteria for lexical defination

★should not be broad(to much definiens) or narrow(too little definiens)

★should not be -ve when it can be +ve(affirmative)

★should avoid circularity Ex silence means the state of being silent

★should not be figurative(ቅኔ) and obscure(hidden)

★not have affective terminology (not play on the emotions of the reader)


★formal fallacies occur in the form(structure) of the argument,syllogisms

★informal fallacies occur in the information(content) of the argument.(የምናጠናው)

Fallacies of relevance(when the premises are irrelevant to the conclusion)#ma⁵rs#

★m'i'ssing the point(ignorantio elenti):ከpremisኦቹ ጋር የማይገናኝ conclusion:

★appeal to force(ad-boqulum):threat(ማስፈራራት) which could be physical or psychological:

★appeal to pitty:ልመና:

★appeal to the people(adpopulum) direct: addresing a crowd and creating a mob mentality,uses words like ladies and gentleman

★Appeal to the people indirect(to a single or few individuals

✔Snobbery:selected/choosen ones or elites are doing it so you should it

✔bandwagon:all(most) people are doing it so you should do it

✔Vanity:famous people are doing it so you should do it

★arguments against the person(adhominum) always involves 2 arguers ,the 1st arguer says something,the second arguer attacks the person rather than the idea


⚫circumstantial:you are biased:

⚫tu-quoque:your talk and action are opposite so your talk is invalid

★accident:using a general rule in exeptions where it doesn't apply:

★red hearing:changing the subject:

★strawman: always uses 2 arguers

misinterpretation,distortion or ማጋነን of someones argument

Fallacies of weak induction:when the premises provide a tiny bit of support to the conclusion but its not enough:#wishfull# s+l from last sl

★weak analogy(የማይመስል comparison) uses the word Like

★appeal to ignorance:no body has proven she can't so she can

Exception❶when a prosecutor fails to prove guilt ❷when a qualified investigator searches for something and fails to find it

★slipery slope: insignificant event➾ chain of events➾disaster

★hasty generalization:when conclusion is made from an atypical sample(too small and not randomly selected)


★false cause

✔post-hoc-ergoproptor-hoc:two things are related just because they occur one after the other

✔noncausa-procausa:choosing the wrong cause or 2 things are related just because they occur over the same interval of time.


Every time I go to sleep, the sun goes down. Therefore, my going to sleep causes the sun to set

✔oversimplified cause:ለአንድ ነገር ብዙ causeኦች እያሉ አንዱን ብቻ መርጠን እንደ ብቸኛ cause መውሰድ

✔gamblers cause:to say events in a game of chance are causely connected.

★Appeal to unqualified authority :የማይመለከተው ሰው የሰጠውን አስተያየት እንደ proof መውሰድ

Fallacies of presumption#ABC²D²E²#

♦Amphiboly(ambiguity):በgrammer/punctuation error ምክንያት the whole statment can be interpreted in more than 1 ways.

When the arguer evaluates others argument

♦begging the question(no evidence the evidence is the argument itself)

✔Reasonning in a circle(restating the conclusion as a premise),leaving out a key premise.

♦Complex questions

ብዙ ጥያቄዎችን እንደ አንድ ጥያቄ ማቅረብ

Ex have you always been this insensitive? Yes(insensetivity) No(past insensetivity)

♦Com'p'osition: part to whole

♦division:whole to part

♦False dichotomy:

Presents 2 unlikely options as if they are the only ones available

✔Always involves either or atleast በድብቅ

♦Equivocation:Meaning of a word changes within a single argument.

Ex መጀመሪያ fan እንደ አድናቂ ከዛደሞ እንደ ማሽን

By the arguer himself

suppresed evidence

What is an argument

★an argument can only be constructed by using a statment(proposition)

★an argument always tries to prove something:it has exactly 1 conclusion and atleast 1 premise

⚫premise(factual claim):is a statement that provides support(evidence) for the conclusion

⚫the conclusion:is the statement that follows from the evidences(premises)

Premise and conclusion indicators

★premise indicators#bigsofa#

Because,in that,given that,since,owing to,for,as

★conclusion indicators

hence,whence,thus,implies that,entails that,we may infer,as a result

⚫Since WW2,for 20 years:in this cases since & for are not indicators

⚫In arguments with no indicators the 1st statment is often the conclusion