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18 Cards in this Set

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wakan tanka

in Lakota Indian medicine, the “great spirit,”

creation's great mystery that represents sacred medicine

blacks hills/paha sapa

a group of mountains in W South Dakota and NE Wyoming sacred to the sioux

sun dance

a dance performed by North American Plains Indians in honor of the sun and to prove bravery by overcoming pain, putting bone shards under pecks while dancing around the pole theyre attached to

sacred pipe

a long, ornamented tobacco pipe used ceremonially by North American Indians, a gift from the white buffalo woman

vision quest/hanblechia

an attempt to achieve a visit from a future guardian spirit, traditionally undertaken at puberty by boys of the Plains Indian peoples, typically through fasting or self-torture

medicine person

traditional healer and spiritual leader

AIM (american indian movement)

advocacy group in the United States, founded in July 1968 in Minneapolis, Minnesota; formed to address American Indian sovereignty, treaty issues, spirituality, and leadership, while simultaneously addressing incidents of police harassment and racism against Native Americans forced to move off of reservations and away from tribal culture

wounded knee

a massacre that began with police wanting to disarm the lakota, a scuffle turned into the murder of nearly 300 native americans

residential schools

a government-supported boarding school for children from American Indian and Inuit communities where they were ripped away from their culture and mistreated

mt. rushmore

a mountain in the Black Hills of South Dakota; the likenesses of Washington and Jefferson and Lincoln and Roosevelt arecarved on it

white buffalo woman

legend of a beautiful woman who encounters two men, one man tries to sleep with her and she tries to kill him, the other runs and is given the sacred pipe to bring prosperity to his people

ghost dance

proper practice of the dance would reunite the living with the spirits of the dead and bring peace, prosperity, and unity to native peoples throughout the region


a small, soft, blue-green, spineless cactus, native to Mexico and the southern US; used in ceremonies and as a supplement to get indians into their vision quests

medicine wheel

center of stone(s), and surrounding that is an outer ring of stones with "spokes", or lines of rocks radiating from the center with the spokes facing East, South, West and North following the cardinal directions




spirit of death


a supernatural force similar to mana believed by the Sioux to pervade animate and inanimate objects in varying degrees sometimes giving them extraordinary powers and usually assumed to be the cause of extraordinary happenings


a small shelter, made of stone or wood, which is heated with hot stones (to which water is often applied, to produce steam) and used theraputically; to promote sweating and to

increase circulation and detoxification