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14 Cards in this Set

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Who discovered the gram staining procedure?
Hans Christian Gram.
After a gram positive bacteria is correctly stained; what color is it?
After a gram negative bacteria is correctly stained; what color is it?
Red or Pink.
What does a gram-positive cell and a gram-negative cell have in common in relation to their cell walls?
Both gram-positive and gram-negative cells have a layer of peptidoglycan in their cell walls.
What is different in a gram-positive cell and a gram-negative cell in relation to their cell walls?
A gram-positive cell has a thick layer of peptidoglycan whereas a gram-negative cell has a thin layer of peptidoglycan surrounded by a lipid-filled outer membrane.
What is removed during the decolorization step on a gram-negative cell?
The lipid-membrane and the crystal violet-iodine complex.
Around how many hours can a culture be used until the results might become inconsistant?
24 hours.
What is in the gram staining kit?
Crystal Violet, iodine, alcohol decolorizer and safranin.
Should you wait for the liquid content to dry on slide before heat-fixing?
Should you heat-fix before staining an organism?
What is the first application you use on a gram staining procedure and how long do you keep it on?
Crystal violet and for 30 seconds.
What is the second application you use on a gram staining procedure and how long do you keep it on?
Gram's iodine and for 1 minute.
What is the third application of a gram staining procedure and how exactly do you execute it and how long do you keep it on?
Alcohol of decolorizer and hold at an angle when applying and 5 seconds.
What is the fourth application of a gram staining procedure and how long do you keep it on?
Safranin and for 1 minute.