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120 Cards in this Set

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Active Voice
the subject of the sentence performs the action in the verb
All caps
words printed in all uppercase letters
anecdotal lead
a type of feature lead in which a short story told at the beginning focuses in on one person's or group's experience which represents the universal experience.
art work
an illustration or photograph which may be used in combonation with typography.
the upperstroke of a letter which extends above the x-height.
block type
a clasificatio of type in which strokes and serifs are of equal density.
body type
type in which stories are set
type set thicker and heavier for emphasis
full-size newspaper measuring approx. 13 1/2 in x 21 in
typographical device or dingbat used to emphasize lists
butting heads
two or more headlines which are set right next to each other, also called tombstoning
line at the beginning of a story which gives the name of the person or persons who worte the story
completed paste up
a drawing or cartoon which distorts a person's features for effect
deletion of material on the grounds that it might be harmful to publish it.
character count
the number of characters including spaces between words that make up a piece of copy
clean copy
material that is neat properly set up and free of typographical errors
clip art
artwork obtained from books or the internet used in the design of printed materials
color printing
the reproduction of a full color photograph or illustration with the four process colors: cyan, yellow, magenta, and black. Also the use of ink any color other than black
color seperation
the filtering of each of the four process colors from the original and the recording of each color on seperate pieces of film
a bylined commentary run on the editorial/opinion page. Also in typography on leg of type.
column inch
the amount of space one column wide by one in deep
column sig
a logo that identifies a continuously run column
(1) the setting of type and laying out of a page (2) the arrangement of elements in a photograph
condensed type
a narrow type face
copy block
the text of a story or ad which has been typeset
any material prepared for publication
copy editor
persons designated to read all stories editing and revising it to correct errors in fact, spelling, grammer, and style.
copy fitting
determining the amount of material that can be places in a given space based on a specified size of type.
the exclusive right of the owner of an original intellectual property such as a story, poem, photo, work of art, etc. to make, distribute, and control copies of that work for specified number of years as guarenteed by law.
copy that describes the action in a photograph. also called a caption.
hurting the reputation of a person
the lowerstroke of a letter which extends below the baseline.
desktop publishing
the use of a computer and software applications to create, edit and store elements a publications
digital camera
camera that produces photographs electronically without film for direct input into a computer
a small abstract or naturalistic ornament such as a bullet.
display type
larger than text type used to call attention, headline
dominant element
the largest element on a page the focal point or center of visual interest
headline capitilazation that occurs as in a sentence. the first word and proper nouns and adjectives are capitilized.
dots per inch describes the resolution on an input or output device such as a printer or a scanner.
mock-up of a page or ad to show the size, shape, form, sequence, and general style for content
a persuasive piece of writing that represents the opinion of the newspaper as a whole
editorial copy
all artwork stories captions and headlines prepared for publication except for advertising
allowing explicit or implicit bias to color the facts unattributed opinion
external margin
white space on the outside edges of a page, the area outside the columns
feature story
a factual piece designed to entertain or inform the reader and hold interest all the way to the end of the story
First Amendment
this amendment forbids Congress from making any law that would restrict the freedom of the press or of religion or of speech or the right to assemble peacefully.
flush left
copy that is set so the left margin is even
the page number date and name of the pubication run at ther top of a newpaper page or the bottom of a yearbook page
follow-up story
article about events which have already taken place
a medium through which people express a variety of opinions
future angle
emphasis in a story on what will happen rather than on what has already happened
artwork and text on printed surfaces
the inner space between two facing pages
hairline rule
extremely thin line
halftone print
the reproduction of a black and white continuous tone original
a large bold headline consisting of one or two words run above a secondary headline of one or more lines which tell the gist of the story
hard news
urgent timely material that affects readers in a real way
"title" of a story which summarizes the most newsworthy facts or ideas in a story
charts diagrams graphs or maps that include illustrations or photography
initial letter
large letter set at the beginning a block of type for emphasis. Also called a drop cap
internal margin
consistent spacing btween elements on a page usually one pica
invasion of privacy
unauthorized use of a person's name or picture in an ad placing a person in a false light intrusion publication of private and embarassing facts
slanted type used for emphasis or to indicate the name of a book or a play
jump head
headline that runs of a continued section of a story that began on a different page
jump line
line used to show rear where to find the rest of the story
in headlines a smaller sized headline run above the main headline
the arrangment of body type headlines artwork and white space on a page
the opening paragraph(s) of a story
variation of typography at the beginning of a caption
the amount of space between lines of type
written or printed defamation of character which is not provably true
trademark or special type or design
lower case
type that is not capitilized
copy that runs on the editorial page and contains information about the publication's operations including the name of the editors
a layout style in which all elements form a rectagle
the publication's indentifying emblem of page one. also aclled a flag
news elements
the qualities in any event or situation which make it newsworthy
news hole
space left in the newspaper for editorial copy after the ads have been dummied
news peg
timely information that gives a feature a current angle
news story
factual, unbiased account of current events
novelty type
decorative type faces used to set a mood
not protected by the First Amendment. Obscenity is determined by community standards
information given to a reporter on the condition that it not be used in the story
op/ed page
opinion page including editorials
group of related articles that may be accompanited by artwork
page elements
artwork body type headline type and whitespace that make up page design
passive voice
the subject is acted upon by someone or something else
the process of manually sticking material on an artboard
a unit of measurement equal to 1/6 of an inch
passing off someone else's work as your own
a unit of measurement 1/72 of an inch
pull quote
display type that emphasizes a sources words
ragged right
copy set flush left
opposite of normal
opinion piece which analyzes and evaluates a creative work
rule line
a line used to accent copy
sans serif
a type classification destinguished that have no sort finishing strokes at the end of the main strokes
to print a color including black in a lighter shade that maximum
a small finishing stroke at the end of a main stroke of a letter
the name or the writer(s) of a story run at the end of the story
story that accompanies a main article and provised a particular angle
spoken or broadcast defemation which is not provably true
soft news
information that has relativley little immediate or long range bearing readers lives
spot color
the use of color other than black in a printing
spot news
news that occurs without warning
two facing pages in a publication
standing head
a graphic label in display type that introduces a section of the paper
style book/style sheet
set of written guidelines that ensure consistencies in the use of abbreviations punctuations spelling numerals etc. throughout the publication
headline that contains information of less importnace than the main headline
a paper with a 10 1/4 in by 16 in image space about half the size of a broadsheet
headline or artwork that may appear on page one to call attention to particular articles inside the paper
third person
using he, she, it, or they in place of I, we, or you
trapped white space
an area of white space in excess of the standard of internal margin on a page
a headline with a hammer on the left of two equal lines in a smaller size
the study of type and how it is used
upper case
the capital letter of a type face
headline capitilazation of the first letter of every word
white space
one of the four main design elements. Any part of the page that does not illustration or type.
the height of the lowercase letter x