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37 Cards in this Set

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- predictable stages of growth & dev; crawl before they creep, creep before they stand, and stand before they walk
- doesn't progress at same rate or pace or timing
Developmental task?
group of skills particular to each dev stage
Infant growth rate (ht & wt) is monitored via____
standardized growth chart (0-3)
Define sensitive pd?
A- for physical growth of fetus?
B- when is sens pd for infant's personality dev?
- period when person is more susceptible to positive or negative influences.
A- first 3 months
B- primary socialization occurs 1st yr
Infant grows __ inches per month
1 inch
6-12 mo infant length increases ____% vs birth length
- birth wt ___ after 6 mo
- birth wt ____ after 1 yr
- doubles; gains 1.5 lbs/wk
- triples
during fetal dev, the ___ is the fastest growing body part; at 2 mo of gestation it equals 50% of body length.
- head circumf. grows 1.5 per month during first 6 mo T or F
- posterior fontanelle closes ____
- anterior fontanelle closes betw ______
- 6-8 wks
- 12-18 mo, 14 mo avg; if still open after 21-24 mo, cause for concern
- open fontanelles allow rapid head growth
- Type of hemoglobin in infants?
- hemoglobin F (stands for Fetal); as we mature, repl by hemoglobin A; by 6 mo F is at insignificant levels
- hemoglobin F can cause physiological anemia betw ages of 2-3
how do you pull on ear lobe to look at eustachian tubes in
- child< 3 yrs
-adult > 3 yrs
- child < 3 yrs - pull down and back
- adult= pull up and back
why do babies get more resp illness?
- flat chest- can't expand lungs as much
- short straight eustachian tube- easier to have infection enter
- trachea is close to bronchi
Infant's immune system - have passive immunity forom mom; starts to diminish after 3 mo, esp IGa (in saliva) T or F
Babinski reflex?
- normal reflex for baby; baby's big toe and smaller toes will fan out (dorsiflex)
- goes away in 12-18 months of age.
- after that, and in adult, is sign of neuro damage
Gross motor dev
A- Baby sh be able to hold head upright by ___ mo
B- when you pick baby up, the head sh come up w body by ___ mo
A- 3 mo
B- 4 mo
A- Baby should be able to roll from ___ to ___ in 5 mo
B- Baby should be able to roll from ___ to ___ in 6 mo
A- stomach to back
B- back to stomach
Baby should be sitting by ___ mo
8 months
Baby should be taking 1st step by_____
- 1st year; if more than 15 mo, cause for concern
what is first pubescent change in boys?
- Testicular enlargement
A - infants' hands are closed in the first ____
B- infant can open hands after ___ mo
C- at ___ mo, infant can voluntarily grasp an object
D- at __ mo, can hold bottle, grasp their feet
E- at ____ mo, can transfer objects from 1 hand to other
F- at ___ mo, infant has well established pincer grasp, which is significant why?
A- 1st mo
B- 3 mo; sign of cerebral palsy if hands remain closed
C- 5 mo
D- 6 mo
E- 7 mo; also a big milestone to pass risk of cerebral palsy
F- 10 mo; can start to feed himself, also can put things in mouth which can be dangerous
A- at ___ mo, baby can build a tower w 2 blocks
12 mo
When sh baby start w cow's milk?
- after 1st yr, since before then can't digest lactose; can cause bleeding, GI upset
A- when sh solid foods start?
B- When sh flouride supplements start?
C- when sh baby be weaned from breast to bottle?
D- Don't give ___ to baby since it can cause botulism
A- at 4-6 mo; start w rice cereal; also time when baby gets 1st tooth; also time when baby loses protrusion reflex, so it's easier to feed
A- 12 mo old baby has ___ teeth
B- Parachute reflex
A- 6-8 milk teeth
B- protective response to falling; appears at 7 mo
Erikson's Phase 1 is from birth to ___ and is concerned with ____ vs _____
B- What is most important
- birth to 1 yr
- trust vs mistrust; trust acquired in infancy provides foundation for all succeeding phases.
B- Consistency of care is most important
Failure to learn ________ leads to mistrust. Why?
- delayed gratification
- if parents always meet their children's needs before the children signal their readiness, infants will never learn to test their ability to control the environment.
A- Cognitive Dev Theory by ___
B- Psychosocial Dev Theory by ___
A- Piaget
B- Erikson
cognition means ___
the ability to know
Sensorimotor phase?
- pd from birth to 24 mo with 6 stages
- first 4 phases occur from birth to 12 mo (infancy)
- last 2 phases occur from 12 mo to 24 mo
- in this phase, infant learns thru senses & motor activity
- infants progress from reflex behaviors to simple repetitive acts to imitative activity
What 3 crucial events take place during sensorimotor phase?
1- separation - infants learn to separate themselves from other objects in env
2- concept of object permanence - realization that objects that leave the visual field still exist; objects are permanent; important to understand separation anxiety and needed for baby to achieve attachment; occurs at 9-10 months
3- ability to use symbols so baby can think of object or situation without experiencing it
A- ____ is baby's first means of verbal communication
B- infants vocalize as early as 5-6 wks; they can imitate sounds by __ mo.
C- at ___ mo, infants can understand the word NO and obey simple commands
A- crying
B- 8 months
C- 9-10 mo
Social dev of infant:
1) attachment to mom & dad; without their influence, can have "failure to thrive
2) Play - universal language of kids; solitary or 1-sided, don't play w other kids;
3) Separation anxiety- occurs at ___ mo
4) Stranger anxiety- develops same time as separation anxiety T or F
6-8 months
A- infant smiles at __ mo and is able to laugh out loud at __ mo.
B- attachment to mother is crucial part of dev & if not achieved can lead to maladaptive behaviors T or F
A- 2 mo; 4 mo
B- T
___ is the work of children; kids can play peek a-boo at ___ months
Play; 6 mo
Separation Anxiety
A- infant understands self and mom as separate people at ___ mo
B- At ___ mo, baby protests when mom leaves or is put back in crib
C- by ___ mo, baby will anticipate mom's departure and protest before she leaves
A- 4-8 mo
B- 6 mo
C- 11-12 mo
What behaviors are exhibited with babies experiencing stranger anxiety?
- clinging to parent
- crying
- turning away from stranger