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11 Cards in this Set

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Define "kinesiology


Explain the relationship between kinesiology and biomechanics.

Kinesiology explores the muscular involvement in strength exercise and sport-specific techniques,while biomechanics look at the physical factors involved in the movement.

List and explain the three types of muscular contractions.

Concentric- muscle shortens

Eccentric -muscle lengthens

Isometric-fixed position

Define "prime mover" (agonist)

Denoting a muscle in a state of contraction,with reference to its opposing muscle,or antagonist

Define "assistant mover"

Muscle that plays a secondary role to the prime mover involved.

Explain the relationship between agonist and antagonist.

The agonist role is to contract one part of the muscle while the other muscle is relaxed which is antagonist

Define the term "stabilizer muscles" and provide an example of how it is used in an exercise.

Stabilizer muscle that steadies or holds a body part in place.it Archos the bone so that the prime mover has a firm base against which to contract. (I.e. for the muscle pull against.to create precise movements.

Explain synergy as it relates to muscle.

Synergy is use in two ways.it the work of two muscles as they connect .

Helping synergy-when two muscles contract to create one movement.

True synergy-when a muscle contract to stop the secondary action of another muscle.

List and explain the four type of muscular movement.

Sustained force movement -is movement in which continuous muscle contraction occur in order to keep moving weight.

Dynamic balance movement's - are movement in which constant agonist -antagonist muscle contractions occur in order to maintain a certain position or posture

Ballistic movement- movement in which inertial movement exist after and explosive or quick,maximum force contraction.

Guided movement- is movement that occurs when both the agonist and antagonists contract to control the movement.

Define the three imaginary planes of motion and provide and exercises for each plane of movement.

Sagittal (anteroposterior) plane: separates the body into right and left sections (bicep curls)

Frontal (coronal) plane: separates the body into anterior (front) and posterior (back) parts. (Jumping jax).

Transverse (horizontal) plane: separates the body superior (top) and inferior (bottom)sections. (Crunches).

List and explain the six primary movements that occur in the human body.

Flexion: a decrease in the angle between two body segments.

Extension: an increase in the angle between two body segments,or return from flexion.

Abduction: movement of an body part away from the midline.

Adduction: movement of an body part toward the midline.

Ratation: circular movement of a body segment about long axis.

Circumduction: movement of a part,e.g, extremity, in a circular direction.