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12 Cards in this Set

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1. What type of waste does excretion typically get rid of?
2. What are the three major forms of nitrogenous waste?

Urea (NH3 + CO2)

Uric Acid
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the three types of waste?
NH3: excreted across membrane, toxic

Urea: uses less H2O, less toxic

Uric Acid: requires least H2O but most energy, (birds, insects), least toxic
4. What are the basic steps of excretion?
blood gets filtrated, reabsorbed, secreted, excreted
5. What is the major significance of the Choanoflagellata?
nearest relative to animals
6. How do choanoflagellates eat?
collar cells: flagellum beats food into collar where it is absorbed
7. Does the Porifera have true tissues?
NO: lack true tissue
8. What does totipotent mean?
cell fate is undetermined, ability to change type
9. For the Porifera, know species, diversity, fossil origin, and habitat.
species- Parazoa

diversity- 5,500 species

fossil origin- Neoproterozoic Era

habitat- benthic marine habitats
10. What are the major cell types and functions in the Porifera?
Pinacocytes: surface layer, protective

Porocytes: surround ostial (sml) openings

Amoebocytes: food transport/structural support (spicules)

Choanocytes: collar cells, beat flagella into collar, bring in food, sperm/egg production--
11. What is the overall body design in Porifera and how does in accomplish eating, excretion, reproduction, and other major functions of life?
eating- collar cells

reproduction- sexual: sperm released then captured by choanocytes
asexual: gemmules (packages of cells) germinate and grow
12. What do humans use sponges for (besides washing dishes)?

anti-viral/ anti-cancer