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57 Cards in this Set

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problem of other minds
fundamental difficulties we have in perceiving the conscious of others
mind/body problem
how mind is related to the brain and body
Dichotic listening
task in which people wearing headphones hear different messages presented to each ear
cocktail party phenomenon
people tune in one message even while they filter out others near by
mental control
attempts to change conscious state of mind
thought suppression
conscious avoidance of thoughts
rebound effect of thought suppression
tendency of a thought to return to consciousness with greater frequency following suppression
ironic processes of mental control
mental process that can produce ironic errors because monitoring errors can itself produce them
dynamic unconscious
active system encompassing a lifetime of hidden memories, the persons deepest inner struggle to control these forces
cognitive unconscious
provoking a person’s thoughts/behaviors even though they have never experienced it
subliminal perception
a thought or behavior that is influenced by stimuli that a person cannot consiously report perceiving
altered state of consciousness
Forms of experience that depart from the normal subjective experience of the world and the mind
Instrument that measures eye movement
manifest content
A dreams apparent topic or superficial meaning
latent content
dreams true underlying meaning
activation-synthesis model
theory that dreams are produced when the brain attempts to make sense of activation that randomly occur during sleep
balanced placebo design
Study design in which behavior is observed following the presence or absence of an actual stimulus and also following the presence or absence of a placibo
harm reduction approach
Response to high-risk behyaviors that focuses on reducing the harm such behaviors have on peoples lives
hypnotic analgesia
reduction of pain through hypnosis in people who are susceptible to hypnosis
Iconic Memory
fast-decaying store of visual information
Echoic Memory
fast-decaying store of auditory information
Rehersing something in the short-term so it is stored in the long term
combining small pieces of information into larger clusters or chunks that are more easily held in short term memory
Anterograde amnesia
inability to transfer new information from the short term store into the long term store
Retrograde Amnesia
inability to retrieve information that was acquired before a particular date, usually the date of an injury or operation
Long Term Potentiation
Process whereby communication across the synapse between neurons strengthens the connection makin further communication easier
NMDA receptor
receptor site on the hippocampus that influences the flow of information between neurons by controlling the initiation of long-term potential
Retrieval cue
external information that helps bring stored information to mind
encoding specificity principle
idea that a retrieval cue can serve as an effective reminder when it helps re-create the specific way in which information was initially encoded
transfer-appropriate processing
idea that the memory is likely to transfer from one situation to another when the encoding context of the situations match
Explicit memory
act of consciously or intentionally retrieving past experience
Implicit memory
influcence of past experiences on later behavior
Procedural Memory
gradual acquisition of skills as a result of practice, or knowing how to do things
enhanced ability to think of a stimulus, such as a word or object, as the result of a recent exposure to the stimulus
Semantic Memory
network of associated facts and concepts that make up our general knowledge of the world
Forgetting what occurs with the passage of time
Retroactive interference
Situations in which information learned later impairs memory for information acquired earlier
Proactive interference
Situations in which information learned later impairs memory for information acquired later
Failure to retrieve infomration that is available in memory even though you are trying to produce it
Memory Misattribution
Assigning a recollection or an idea to the wrong source
Source Memory
recall of when, where, and how infomration was acquired
Flashbulb Memory
Detailed recollections of when and where we heard about shocking events
What are the seven sins of memory?
Transience, Bias, Absentmindedness, Blocking, Memory Misattribution, Suggestability, Persistence
Phase of classical conditioning where US and CS are presented together
second-order conditioning
Conditioning where the US is a stimulus that acquired its ability to produce learning from an earlier procedure in which it was used as a CS
spontaneous recovery
tendency of a learned behavior to recover from extinction after a rest period
biological preparedness
propensity for learning a particular kind of associations over others
law of effect
Principle that behaviors that are followed by a satisfying state of affairs tend to be repeated and those that produce an unpleasant state of affairs are less likely to be repeated
over justification effect
Circumstances when external rewards can undermine the intrinsic satisfaction of performing a behavior
intermittent reinforcement
The fact that operant behaviors that are maintained under intermittent reinforcement schedules resist extinction better than those maintained under continuous reinforcement
learning that results from the reinforcement of successive steps to a final desired behavior
latent learning
condition in which something is learned but it is not manifested as a behavioral change until sometime in the future
cognitive map
diffusion chain
mental representative of the physical features of the environment
implicit learning
Learning that takes place largely without awareness of the process or the products of information acquisition
schedules of reinforcement
Variable Ration>Fixed Ratio>Variable Interval>Fixed Interval