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45 Cards in this Set

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What is personality?

Unique and stable ways people think, feel, and behave.

What is personality comprised of?

Traits, Character, and Temperament

What is personality also?

Personality is also the study of individuals -- the underlying causes within the person of individual behavior and experience.

What are three questions regarding personality?

1. How can personality be described?

2. How can we understand personality dynamics?

3. What can be said about personality development?

What are three ways to describe personality?

Types, Traits, and Factors

What are two ways to observe personality?

Comparing people and studying individuals.

What is it called when you compare people in order to study personality?


How does Nomothetic observation work?

Studies many people and compares them on only a few numerical scores?

What's wrong with Nomothetic observation?

it makes it difficult to understand one whole person

What is it called when you study individuals for personality?


What's wrong with Idiographic observation?

Difficult! Because any description of a person implies comparison with other people.


the underlying causes within the person of individual behavior and experience.

personality dynamics

A mechanism by which personality is expressed, often focusing on the motivations that direct behavior.

What are the different personality dynamics?

adaptation and adjustment

cognitive processes


adaptation and adjustment

how we cope with the world, how we adjust to demands and opportunities in environment

cognitive processes

what role does thinking play? also, the ways that we label experience and the idea we have about ourselves have substantial effects on our own personality dynamics.


east versus west mentality, generation mentality

personality development

biological factors

personality changes by learning

critical years

changes in adulthood

changing personality at will

The scientific approach

systematic observation and modification


theory ( theoretical constructs and propositions)

criteria of a good theory



applied value


heuristic value

Does Freud believe that conscious experience predicts behavior and coping?

No, he thinks unconscious is more important.

Who is Freud?

he is the father of psychoanalysis

What book did Freud publish in 1900?

The interpretation of dreams

What constitutes as part of the unconscious?

psychic determinism

levels of consciousness

effects of unconscious motivation

What is psychic determinism?

it proposes that underlying psychological factors cause symptoms and other behavior.

Levels of conscious?

Our mind is like an iceberg. The majority of our psyche is beneath the "surface", or conscious.

What are the effects of unconscious motivation?

Physical symptoms




psychopathology of everyday life


projective tests

Origin and Nature of Unconscious?

created by childhood experiences and repression

what is the ID?

functions according to the pleasure principle. Its energy comes from libido

Characteristics of ID instincts?

source, pressure, aim, power

What is the EGO?

reality principle. logical thought. most people's current state of unconscious. uses defense mechanisms.

What is the SUPEREGO?

Internal representative of righteousness. EGO's ideal state of being.

What is the energy hypothesis?

repression requires energy


ego may fail in adapting to reality and maintaining an integrated personality.

different types of anxiety

neurotic, moral, reality

defense mechanisms


reaction formation







what is denial?

not acknowledging parts of reality

what is reaction formation

switching unacceptable impulses to acceptable ones

what is projection

disguising one's own threatening impulses by attributing them to other people

what is displacement

shifting sexual or aggressive impulses toward a less threatening object or person

what is rationalization

offering self-justifying explanations in place of the real, more threatening, unconscious reasons for one's actions

what is identification

a person fuses or models after another person

what is isolation

conflictful material is kept disconnected from other thoughts

what is intellectualization

a person focuses on thinking and avoids feeling

what is sublimation

Finding a socially acceptable aim and object for the expression of an unacceptable impulse