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180 Cards in this Set

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The work, Ancestors of the Passage: A Healing Journey through the Middle Passage by _______ treats the subject of slavery and its effects on women.
Imna Arroyo (p. 50-51)
_______ is(are) usually necessary for someone to be able to create art from the ideas in his/her imagination.
training & practice (p. 14)
Ideals of beauty are:
culturally influenced (p. 45)
Ludwig Hohlwein's poster "Und Du?" is an example of:
propaganda (p. 37-38)
In the formalist approach the chief emphasis to judging quality in art is on ________.
how the artist manipulates elements of design (p. 48)
Censorship of art was never an issue until the twentieth century.
FALSE (p. 30-31)
Some artists cannot easily explain why they create art. For them, it is ________.
an inner calling (p. 13)
Three-dimensional artworks have ________.
height, width, and depth (p. 16)
A work of art can be judged from very different points of view.
TRUE (p. 46-47)
Georgia O'Keeffe wanted to paint an exact representation of what she saw in nature.
FALSE (p.22-23)
There are no absolute guidelines for judging ________ in art.
quality (p. 46)
The meaning found in art, including the subject-matter and the emotions, ideas and symbols is called __________.
content (p. 32)
Piet Mondrian's Composition (B) En Bleu, et Blanc (Composition in Blue, Yellow, & White) is an example of __________.
nonobjective, or nonrepresentational, painting (p. 20)
For Paul Klee, the act of artistic creation seemed to be a way of approaching ________.
the unseen (p. 42)
When someone pays an artist to create a work of art it is called a ________.
patronage (p. 37)
A naive artist is someone who has never been formally trained in the techniques of art.
TRUE (p. 42)
Maya Ying Lin said she wanted her Vietnam Veterans' Memorial to be _________.
honest about the reality of war (p. 35)
An artist who uses abstraction as an approach is:
extracting the essence of the real object (p. 20)
In Western society, the acceptance of art by women and artists of color has been subject to racial and gender stereotyping.
TRUE (p. 50-51)
The first purpose of applied arts is to:
serve some useful function (p. 24)
Complementary colors are those that are:
opposite each other on the color wheel (p. 133)
During the Renaissance, European painters developed the technique of chiaroscuro, which means:
light and shade (p. 118)
When the figure and ground are about equal in area an artist can create a _________, in which either color can be interpreted as lying on top of the other.
figure-ground reversal (p. 96)
When two-dimensional images are made to look three-dimensional it is called:
illusion (p. 82)
The surface quality of a work is called:
texture (p. 110)
The shapes in Matisse's painting The Snail are called hard-edged because ________.
their boundaries are clearly distinguished (p. 85 & 88)
When a visual effect is so realistic it fools our perception it is called ________.
tromp l'oeil (p. 115)
Atmospheric perspective is a way to ___________.
show deep space by making distant things hazy (p. 101)
On its most basic level, three-dimensional art physically _________.
occupies space (p. 91)
The sculptor Henry Moore was interested in the interplay between _________.
positive form and negative space (p. 80)
Alexander Calder's Cow uses _________ lines to create a sense of three-dimensionality and to emphasize the overall form of the image.
contour (p. 58 & 91)
Real-world objects taken from trash heaps and used in art are called:
found objects (p. 93)
In art the term "scale" refers to:
relative size (p. 105)
The phrase "point of view" is used in art to indicate where the viewer is standing in relation to the figures in the artwork.
TRUE (p. 103)
A shape placed on a two-dimensional surface establishes a _________.
figure-ground relationship (p. 94)
Edward Steichen's photograph Rodin: The Thinker is a good example of the use of:
value and contrast (p. 118)
Sculptures that project out from a two-dimensional ground are called:
reliefs (p. 72)
Linear perspective is a mathematical system used to show:
recession in space (p. 97)
Anish Kapoor's Cloud Gate employs reflected light to capture the viewer's attention.
TRUE (p. 124)
A mark or area that is significantly longer than it is wide may be perceived as _______.
a line (p. 57)
Balance is a principle of design based on the __________.
visual weight one assigns to parts of a work (p. 177)
Because _________ there is visual tension created in Nancy Graves' work Trace.
it is intentionally unbalanced (p. 179-180)
Repetition can be used in decorative works to create an all-over __________.
pattern (p. 168)
The __________ was critical to Frank Gehry in designing the Guggenheim Bilbao Museum.
environmental setting (p. 192-193)
The use of multiple triangles by Lucy Pettway in her artwork Birds in the Air exemplifies the organizing principle of:
repetition (p. 165)
In Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper, Christ is the most important figure, and his place in the composition is as the:
focal point (p. 185)
The ceremonial blanket from the Haida culture is an example of symmetry because __________.
the left side and the right side are identical (p. 177)
The painter Wassily Kandinsky believed that coherence and harmony in a painting could be achieved by using only ________.
colors and shapes, with no references to the physical world (p. 194-195)
Rhythm can be achieved by using:
shape or form, color, and line (p. 175)
In the rock garden of Ryoan-ji Temple, the relationship of sand to rocks and rock to rock formed out of meditation of the universe, not on adherence to a human system.
TRUE (p. 191)
_________ refers to the principle called "economy of means".
Paring away extraneous details (p. 187)
Rhythm in art can be compared with rhythm in music.
TRUE (p. 175)
A way of using the principle of variety so that two dissimilar things are compared is commonly called ________.
contrast (p. 172)
If an artist is drawing the human figure in proportion:
each body part should be in relative size to the others (p. 189)
All works of art have a focal point
FALSE (p. 185)
The golden rectangle is a way of establishing the:
ideal proportion of space (p. 189)
The use of multiple similar torsos by Magdelena Abakanowicz in her piece Backs is an example of the organizing principle of:
repetition (p. 165)
In Essence Mulberry, Helen Frankenthaler's use of gray paint the same color as the ground creates a ________.
transition (p. 169 & 171)
The principle of repetition works because our brains prefer order to chaos.
TRUE (p. 165)
Instead of using mathematical devices to unify the image in The Boating Part, Pierre-Auguste Renoir employed _________.
color and the objects in the scene to link groups of people (p. 182-183)
There are special crayons made of grease for use in lithographic printing.
TRUE (p. 209)
The word used to refer to the material with which the artist works is __________.
medium (p. 198)
Ink that is thinned with water or spirit and brushed on to suggest tone is called a ________.
wash (p. 213)
Charcoal can only be used in a quick, sketchy manner.
FALSE (p. 203)
During its history in China, brush and ink painting was ________.
considered spiritually expressive (p. 211)
Conte crayon is ________.
versatile and can be used for softness or sharp lines (p. 209)
The subtle value gradations Leonardo da Vinci created with chalk in "The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne and John the Baptist are called:
sfumato (p. 206)
Of the tools for drawing that are classified as "dry" the most commonly used is:
graphite pencil (p. 201)
Georges Seurat was able to get a range of values from Conte crayon by __________.
working on textured paper (p. 209)
Leonardo da Vinci's "The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne and John the Baptist" is a full-sized chalk drawing done as a model for a painting. This work is, thus, called a:
cartoon (p. 204)
Kathe Kollwitz's "Self-Portrait with a Pencil" shows that charcoal is often used because:
the fact that it smudges easily allows artists to exploit effects in toning the image (p. 203)
Drawing pens are sometimes made of bird feathers which are called quills.
TRUE (p. 210)
The word "pastel" is usually associated with ________ tones.
pale (p. 207)
In his drawing "Fish Skeletons" Hyman Bloom reverses the usual technique for pen and ink by:
using white ink on dark paper (p. 210)
Corot's Civita Castellana illustrates how the use of graphite pencils ___________.
can result in many value gradations, are good for drawing small precise lines like hatching, and can create many variations of grays and blacks (p. 202)
In early tempera painting that used gold leaf, the gold was applied:
over a surface of red gilder's clay, then burnished (p. 223)
Some nonobjective painters of the twentieth century worked on unsized canvas:
so that the paint would be absorbed right into the canvas (p. 218)
Drawing and painting are two separate things, with no similarities between them.
FALSE (p. 215)
The medium used by Kurt Schwitters for Merz 19 is called:
collage (p. 239)
Vincent Van Gogh's painting The Starry Night shows his use of impasto, which gives the painting surface textures ___________.
three-dimensionality (p. 217)
Ambrogio Lorenzetti's Allegory of Peace is a fresco, which was painted directly onto:
wet plaster walls (p. 219)
One of the main properties of tempera paint is:
it dries very quickly to a matte finish (p. 223)
In theory, acrylic paints are permanent and will never deteriorate.
TRUE (p. 236)
Encaustic must always be kept cool while it is being applied.
FALSE (p. 218) *Encaustic uses hot wax which becomes more difficult as it cools
Mosaics are an art form that is still used today.
TRUE (p. 240)
Correggio's painting Danae seems to glow because the artist used ________: layers of pigment suspended in a transparent medium.
glazes (p. 228)
Of painting media, the only one that does not dry quickly is:
oil (p. 224)
For his huge murals of Mexican political history, Diego Rivera __________.
sketched directly onto the wall with red chalk or charcoal (p. 219-220)
The Young Woman with a Gold Pectoral is an example of the early method of painting known as ________ in which pigment is suspended in hot wax.
encaustic (p. 218)
In general, paint is made by suspending ____________ in a liquid medium and adding a binder.
pigment (p. 215)
Graphic designers usually work with other people, such as marketing specialists and clients.
TRUE (p. 269)
Although graphic design is for commercial purposes, some designs, like Toulouse-Lautrec's poster, have been treated like ________.
fine art (p. 269)
The advertisement for the Chicago Spire shown in Wallpaper magazine relies on _________ to lure us into wanting to know more about the product.
a sparse illustration (p. 274)
The image by Alberto Seveso used for the cover of a magazine about computer arts includes elements suggesting the ___________, and are meant to evoke the mind of a young computer designer at work.
unraveled strands of computer circuitry (p. 275-276)
Peter Good feels that, unlike Europeans, American culture is not generally receptive to ___________.
ambiguity (p. 270)
A good graphic designer will ____________.
consider the taste and interests of the public, elicit a certain feeling toward the public, and lure the public into wanting to know more (p. 268-269)
According to Peter Good, graphic designers should ___________.
be constantly open to new ways of seeing things (p. 270)
The edition of The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer published by William Morris and Edward Burne-Jones is a good example of __________.
harmony of design (p. 275 & 277)
For The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, William Morris and Edward Burne-Jones created a special Gothic ___________ to allude to the period in which the stories were originally written.
typeface (p. 275 & 277)
Typefaces are often chosen according to the ___________ messages they convey.
psychological (p. 273)
In 1976, Peter Good designed the "I Love New York" slogan of a red heart between black, block letters that was designed to promote tourism to the city.
FALSE (p. 268) Created by Milton Glaser
Paul Rand, who designed the IBM logo, believed that corporate logos should ___________.
consist of simple, universal, and timeless shapes (p. 269)
The Graphic Design guru Milton Glaser once said, "I like to design something for institutions that did no harm and for personalities that I feel comfortable with."
TRUE (p. 276)
The two major ingredients of graphic design are:
letters and images (p. 272)
The cover image from Computer Arts Interactive shows the importance of ____________ in magazines.
illustrations (p. 275-276)
A big improvement in photography, based on Fox Talbot's work, was:
the development of a means of creating multiple copies of an image (p. 280)
From the time of the Renaissance, some artists used a camera obscura, which was a ___________.
dark room or box that used light to show images on a surface (p. 279)
The photographer best known for is experiments in placing still pictures into a sequence to analyze motion is:
Eadweard Muybridge (p. 295)
For the past few decades videos by fine artists have been included in the collections of great museums.
TRUE (p. 305)
The purpose of Dante Gabriel Rossetti's photograph of Jane Morris was to:
serve as a study for a drawing (p. 281)
The word photography is Greek for _________.
writing with light (p. 279)
Dorothea Lange's photograph Migrant Mother, Nipomo, California, is an example of ___________ photography.
documentary (p. 283)
One of the very earliest popular uses of photography was __________.
for portraits whose aim was capturing a perfect likeness (p. 280)
The ___________ offers an example of how, before the advent of color photography, patrons had themselves photographed before a false backdrop with details hand painted.
Portrait of a Landowner (p. 281)
The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari is an example of the _________ style of film-making.
expressionist (p. 299)
Ordinary television signals are transmitted ________.
through the air (p. 304)
The photographs of Ansel Adams have played a major role in:
land conservation efforts (p. 284-285)
This film uses 4 separate and conflicting points of view to make a statement about truth.
Rashomon (p. 303)
In a film, the splicing together of a variety of shots at the editing stage is called a:
montage (p. 299)
When a single scene in a film continues for several minutes with no break it is called:
an extended take (p. 296)
Artists use found objects to create artwork by a process called:
assembling (p. 340)
In fifteenth-century Benin sculptors were supported by _________.
patronage of the king (p. 332)
A gouge, a mallet, and a scraper are tools used for _________.
carving wood (p. 329-330)
The sculpture, Pod Pocha by Ursula von Rydingsvard employs both stacking of elements and carving away to suggest _________.
the natural processes of geological layering and erosion (p. 341)
For his monumental sculptures, such as Torqued Ellipses, Richard Serra uses computer modeling to work out __________.
basic coordinates, balance, layout and shape (p. 328)
In Michelangelo's David the figure's head and shoulders are in a slightly opposite direction than his hips and legs, in a pose called:
contrapposto (p. 334)
The ability of sculptural material to resist forces of pressure, like gravity, is called its:
tensile strength (p. 330)
Artwork made of impermanent found objects is referred to as ________.
ephemeral (p. 344)
The lost-wax process of bronze casting can only be used for small objects.
FALSE (p. 337)
Michelangelo believed that one piece of marble was the same as another.
FALSE (p. 331)
Stone can be polished to be very smooth.
TRUE (p. 334)
This sculpture by Louise Nevelson, called Black Wall is made of various pieces of wood. This sculpture is called an:
assemblage (Ch. 10 PPT)
Zoe Leonard creates sculptural installations, such as Strange Fruit (for David), from __________ materials.
ephemeral (p. 344)
Artists like using stone for sculpture because of its:
permanence (p. 329-330)
Robert Smithson's Spiral Jetty is an example of:
earthworks (p. 346)
The bronze sculpture of Degas' Horse Galloping on Right Foot shows the details of the original:
modeling in wax (p. 335, 337)
In casting, a mold is used into which:
molten material is poured (p. 337)
The Greeks developed the ___________ process of casting, which is still used.
lost-wax (p. 337)
To keep track of where they are when carving a block, wood sculptors may __________.
draw the outline of the sculpture on the wood (p. 330)
Sculpture made from found objects is sometimes called ___________ sculpture.
junk (Ch 10 PPT)
Porcelain is considered to be the most precious of ceramic ware because it is:
pure white, non-absorbent, and very strong (p. 355)
Dale Chihuly is a major artist in the field of:
art glass (p. 365)
Iron that is worked in a heated state with hand tools is called:
wrought (p. 358)
The ancient craft of making objects from clay is called:
ceramics (p. 352)
Crafts have been highly developed since ___________.
millennia ago (p. 350)
Soft woods, such as pine and spruce, are not always easy to work with because ___________.
they may splinter while being worked on (p. 360)
The practice of ________ seems to have begun with the nomads of Central Asia.
weaving rugs for covering their tents and wrapping their possessions (p. 371)
Louis Tiffany and John La Forge developed:
the opalescent form of stained glass (p. 369)
Susye Billy, a basket weaver of the native Pomo people in California, has said natural materials for her craft are difficult to obtain because __________.
land developers have changed the natural environment (p. 369)
Some woodworkers look for "defects" in a piece of wood, like ______, as seen in Mark Lindquist's Toutes Uncommon Bowl.
burls (p. 363-364)
Most clay vessels are _______ to ensure permanence and water resistance.
baked (p. 353)
An ancient method for working with clay is called:
wheel-throwing (p. 353)
Douglas Steakley's raised vessels are an example of:
hammered copper (p. 360)
A common clay body, or mixtures of different kinds of clay, is:
earthenware (p. 352)
Wood cannot be used for extremely ornate forms.
FALSE (p. 360)
Harvey Littleton revived the art of glassmaking in the twentieth century __________ movement.
studio glass (p. 364)
Today's craft artisans experiment with new techniques only and have little or no interest in traditional methods.
FALSE (p. 350-351)
Wedging is a step in the process in which the artist:
removes air pockets from the clay (p. 353)
Any type of clay is suitable for ceramics.
FALSE (p. 352)
Slab building is a method for:
building up clay (p. 352-353)
Among the things architects consider is acoustics, or the:
science of sound (p. 392)
The walled gardens in the Alhambra were functional and provided fruits and vegetables for the royal family.
FALSE (p. 401)
The interiors of buildings with steel frameworks:
are broad open spaces (p. 400)
Buildings constructed in the International Modern Style are:
constructed along purely functional lines, largely made with glass exteriors, and lacking in ornamentation. (p. 402)
The "Nakagin Capsule Building" in Tokyo is an example of ____________.
modular construction (p. 405)
Of the names listed below, the one that is not a Greek order is:
Rhodian (p. 396) *Corinthian, Ionic, and Doric are all Greek orders
Architects are like artists working in other visual media because they:
use the elements of design and the organizing principles (p. 386-387)
R. Buckminster Fuller's architectural theory is based on forms created by nature at the molecular level.
TRUE (p. 403) *Geodesic domes
The circular interior space of the Pantheon in Rome is called a:
rotunda (p. 390)
Through its innovative architectural developments, Romans were able to build:
domes, open spaces without obstructions, and barrel vaults (p. 396)
To account for local climate in his design of an Amsterdam Bank Complex, A. Ton Alberts incorporated _________.
solar panels (p. 408)
Which of the following is hardest to carve: wood, ivory, jade, or marble?
jade (Ch 10 PPT)
Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater is a good example of the use of:
cantilevered beams (p. 405 & 407)
The Suq ai-Ainau is an excellent example of how architects adapt their designs to respond to _________.
the environment in which the structure is placed (p. 392)
The flying buttress was used in the interior of Gothic cathedrals, such as Chartres, to support the thick interior walls.
FALSE (p. 399) *Flying buttresses reduce the need for thick interior walls
The invention of balloon-frame construction came about with the development of:
mass-produced nails (p. 400) *and machined boards instead of hand-cut lumber)
Stone has been used as a building material since ancient times because of its compressive strength, which is the:
ability to support pressure without breaking (p. 394)
Eric Kuhne's Bluewater Shopping Complex in Kent, England contains a rain forest and mountain bike trails.
TRUE (p. 407)
In post-modern architecture, building designs tend to:
be expressive and individual, following no one specific style (p. 406)
Wrought iron began to be used for framing buildings in the _________ century.
nineteenth (p. 400)