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65 Cards in this Set

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main branch of anthropology; compares/contrasts contemporary and past cultures seeking to separate the cultural universals from cultural particulars

Cultural (social) anthropology

concerns itself with the biological aspects of humans and their antecedents in a cultural context

Physical anthropology or Bio-anthropology

unearth and analyze the physical remains of the culture being studied; "cultural anthropology of the past"


study the language in a cultural context; things like evolution of language and invention of writing systems

linguistic anthropology

AAA stands for

American Anthropological Association

Primary ethical obligation is to ______________


NAGPRA stands for and what is it?

Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act signed into law by George Bush in 1990. Gives natives ownership of skeletal remains or artifacts if they can prove "cultural affiliation"

Kennewick Man significance?

9000 year old skeleton that is significant in trying to answer questions about the arrival and dispersion of original Native Americans.

2D; screening of the surface of a site (surface artifacts here)

site survey

something large and unmovable (like cave wall drawing)


3D; site is laid into a grid and marked by latitude, longitude and depth; depth of artifacts/biofacts/features is noted


vertical reference to depth

datum point

exact 3D location of a artifact/biofact


use this method to find small artifacts and biofacts


place dirt into container of water so light materials float to top (fish scales, pollen granules)


black circular area, was once wood and now just carbon left from building structure

post hole

technique that gives a range of years for the date of a site

absolute dating technique

2 chemicals in relation to ABSOLUTE dating

carbon 14 and potassium argon

technique that determines date of site relative to other sites based on stratum (layers of earth)

relative dating technique

analysis of the change of styles of artifacts over time


study of pottery artifacts


study of stone tools

lithic analysis

fossilized feces


the study of the structure and function of the skeleton and bony structures.


Anthrolopologist from Cannibals of the Canyon?

Dr. Christy Turner

What was the DEFINITIVE evidence of cannibalism? (Cannibals of the Canyon)

Found coprolite w/ human myoglobin in it

What are 4 Mechanisms of Evolution?

1. Natural Selection

2. Mutation

3. Random genetic drift

4. Gene flow

change in gene frequency due to chance rather than natural selection; also called Founder's Effect

Random genetic drift

error in gene or chromosome replication; one mechanism that provides variation; can be harmful, neutral or good


dependent on variation in a species; "survival of the fittest" -- only the traits that help you survive will be passed on and therefore reproduced

natural selection

describes direct or indirect interbreeding btwn populations

gene flow (different religions)

PEOPLE (2) - calculated the exact moment of creation to be October 23rd, 4004 BC at 9AM.

Ussher and Lightfoot

PERSON - earth is millions of years old

Charles Lyell

PERSON - classification of plants and animals

Carolus Linnaeus

PEOPLE - 2 - theory of evolution by natural selection

Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace

PERSON - experimented with pea plants; "Father of Genetics" because of it

Gregor Mendel

receive this from your mother; mutates at a given rate so comparisions of this can determine how long 2 populations have been separated

mitochondrial DNA

SIX (6) Primate Tendencies

1. Grasping hands and feet, opposable thumbs, nails instead of claws

2. Shift from smell to sight as primary sense, color vision

3. Shift from nose to hand as major tactile organ

4. Increase in brain capacity

5. Increased in parental investment, tendency towards single births

6. Increased sociality

theory suggests that primates evolved while living in lower branches and undergrowth by developing visual and tactile abilities to help catch insects for food

Visual Predation Theory

theory implies that primates evolved by adapting to high life up in the trees where visual abilities would have been more important than smell; grasping hands/feet would have been important for moving along branches

Arboreal Theory

_______ means pre-monkey; list 3

Prosimiums; lemur, loris and tarsier

How do you write genus and species?

-capitalize genus ALWAYS.

-either italicize or underline it

usually shows geographical variation within a species


Dental formula for:

NW Monkey

OW Monkey


Tamarius& marmusets

1. 2133

2. 2123

3. 2123

4. 2132

Who has bilophodent molars and who has Y-5?

Bilo - NW/OW monkeys

Apes/Humans - Y5

What are the 3 parts to CP3 Complex?

1. Long canine teeth

2. Canine diastema (space where canine sits when mouth is closed)

3. Sectorial molar (lower molar acts as a shearing surface against upper canine & sharpens it)

Who has parabolic arch? and is only one?


When do molars show up?

Ages 6, 12 , 18

Where is the fornum magnum in humans? apes?

human - fwd

apes - rear

Who has a rhinarium? (2)

Lemurs and lorises

Who has haptorhini?

Humans, apes, NW/OW monkeys, tarsiers

Sexual dimorphism of:









Cranial capacity of common chimp?


MAIN difference between gibbon and siamang?

Siamang has throat sack and is larger

Lesser apes are?

Gibbon and Siamang

Lesser Apes:

-Nest/No Nest

-Tools/No Tools


-Sexual Dimorphism?

-Mating habit?

-Y-5 or Bilophodont?

-No nest

-no tools


-no sd

-mate for life


What is genus and species for 2 types of chimps?

Pan troglodytes

Pan paniscus

What is genus of orangutan?


What is genus of gorilla?


Which Great Apes are African? Asian?

African - chimp, (both species) and gorilla

Asian - orangutan

Great Apes-

-Tool use?


YES to both

Sexual/social of :



-common chimp



-harem (but solidatary)


-social-sexual over the top craziness


-NW Monkeys

-OW Monkeys





Who has nocturnal species?

NW monkeys

Who has ischial callosities (butt scabs)

OW monkeys