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20 Cards in this Set

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What are the four sub disciplines of anthropology?

Biological, linguistic, cultural, archaeology

Anthropologists’ early interest in Native North Americans…

Is an important historical reason for the development of four-field anthropology in the U.S

How are the four subfields of U.S. anthropology unified?

Each subfield studies human variation through time and space.

Cultural anthropologist carry out their fieldwork in…

all kinds of societies

Ethnography is the…

fieldwork component of cultural anthropology

Archaeologists studying sunken ships off the coast of Florida or analyzing the content of modern garbage are examples of how…

archaeologists study the culture of historical and even living peoples

What is anthropology?

the study of humans around the world and through time

Which of the following best describes biological anthropology?

the study of human biological diveristy

Primatology is a specialty within…

biological anthropology

Linguistic anthropology…

includes sociolinguistics, descriptive linguistics, and the study of the biological basis for speech

Applied anthropology…

encompasses any use of the knowledge and/or techniques of its four subfields to identify, assess, and solve practical problems

Anthropology is a science, yet it has been suggested that anthropology is among the most humanistic of all academic fields. This is because…

of its fundamental respect for human diversity.

A holistic and comparative perspective…

most characterizes anthropology when compared to other disciplines that study humans.

T or F: Human can adapt to their surroundings through both biological and cultural means


T or F: Adaptation refers to the processes by which organisms cope with environmental forces and stresses, such as those posed by climate and topography.


T or F: Archaeologists study only prehistoric communities.


What is the process by which children learn a particular cultural tradition?


The presence of more efficient respiratory systems to extract oxygen from the air among human populations living at high elevations is an example of which form of adaptation?

long-term physiological adaaptation

Over time, humans have become increasingly dependent on which of the following in order to cope with the range of environments they have occupied in time and space?T or

culture means of adaptation

T or F: Anthropologists study only non-Western cultures.
