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20 Cards in this Set

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Culture can be adaptive or maladaptive. It is maladaptive when…

cultural traits, patterns, and inventions threaten the group’s continued survival and reproduction and thus its very existence

What of the following is a cultural generality?

the nuclear family

what are cultural particularities?

traits unique to a given culture, not shared with others

The tendency to view one’s own culture as superior and to use one’s own standards/values in judging others is called…


In anthropology, cultural relativism is not a moal position but a methodoloical one. It states that

to understand another culture fully, we must try to undertstand how the people in that culture see things

Human rights are seen as inalienable. This means that...

nations cannot abridge or terminate them.

What is the term for the kind of cultural change that results when two or more cultures have consistance firsthand contact?


Which of the following is an example of independent, the process by which people in differnt societies have innovated and changed in similar but independent ways?


T or F: cultures are integrated, patterned systems in which a change in one part often leads to changes in other parts


T or F: Although humans to emply tools much more than any other animal does, tool use turns up among several nonhuman species


Regarding human capacity for culture, anthropologists agree that...

although individuals differ in their emotional and intelectual capacites, all human populations have equivalent capacities for culture

T or F: cultural particularites are unique to certain cultures, while cultural generalites are common to several cultures


T or F: Cultural relativists believe that a culture should be judged only according to the standards and traditions of that culture and not according to the standards of other cultural traditions.


T or F: Diffusion plays an important role in spreading cultural traits around the world.


Anthropologist Clifford Geertz defined culture as ideas based on cultural learning and symbols. For anthropologist Leslie White, culture originated when our ancestors acquired the ability to use symbols. What is a symbol?

something verbal or nonverbal within a particular language or culture that comes to stand for something else, with no necessary or natural connection to the thing for which it stands.

T or F: In many countries, use of the English language reflects a colonial history and is thus a consequence of forced diffusion.


T or f: Independent invention occurs when two or more cultures independently come up with similar solutions to a common problem


T or F:Acculturation is the process by which people lose the culture they learned as children


People must eat, but culture teaches us what, when, and how to do so. This is an example of how

cukture take the natural biological urges we share with other animals and teaches us how to express them in particular ways

Something, verbal or nonverbal, that stands for something else is known as a...
