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54 Cards in this Set

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What is Earth constantly doing?
Why is it difficult to explain the inside of the earth?
Because we can't see it!
What do we use to "see" what is in inside the earth.
What is direct evidence?
evidence you can see such as rocks.
What is indirect evidence?
evidence you can't see such as seismic waves.
What are the 3 MAIN layers?
Crust, mantle and core. (In that order from outer to inner)
What are 3 differences in the layers?
temperature, composition, and pressure
Solids can sometimes behave like....
Things that are more dense will be on the...,.
For every _____meters that we go down the temperature rises __ degree celcius
40m 1 degree celcius
The result of the left over heat when the earth formed is?
Why does pressure rise as you go further down through the Earth?
because of the land above you
What is the core composed of?
iron & nickel
The CORE has an inner core and an outer core. What is the inner core composed of? Outer core composed of?
outer core=liquid
inner core= solid
How many kilometer thick is the core?
3,486 km thick.
What surrounds the inner core?
molten metal
Describe the inner core.
A dense ball of solid metal
There is so much pressure in the inner core, that it can't do what?
become liquid
What are elements that the core also *MAY* contain?
oxygen, sulfur, silicon
The movement in the liquid outer core creates a what?
magnetic field
Why does a compass always point North?
magnetic fields
Name the layers from outest to inner.
Crust, Lithosphere, Asthenosphere, Mantle, Lower Mantle, Outer Core, Inner Core
What is the definetion of the crust?
Layer of solid rock that includes both dry land and ocean floor.
How thick is the crust?
5-40 km thick
What is the GREATEST thickness of the crust?
70 km thick
What is the oceanic crust and describe it? ~this is part of the crust~
Basalt, Color=dark, Texture= fine.
What type of rock is the continenetal crust made up of and describe it?
Granite, light color, the texture is coarse
Give the definetion of the Mantle.
The layer of hot, solid, material between the crust and core.
The layers in the mantle are separated based on what?
physical charicteristics
Overall the mantle is how many kilometers thick?
What is the most upper part of the mantle and crust?
How thick is the Lithosphere?
100 km thick.
What is increased in the Asthenosphere?
temperature and pressure
What are the roots for lithosphere and asthenesphere?
Why is the rock less rigid and can bend in the Asthenosphere?
More pressure and hot temperatures
What happens over time in the Atenosphere?
The rock flows
What type of rock is the continenetal crust made up of and describe it?
Granite, light color, the texture is coarse
Give the definetion of the Mantle.
The layer of hot, solid, material between the crust and core.
The layers in the mantle are separated based on what?
physical charicteristics
Overall the mantle is how many kilometers thick?
What is the most upper part of the mantle and crust?
How thick is the Lithosphere?
100 km thick.
What is increased in the Asthenosphere?
temperature and pressure
What are the roots for lithosphere and asthenesphere?
Why is the rock less rigid and can bend in the Asthenosphere?
More pressure and hot temperatures
What happens over time in the Atenosphere?
The rock flows
Describe the lower mantle.
Solid & extends to core.
What does heat make particles do?
MOVE FASTER, which takes up more space, which causes it to become LESS DENSE
What is the transfer in heat transfer?
hot to cold
What is Radiation?
moving through space
What is Conduction?
heat transfer by molecules touching
What is Convection?
heat transfer by movement of fluids.
What 2 things can fluids be?
gas or liquid
What is the mathematical equation for Density?
mass divided by volume